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Thursday, April 30, 2015

'No one gets to be a winner' after Baltimore riots, economist says

Only time will tell the full effects of violence and unrest rocking Baltimore this week, area economic experts say — but the region has already taken a blow that can only get worse in the immediate future.

"No one gets to be a winner," said Daraius Irani, chief economist at the Regional Economic Studies Institute at Towson University. "There are these negative perceptions that are very hard to shake."

Irani has heard more media references to "The Wire," Baltimore's homicide rate and the city's 1968 riots in the hours since violence broke out Monday, he said. That can build a widespread negative perception undermining investment in the city as homebuyers, businesses, conventions and tourists reconsider buying into the area for fear of violence and disruption.



  1. You kiddin? There were thousands of people looting. Only dozens were arrested. That means at least hundreds of people got to steal without consequence. Youve got to make it hurt if you want change.

  2. And look at the entertainment it gave us for a few days.The whole self destruct mechanism built into those people makes it all worthwhile,because they implode as opposed to explode.A lot has been accomplished as a result of this in a very short time period.

  3. White people are the winners.
    This activity just proves what we've been saying for years about blacks

  4. 3:37 "Looters shot on sight" would've nipped it in the bud.

  5. Had a buddy who is a paramedic student leaving Shock Trauma this morning after class.
    He was cursed by an African American stating "F you white B's" this is all your fault.
    Sad cause here's someone training to HELP people of any race-personally, I'll not be back to B-more for years to spend my money there-heck with 'em.
    I'll go north or south.

  6. you cant fix stupid just try to stay away from those idiots, and remember only whites are racists, black people love everyone

  7. Blogger bloggerhater1 said...
    You kiddin? There were thousands of people looting. Only dozens were arrested. That means at least hundreds of people got to steal without consequence. Youve got to make it hurt if you want change.

    April 30, 2015 at 3:37 PM

    there were over two hundred arrests and they released over a hundred because of the paperwork load. I don't know where you got that thousands where looting. maybe it's true, maybe it's not, but there were over 10 thousand who were protesting peacefully for days and the media ignored them.

    most of you are being played by authorities and the media and don't even know it....or care. as long as you can get your hate on you're happy

  8. "Youve got to make it hurt if you want change."

    Bloggerhater1, you apparently learned nothing from the great Dr. King. Real change came from what he did, not what Stokley Charmichael did to Cambridge.


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