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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Jon Stewart Goes Off: Maybe We Should've Cared About Baltimore Before It Was 'On Fire'


  1. He's 1000% right.

  2. Really, com on man

  3. And what has Jon Stewart done about it in his life, ever?

    He makes his living making fun of people, and then feigns outrage at something like this. Sigh.

  4. Stewart is a funny guy and smarter than 95% of the news heads out there and 99% of the populice in general. Well done.

  5. i dont care about Baltimore now. Let it burn to the ground..

  6. Well, what have the Dem. Mayors been doing for the past 60 years? All of them had an opportunity to make Baltimore a better city. They chose not to, by lining their own pockets.

  7. Stewart part of the dummocRat problem.

  8. Cared about it, how? By doing exactly what, Mr. Stewart?

  9. Blogger ClaudiaBalzac said...
    Cared about it, how? By doing exactly what, Mr. Stewart?

    April 30, 2015 at 6:05 PM

    making cops accountable for their actions, getting rid of the bad ones, making policy changes to stop the brutality (and settlements).

    I have more but chew on those for awhile.

  10. That 17 million dollar Senior Center was how Maryland taxpayers were showing they cared.
    Baltimore thugs burned it down.

  11. 11:09 chew on this. Black America has failed to take accountability for the horrific black on black murder rate . The out of control drop out rate. The fatherless children. Babies having babies and lots of them. It is pure ignorance by choice.

    Blame someone hell it was the teachers. Then it was politicians, now the cops. Keep on blaming. If Black America wants answers just look in the mirror. They don't give it crap about themselves why in hell should I or anyone else waste precious time. The pitty party is over. This is about to get real.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    11:09 chew on this. Black America has failed to take accountability for the horrific black on black murder rate . The out of control drop out rate. The fatherless children. Babies having babies and lots of them. It is pure ignorance by choice.

    Blame someone hell it was the teachers. Then it was politicians, now the cops. Keep on blaming. If Black America wants answers just look in the mirror. They don't give it crap about themselves why in hell should I or anyone else waste precious time. The pitty party is over. This is about to get real.

    May 1, 2015 at 10:06 AM

    it's already 'real'. the lack of seeing the real issues was/is a big part of the problems. I must say you have been trained well.


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