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Thursday, April 30, 2015

SPD Press Release - 4-30-15 (Firearms Incident-Arrest)


  1. Really?....Cody "Braxton Hicks".

  2. 3:50 hahah!! Seriously, what a name to give a new baby...funny though.

  3. Wasn't this originally coded as a home invasion, robbery? Now they are calling it a firearms incident? Even if the other guy stole his weed from him it's still a robbery and if he fired his gun at the person as the person was fleeing then it should be coded as assault firearm. Just another example of fudged crime stats.

  4. attempted murder too. why wasn't he charged with distribution as well?

  5. "Firearms incident" is a much lesser crime in ucr. It's still a home invasion but SPD can't have that in ucr so they tell the guy, look we know you're selling weed, come clean and we will only charge you with a misdemeanor and forget about the home invasion, that would take too much work to figure out and we don't know how to investigate crimes. We will even give you some maya Bella pizza to make you feel better.


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