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Sunday, April 05, 2015

A Viewer Writes: 4-3-15

I would like to start this conversation by saying that I am a middle aged woman. I do not have anything against people of either sex that are gay and I believe gay couples should have the right to marry. 

However there is one subject that irritates me about some gay men, and that’s the over the top feminism. I can’t stand it when women act overly flamboyant and it comes off as bad if not worse, with gay men. 

Just a heads up to those gay men, and you know who you are; please stop the theatrics. No one wants to be around someone acting that ridiculously whether they are gay or not. Women don’t like it in other women and we don’t appreciate that you feel that’s the way women act. We don’t! We’re not always fainting and screaming! We don’t have regular hissy fits! We’re strong, calm and can deal with anything that comes our way. 

Instead of focusing on the extreme actions of what you perceive as female, focus on the true grace and calm under adversity that your feminine counterparts actually possess. People will enjoy your company more when you are more enjoyable to be around.


  1. Love it when someone writes they have nothing against someone and then goes on to write what they have against them. hilarious

  2. I agree with the writer . Real women don't act like that so why do gay men act like that ?

    1. Simple... it's just a further extension of their perversion

  3. 10:08 - Thank you. The disconnect is mind bending.

  4. She never said anything against Ireton. One question though. Has Ireton ever come out and confirmed he is gay? Or is this just what everyone seems to believe? I personally could care less, but so much is written about it, I am now curious.

  5. This is the truth.
    But I don't expect to see any change, because the ones who act out like that
    (I'm thinking of a particular server at a local 'red' restaurant) do it for attention, and it's symptomatic of the deep psychological issues they have.

    Their entire demeanor screams "Look at MEEEE.."

    It's sad, but it's also very irritating.

    Bottom line: if you want us to 'tolerate' your lifestyle, don't get in our face with it.

  6. nevertheless - its so true

  7. Try again 10:08.
    Just because something someone does may irritate you doesn't by anyone's stretch of the imagination mean you have something against them.
    A child does something that irritates a parent daily. Doesn't mean the parent has something against the child which means a hostile opposition. Writer has a hostile opposition to an action not a person.

  8. Well 10:08, this lady was trying to say, if you don't know how to be a woman, stop trying because it's not going to work, you look like a jackass and no one cares to be around you. Either act like a woman, if that's your choice, or be the man you're supposed to be.

  9. I believe the term is "flaming fag".


  10. I think this kind lady was trying to say "cool your jets" Ireton

  11. I'm sorry someone isn't how you want them to be. Grow up lady!

  12. You mean "femininity," not "feminism." "Femininity" means traits and behaviors associated with females. "Feminism" is a philosophy.

  13. From the same perspective, I could care less about your sexual orientation. Gay people expect "tolerance" but do not give tolerance. Most "gay" people seem hostile, and angry all of the time. What up with that ?

  14. Anonymous said...
    This is the truth.
    But I don't expect to see any change, because the ones who act out like that
    (I'm thinking of a particular server at a local 'red' restaurant) do it for attention, and it's symptomatic of the deep psychological issues they have.

    Their entire demeanor screams "Look at MEEEE.."

    It's sad, but it's also very irritating.

    Bottom line: if you want us to 'tolerate' your lifestyle, don't get in our face with it.

    April 3, 2015 at 10:28 AM

    WTH is a local "Red" restaurant??

  15. Anonymous said...
    Love it when someone writes they have nothing against someone and then goes on to write what they have against them. hilarious

    April 3, 2015 at 10:08 AM

    Her comment is about two separate issues. Get over yourself Homo.

  16. I get offended when people say they are Ok with homosexuality and same sex marriage.

    I think they have some of the same mental issues because that is what is ruining our county.

    Bunch of pansy @ss Homos that will never be real men.

    There are a lot of normal looking women getting married to each other as well. Even worse is a beautiful girl/woman dating a masculine looking Butch. WTF!!

  17. Anonymous said...
    She never said anything against Ireton. One question though. Has Ireton ever come out and confirmed he is gay? Or is this just what everyone seems to believe? I personally could care less, but so much is written about it, I am now curious.

    April 3, 2015 at 10:24 AM

    Yes he has. Although many haven't heard it, the truth is the fact that he doesn't deny is so why would you even question it?

  18. Anonymous said...
    I believe the term is "flaming fag".

    April 3, 2015 at 10:48 AM

    That is what Salisbury's Mare is.

  19. Fag, Hag? They both fit for Salisbury's Mare. I still think Barry Tillmon was Jimbo in Drag.

  20. Gay men are NOT women!

  21. Anonymous said...
    I'm sorry someone isn't how you want them to be. Grow up lady!

    April 3, 2015 at 11:21 AM

    Is that all you got Jimmy? Grow up lady?? LMFAO. Go away you Troll.

  22. 10:08 and 10:19 Your mastery of reading comprehension skills is astounding-LOL.
    In no way shape or form nor by anyone's stretch of the imagination can a person of even a miniscule IQ level, construe this lady's letter as having something against anyone. It's an action she is against.
    Yes, do try again but this time think before you are so quick to try and be clever and witty.

  23. I can't stand people that say they don't care about someone's sexual orientation, but complain about the way they act. They act the way they do because you tolerate their lifestyle and now you want to complain. You can't have it both ways dummy. If they don't want to change then we need to force them back into the closets. Diagnose homosexuality in the DSM like it once was. Quit being a bunch of weaklings. That's WTH is wrong with this county. When people become weak expect to be walked all over.

  24. What "disconnect" is "mind bending" 10:19? Are you for real? Public school "educated" much? If you happen to have a degree you are the perfect example of money wasted.
    As stated above. Children's behaviour can irritate a parent on a regular occurrence. Does that mean a parent has something against the child? No it means they disapprove of the child's action.

    1. WOW!!! Thanks for the human behavior lesson. Two more years and college you go.


  25. 10:28 hit the nail on the head!

    The ostentatious behaviors won't change because then it won't be all about them, and in their minds, it's always all about them!

    The rest of the world becomes an unwilling audience to their drama.

  26. Drama queens, Jimmy used to be curious, now he's positive! hahaha

  27. What do you expect from a homosexual mayor. All homosexuals have mental disorders!

  28. Both sexes have divas. No one enjoys being around the self-centeredness that comes with that term. It is unflattering to women, though, if "diva" becomes synonymous with feminine.

  29. all that drama is almost as bad as the extreme right wing moaning about getting their rights stepped on all day, all night.

  30. I am a straight guy and I do have a problem with gays trying to marry.
    Marriage is a religious rite and contrary to gay lifestyles.
    You want a cohabitation agreement contract fine. Marriage- never!

  31. I would like to know what gives you the right to even comment on this issue. Everyday I meet people who I do not get along with; it is an aspect of life. Regardless of if I find these people intolerable or not I have learned to live with the differences. Maybe you should stop focusing on the perceived faults in another's character and focus on your own.

  32. Gay Men ARE Women.

  33. Everyone's mannerisms should be the same, we should be robots.
    What commitee should set up a master plan?

  34. Mr. Richards:

    What about Jimbeau Ireton. He's a first class flamer.

    1. Do you really need that explained??

  35. seriously? this is what you fools worry about while the politicians and the wealthy rape rob and pillage? Get a life! We each will have to answer for our own sins. I dont give a crap about how you choose to live as long as you don't push it on me and I won't push mine on you. so quit worrying about BS and start worry about what the politicians, bankers and government are screwing us out of. Idiots!

  36. Why is so important to promote your sexual orientation. If you are gay you are gay but the whole world does not need to know. Maybe we should publicize that we are heterosexual and ask for the same rights.

  37. We can't give ammunition for someone to play the sexual orientation card any more than we can allow the race card. Give no one a reason to defend his/her lack of ability or performance with a cry of discrimination. If you're not capable of doing a job well, you should be removed.

  38. Who is the admiring lady in the photo?


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