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Sunday, April 05, 2015

Hogan Calls Madaleno Letter "Shameful" After First Lady Reference

Maryland State Senator Richard Madaleno has sent a letter to Governor Hogan, calling on him to to enact a ban on travel to Indiana with Maryland tax dollars.

Madaleno, who is openly gay and married to a man, addressed the letter on Maryland's News Now with Bryan Nehman:

In that letter to Governor Hogan he says - "Your family could be denied service due to a random business person, waiter or clerk's objection to the First Lady's previous divorce."

He says the ban would protect Maryland officials from potential public humiliation and embarrassment of denial of service.



  1. A ban on travel? Who does that fag think he's gonna stop? I'll travel where I damn well please.

  2. hahaha!!! Who in the world does this Senator think he is!!! Seriously!! State of Indiana is rolling in the money, that governor and his employees are managing that state pretty well!! Mike Spence is laughing at Madelno Right now!!! Hell...I'm laughing at him. What freaking power does he think he has. SO sick and tired of all this gay crap (like they are special) being shoved down our throats!! I have rights too!!!!! I have my own choices that I am free to make!! Indiana State is laughing at Maryland (poorest state West of the Mississippi).

  3. Where is Madaleno from? I'd rather ban visiting a jurisdiction that uses taxpayer money to promote unatural life styles.

  4. Go to hell magdeleno. You take the descriptive ignoramus to a whole new level. If Governor Hogan's family is denied service anywhere because of his wife's divorce then they are free to go 1000's of other places and are free to file a lawsuit against the establishment.
    You gays are showing more and more everyday what sick SOB's your really are. No one in their right mind would even want to step foot in much less spend money in a business that doesn't approve of them anyway. Except for you gays who are so damn stupid that you are begging to be able to give your money to people who hate you and your lifestyle.
    Now go get your head examined you mental case!

  5. Madaleno needs to come to the 'bury and visit our own Jimmy boy! They'd do well together!

    Meanwhile, you've pissed off the governor....and the governor probably agrees with Pence in the first place.

    Cranial rectitis!

  6. Actually, 10:47, we are east of the Mississippi. That must be your public school education.

    We aren't laughing, either. We're sick of the gay mafia (and militant atheist) harassment like everybody else.. 3% of the population and their wet-pants supporters dreaming up fake scenarios to bully people with.

    We do very well here. Mike Pence is a great governor, and the gay people I know of seem to be quite happy here, just like the rest of us.

    The fascist liberals can't stand our success here, so they're targeting us. They're childish, immature and intolerant, but we can handle them.

  7. I'll bet he pees in the little girls bathroom

  8. You are correct. You are free to travel wherever you like. The Senator was referring to Maryland officials traveling on official business using Maryland taxpayer money. Something several other states have already enacted.


  9. There is a line between quietly permitting others to follow lifestyles you find objectionable by living your life and giving them a wide berth, and being rolled by 'in your face' aggressive zealots for those lifestyles.

    That's where we are with the zealots pushing any flavor of behavior except heterosexual.

    The senator in question should be ashamed for his tactic, but obviously won't be since he won't extend the courtesies to others he demands for himself.

    There is more that could be said but it is wearisome to listen to this crowd digging about for hypothetical insults while seeking to leverage others into buying into their choices.

  10. There is no debating anymore these gays are freaks of nature and are mentally ill as well. As said above only a lunatic would ever put so much effort into trying to spend their money with someone who hates their guts.
    They should be thrilled to know who hates them so they don't give them any of their money.
    Me I'm not so honest and if I had a business i'd take their money all day long laughing all the way to the bank and then ridicule and make fun of them behind their backs.

  11. So what that it is "official taxpaying stealing trip". they have telephones now and internet services. You can skype people! Why are you wasting taxpaying money when Maryland has none..>Thanks to O'Malley mess!!! I have rights too and gay rights aren't included!!!!!

  12. I'm going to Indiana...where it is tax friendly state!! Something Maryland officials need to learn. Maybe if this senator spent time and money learning how to run a state, instead of worrying about his personal issues, this state would be in better shape!! He is supposed to work for the "people" now worry about his own person issues and grand standing. The last elections proved that we are all sick of the ABUSE OF POWER!

  13. 10:47...I knew that of course. Actually, I have a Masters degree and currently working on a doctorate. So, be careful what you assume.

  14. 12:02-Let me make it clear to you- This misguided dude has NO business what so ever offering up his opinion because if MD officials, on official business are traveling to Indiana on tax payers dime it's for good reason and WHO IN THE HELL is he to deny the MD residents any positive actions or results for our state than may occur due to any visits. HOW DARE HIM! HOW DARE HIM! A decent person doesn't take out their feelings being hurt on the residents they chose to serve and he best remember that. He best keep in mind that he serves more than just the gay community or he will find himself packing his bags like many other who lost sight of their duties.

    He needs to sit down and shut the hell up and let those who are doing what is best for the state do their job and not just along for the ride to promote an agenda as he is doing.

  15. I bet Indiana is NOT traveling to Maryland with a Senator lime that! Thank you Senator, for making us looking any worse that the shape that Maryland is in!! Who do you think you are!!!??? You thought you would get some insane needed attention by grandstanding, yet it backfired!!! As well as it should!!

  16. Makes you want to move to Indiana!!! They know how to treat taxpayers!!! Well run state!! They laugh at Maryland! Now poor Governor Hogan (most likely) has to apologize to Governor Spence. Embarassing. Grandstanding Senator...Didn't work for him this time!

  17. I believe this is the same idiot who sent a bill to the legislature wanting a 5 cent tax on every chicken processed in Maryland. My question is...where does he think chicken comes from other that Giant of Food Lion?. Montgomery County is really lucky to have him.

  18. wow. not a whole lot of defenders of the first amendment here today.

  19. Vote that Senator out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Self-absorbing behavior is just shocking!! Who in the Heck do they think they are!! Such abuse of power in the entire State!

  20. That is where you are wrong 2:05pm. I have my freedom of speech, religious freedom, etc. Sick and tired of whiney babies crying if they don't get their way while stepping on everyone else's rights!!!! Indiana state is a well run, financially strong state. Marylander's are fleeing this state in record numbers due to our high tax state. They were seriously considering "rain tax". Other states are laughing at us!

  21. Same dude that introduced the transgender bathroom bill. Sounds like a whack job to me. He's way too consumed and totally obsessed with issues having to do with sexuality than is normal.

  22. You are just as absurd as he is 2:05. So typical of your type-can't defend so try and turn it around.

  23. I support you 2:43 PM. They always act as they are the "victim", so they attempt for people to have sympathy with them so they can believe that they aren't accountable for things they say or do. They try to scare Americans, because anything white, heterosexual says, "we are accused" of being racist!! Awful!

  24. The misrepresentation of the Indiana law is stunning and when it is coming from a law maker himself it morphs into disturbing. We should be expect and demand a higher standard from elected officials.
    The IN law only differs from federal law in that it extends to private business and other business entities. Federal law applied to only non profits and individuals. In light of the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision giving business entities religious "rights" the differences are moot.
    Anti discrimination laws are bills of attainers ie there is no defense. Both federal law and IN law allow religious beliefs to be used as a defense for refusal of services. Both laws are a perfect and true example of what liberty and justice for all means.

  25. 3:43 pm. Great wording, but in lay terms...it means basically, any private entity can deny services to anyone per their choice for a any reason. I'm sure some one politically tried to put a negative spin on this freedom. Or so it appears. But the bottom line is we can choose who we want to do business with. Every day, all day Americans have been doing this.

  26. I imagine this senator also sent a similar letter to the Governor calling for a boycott of Michigan.
    A Muslim woman was forced by police to remove her head covering and is now suing the Detroit PD.
    There is no difference. You either think people should be forced to do something that is against their faith or you don't. There is no gray area.
    Actually it is laws like the one passed in IN that give her a defense which then allows her to sue.

  27. I believe 3:50 pm that is a poor example. This entire country is sue happy!! I don't know the situation whatsoever, but just for argument sake, I would hope an officer, if need be would ask me to remove my heavy jacket if he wanted to make sure nothing was under it. I wouldn't have a problem doing so, and if the Muslim doesn't like our protection if this is the case, then maybe she should go back to the Muslim world where men beat their women!

  28. I think it's a pretty good example of the left's hypocrisy 4:01. The left are all about not offending Muslims and are bending over backwards to please them resulting in when a Muslim is forced to do something which is against their religious beliefs the left goes wild and start on the mantra's like "diversity is" this and that.
    So now they want Christians (because we haven't heard of one of them trying to make a name for themselves by going into a Muslim owned business and being turned away) by forcing Christians to do something which is against their beliefs.
    It's all about forcing someone to do something which goes against their religious principles. Forcing being the key word.
    Society has become very very uncivilized when people who aren't harming a soul physically can't be free to practice their religion and live within their beliefs.
    This also happens to be the man who gave child molesters another tool to add to their bag of tricks with the transgender bathroom bill. I too find his infatuation with human sexuality creepy. If it ain't some kind of bill about a new tax or fee with him it's something to do with sexuality. He seems to be a very very disturbed individual.

  29. 4:01, I think the example is the left is so careful to not offend Muslims because God forbid "we offend their sensibilities" and the left wouldn't dream of forcing a Muslim to do anything that goes against their teachings. And Oh Boy will you hear an earful from them, if you even so much as suggest forcing a Muslim to do something that goes against Islam On the other hand when it comes to Christians, the left feels it's perfectly acceptable to force them to do something that is against what they believe in.
    What's unfortunate is people like this have children so another generation is coming up that are taught it is perfectly acceptable to lie, twist, tell half truths, and be hypocritical.

  30. " Anonymous said...
    wow. not a whole lot of defenders of the first amendment here today.

    April 2, 2015 at 2:05 PM"

    Huh? Are you even familiar with the First Amendment, 2:05?
    Per the First Amendment,: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
    FYI-Blog commenters aren't Congress. No one said Congress should make it unlaw for him to say what he did.
    But while we are on the subject of the First Amendment Einstein, here's one for you. Not having a law like the Indiana law actually does violate the First Amendment (and a person's right to due process) because....
    Supporting gay marriage is incompatible with Christianity. Baking a cake for a gay marriage, renting out a building for it, taking the pictures, etc., etc. would be sanctioning the marriage. (For Congress) To force a Christian to do that violates the First Amendment.
    I could write an entire book consisting of this one point but this brief explanation should be sufficient.

  31. What's the Muslim stand on this?


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