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Sunday, April 05, 2015

Ireton Is Not Delusional, He Is Simply and Skillfully Deceitful

Those who listened to Mr. Ireton's recent spiel, aided and abetted by Don Rush of "Public Radio Delmarva," might jump to the conclusion that Ireton is non compos mentis. In his attack on the effort to bring about an elected school board in Wicomico County he pointed his finger at two persons that he named – "G. A. Harrison and Joe Albero” – whom Ireton portrays as having drawn the County’s council districts. He offered no evidence to support that claim, and there is none.

Ireton also attributed the legislation pending in the General Assembly to what he sees as the "far right wing" that – according to him – controls the County after last year's election and to the right wing portion of the county voters who elected the Council members and County executive. Given the magnitude of the victories of Bob Culver and the council members who faced an opponent (two ran unopposed) it is preposterous that the far right "won" the election. Then, look at the council members: four of the seven members are moderate Republicans or RINO’s, and another is a Democrat.

Mr. Ireton is not ignorant or misinformed, and he is not crazy. Like his idol, Obama, he knows that if you vilify your opponents by distortion and outright falsehood – and do it enough and with a straight face – the low information residents will accept what you say as fact. Obama has mastered that technique, but he did not create it. Past masters have included Hitler among others. Like them, Ireton knows that it works best by pointing to a group that is portrayed as the "enemy among us." For that purpose, Obama uses the wealthy and business owners; Hitler used the Jews; and Ireton castigates the "far right" and "tea party." Often, the masters portray themselves as community organizers or watchdogs, and there is a racial or nationalistic aspect to the baiting and fomenting. Sound familiar?

But to pull it off, you must be an accomplished liar and agitator in public speaking, like Obama and Hitler, and Ireton has honed that skill for many years. And it helps, and may even be essential, to have an accommodating mainstream media. Again, Obama and Hitler are examples, and in Wicomico there’s the Daily Times as well as Don Rush, who sat mute while Ireton spouted his vitriol at those currently at the top of his enemies list. The Daily Times, which gave major coverage to Ireton’s recent and similar performance in Annapolis, has afforded him extensive free and flattering publicity for many years.

Without suggesting that their respective goals are equally evil, there is a remarkable similarity in the manner in which Ireton, Obama and Hitler have used the "big lie" propaganda technique in public statements and the mainstream media. We weren't around to counter Hitler, but we have not been silent in regard to the other two. It’s interesting that so many comments now refer to Ireton by a term that’s a word-play on his name and suggests his propensity for deliberate distortion and fabrication of fact.


  1. Ireton has to reach out to extremists, he's already crapped on all his friends. He's a nut job for sure. He'll never get elected to anything again, he's been a failure at everything.

  2. This a really good commentary - AND - AN EXCELLENT RUBUTTAL - of Ireton's claim that Albero & GA Harrison are the ones responsible for the redistricting lines.

    Let's face it - Ireton is a very poor reflection of our community, and also a race baiter. FACT IS - it is Ireton who has turned out to be the racist - (i.e. Lori Chambers). And as far as Mary Ashanti goes - I'll leave it to the minorities to decide. IMHO - she is also as divisive as they come.

  3. Another bullseye for Sbynews!

  4. Thanks to Sbynews, "the gay deceiver" has no better chance to be reelected than others who have been exposed here, like Barrie Tilghman, Rick Pollitt, Mike Dunn to name the more prominent ones.

    But if his successor is Jake Day, things will be much worse in Salisbury.

  5. He has some major character blemishes as do any and all obama supporters.
    Let's face it, no good decent moral person would ever support the liar obama. There is no gray area.

  6. The way he presented himself on tv was enough for me. Always has such an arrogant and aggressive combative attitude.
    His lack of professionalism is appalling.

    On another note, it was either ABC or CBS that advertised an interview with Owemalley and touted the question can he beat Hillary? Schucks I believe in Iowa he did not get one single vote. Wonder how much he is paying for this impromptu interview.

  7. Everyone --

    Please send this post to those you know who live in Salisbury and may not be aware of this website. And, if they don't have access to it, print out a copy for them -- it's that important.

  8. Joe -- kudos, the way to deal with this ass is to call him out, which Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen failed to do. I'm really disappointed that Tim Spies is not doing so.

    1. When you call him out on legitimate claims he will belittle you, he will get scared and tell his staff that they are not to respond to you, and then he himself will quit responding. I gave him and the council an EASY problem to fix with the noise ordinance and theyve drug it out for 3 months. If they cant fix the easiest of problems, how on earth could they face any MAJOR problems.....like crime or the WWTP? This is a sad excuse for leadership in Salisbury. Its no wonder people are leaving Salisbury in droves. Salisbury is dying a slow death and you can thank people like:
      Jim Ireton
      Jake Day
      Laura Mitchell
      Shanie Shields
      Tim Spies
      Barbara Duncan
      Mark Tilghman
      Tom Stevenson

  9. There needs to be tort reform so that politicians and others can't just blatantly lie and have no fear of repercussions. That would stop the people like Reid, Pelosi and Ireton

  10. Emotionalism is not a substitute for reasoned argument just as histrionic displays are not synonymous with leadership. However, when one is incapable of making meaningful progress, one must be content with making senseless noise.

  11. I like the Hitler mustache!

  12. 12:31 nailed it. Arrogant, aggressive and combative. Shocking to think he's an employee of the WCBOE.

    1. Shocking?? Really?? The BOE is a worthless entity to begin with. It should not shock you that they would have this lame working there. Dee Bag

  13. Mr./Ms.12:27 ---

    Why didn't I think of that:

    Liarton, the gay deceiver of Salisbury -- fits like two matched gloves!

  14. So glad I fled Salisbury before he was elected. Thank you, Barrie Tilghman and Mikey Dunn, for making that happen.

    Happy in Hebron

  15. He should spend as much time promoting economic development than bashing the adult businesses.

  16. 12:10-Mary Ashanti is nothing more than a pawn for the democrat party and she's too dumb to see it. Oh she talked a big game and even wrote something on behalf of the NAACP when Lore Chambers was fired by Ireton and all he basically did with her letter was wipe his butt with it. And Mary being the all obeying little pawn that she is dropped the subject like a hot potato.

  17. One additional point left out of this analysis is that Obama, Ireton, and their accomplices use minority status as a shield.

    Criticize Obama and you are a racist.

    Criticize Ireton and you are a homophobe.

    Criticize Hillary and you are a misogynist.

    Criticize Obama's immigration amnesty and you are a bigot.

    Criticize a plan to broadcast a Muslim call to prayer from Duke University's bell tower and you are an Islamophobe.

    But, hey, criticize a heterosexual white male and you have no problem because they just need to learn to shut up and "check their privilege".

  18. Dear Joe ,
    It appears that you have put Ireton on the same level as Hitler.
    I must tell you that you have done Hitler an injustice.
    Hitler said that "if you treat a man like a dog , in time he will act like one".
    Ireton has treated his people like dogs for many years now , it's time to bite back.

  19. 12:27 is correct, and Day will have the support of the business interests that control Salisbury, especially with his connection to the Perdue behemoth, as well as the C of C and GSC, even if he does not get support from the slumlords and their industry group, SAPOA.

  20. I hope that GA Harrison is following these comments. If so, I want to say we need his fine analysis of the Salisbury situation that helped to rid us of Barrie and Dunn.

    Joe can't do all the heavy lifting to rid us of Ireton and Day.

  21. If everyone is so unhappy, then why do stay and do nothing about it but complain?

    1. When the low level citizens of this community stand up for themselves they just get shut down. The leaders will stop communicating with you if they dont like what you have to say. What an absolute joke your statement is.

  22. He is a liar. No different than any other liberal politician.

  23. IRETON is done......

  24. School boards coming jimmy boy and the likes of you and your kind on the streets

  25. He can cry all he wants school board is coming..nothing him or the lying stealing libtards can do about it ...they are running scared and results to further lies and deceipt..figures..he lies about his self... i dont want him near children

  26. 1:24 -

    Joe is more than capable, but he should not have to do it all. Let's hope that G. A. Harrison speaks out.

  27. Another very disturbing factor is that Ireton is an elementary school teacher. Remember the Hitler Youth?

  28. Joe,

    Please stay on Liarton anw Fake Day 24/7. Both are very dangerous.

  29. How do people become so convinced that they're able to think for others when there is nothing about them that seems intelligent or reasonable?

  30. You say moderate Republican like that is a bad thing.

    1. It is a bad thing when you run as a conservative to get elected.

  31. Anonymous said...
    He should spend as much time promoting economic development than bashing the adult businesses.

    March 29, 2015 at 1:04 PM

    Funny you say that... Since Ireton and his Gay Buddies love adult toy stores. It enhances their bromance and puts fire in their one night stands.

  32. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    He can cry all he wants school board is coming..nothing him or the lying stealing libtards can do about it ...they are running scared and results to further lies and deceipt..figures..he lies about his self... i dont want him near children

    March 29, 2015 at 3:05 PM

    School boards are already here Dumbass!! (3:01 and 3:05) are obviously the same commenter.

  33. An elected school board is not going to help. I came from a city thy had one - and, they were nothing more than clones of the Superintendent. Remember, every teacher will vote in school board elections, along with those who fear school funds will get cut. Most of the rest of the citizenry don't come out to vote for that election.

  34. A big problem here is "professional" journalists -- Don Rush, Greg Bassett, etc. who are biased and slant the news. We really need Sbynews and it would be great to have DA Harrison back as well to provide an objective analysis.

  35. With Ireton and Day running things it is easy to see why Salisbury is the laughingstock of the Shore.

  36. Does anyone have pictures of the Fruitland Chamber of Commerce Parade?

  37. ALL races need to understand that when any politician tells one tiny white lie, it will lead to a bigger white lie, and then even much larger and more dangerous full throated lying. The lies are told to cover up past lies, more lies are told so people who might not know a great deal about what is going on will vote for them because they seem so nice, BUT BEWARE this is the person or persons your mothers and grandmothers told you about in your youth. THEY WILL BETRAY YOU AND THEY WILL LIE AND CHEAT YOU. And this is exactly what Ireton and Day both do. I won't give them credit of doing it well, because neither of them have any morale code or ethics. They love to lie. Any person who is this inherently dishonest does not deserve anyone's vote. RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN TO VOTE FOR A TRUTHFUL PERSON.

    Sometimes, things are hard to hear and to deal with. But I would rather have an honest person who talks straight than a seemingly nice liar any day of the week!

  38. Ireton loves the handout crowd you know the thugs that don't pay taxes.

  39. Didn't G. A. Harrison help in Ireton's first campaign for mayor when he ran against Comegys?

    1. A lot of good people helped Ireton win his first election, including Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen. Little did anyone know at that time he was such a magnificent liar and great deceiver. He and Debbie had been friends for over 20 years and he threw her under the bus as soon as he was sworn in.

  40. Sue him for Slander Joe sue him for 10 million dollars. That'll teach him.

  41. If he doesn't have delusional disorder and he is "skillfully deceitful" you have just described a classic symptom of a sociopath and/or psychopath.

  42. Delmarva public radio just started their latest beg-a-thon....DO NOT give them any money. Its bad enough they get government money.

  43. who are you to tell me to whom and when i give any organization money?

  44. 11:34 PM Speaking of friend and supporter look what he did to Dodd now he is still going after him because he is a Republican. He was the main one to get the fire department to support Ireton. If you are a conservative or Republican he threw you under the bus. Now he hates you and will try to bring you down as is evidence with his redneck speech in Annapolis and now on the Don Russ Show. It's obvious he has no intentions of working with the County Executive or the County Council.

  45. This should stay at the top. Help defeat Communism and Socialism in Wicomico County.

  46. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    An elected school board is not going to help. I came from a city thy had one - and, they were nothing more than clones of the Superintendent. Remember, every teacher will vote in school board elections, along with those who fear school funds will get cut. Most of the rest of the citizenry don't come out to vote for that election.

    March 29, 2015 at 6:02 PM

    I agree with you. Leave well enough alone and let this Republican Governor do his job and appoint some good Republicans. Hopefully the Republicans will be in the Governor's mansion for at least the next 16 years.

    Time to replace Kim Hudson on the Board. Do not replace Don Fitzgerald and put 2 more in there for the vacant seats.

    I don't think Kim Hudson is a Republican and if she is it's in name only.

    Also stay away from retired educators even if they are republican. They still want to spend money on education.

  47. Anon at 8:40 PM -

    I'd say he's a sociopath:

    According to the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders," sociopaths have rough childhoods, criminal records, are impulsive and aggressive, and have a history of lying to others.

    Does he have to pass any mental exams to teach young children?

  48. If it does not benefit SU, Perdue, Gillis, or the hand out crowd, it means nothing around here. The residents have been duped into believing that their voices and concerns actually matter. Now EVERYONE knows that they really do not.

  49. How many local family owned businesses are left in Salisbury/Fruitland?
    Hardly any. Thanks be to jackasses like Ireton and their dumb ass politics. God yes, a rain tax. Thats just what we need to keep those small businesses open!! How brilliant!!
    Thank God we have every single fast food eatery known to man here to make us feel better. Nothing like sending your dollars out of state, rather than keeping them local.
    I like the guy that keeps saying "keep cheering."
    He is absolutely correct. KEEP CHEERING SHEEPLE !!

  50. 7:59
    So did councilwoman Campbell.

  51. Joe:

    This post has legs and it's important. How about putting it back at the top for this morning.

  52. Is it his staggering intelligence or his mature people skills that makes him such a fine example of leadership?

  53. What's really unfortunate is that he makes Day look good to some folks
    -- that's a big mistake on their part.

  54. Some interview, huh? Why didn't Rush challenge Ireton within ten seconds of making the Albero/G.A. Harrison redistricting claim? If it were true- it would be some pretty big news. Also- why did he not demand Ireton produce evidence or a source to back up that claim?

  55. Mr. Day was pimping in his army vehicle on his own street this weekend. I wonder if that was authorized?

  56. 11:47 -

    Ireton's attempt to pin the elected school board on the far right wing/Tea Party was just as absurd.

    An elected board is favored by a wide majority of County residents of all political views -- those who elected Bob Culver last year.

    Ireton is desperate because his ship is sinking fast, thanks to exposure of his deviant personality and conduct by this blog. He is trying to rally his shrinking support base, just like Obama, who really is his idol and role-model.

    While Ireton certainly is no Hitler, there is an eerie resemblance to the Berlin bunker is the final days of the Third Reich, just as there is to his conduct and actions. Thank goodness that his reign is almost over and will end in a different manner.

    I agree that Don Rush is a better buffoon than journalist.

  57. Hey, Jimbeau:

    It's time to go back to Rehoboth!

  58. deceitful, as libs and dems are want to be...

  59. I recall that both GA Harrison and Joe supported Liarton when he ran against Comegys. So did Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen and Tim Spies. He has now turned on all of them with lies and slander.

    I wonder if John and Carolyn Hall would still support him if he runs for reelection?

  60. 12:15,

    And Ireton has given himself lots of exposure by his conduct at Flavors of Italy (RIP) and elsewhere, including Rehoboth.

  61. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anon at 8:40 PM -

    I'd say he's a sociopath:

    According to the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders," sociopaths have rough childhoods, criminal records, are impulsive and aggressive, and have a history of lying to others.

    Does he have to pass any mental exams to teach young children?

    March 30, 2015 at 7:13 AM

    Yes he has a criminal record. Ask the Rehoboth Beach PD.

  62. Anonymous said...
    Mr. Day was pimping in his army vehicle on his own street this weekend. I wonder if that was authorized?

    March 30, 2015 at 12:11 PM

    He was in the Fruitland Parade with the 5 Ton Army truck with Jake Day campaign yard signs on it. What that legal?

  63. Ireton has a shot of re election ,in HELL..

  64. How can Dr. Freddy let this wingnut teach kids?

  65. Anonymous said...

    Joe -- kudos, the way to deal with this ass is to call him out, which Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen failed to do. I'm really disappointed that Tim Spies is not doing so.
    March 29, 2015 at 12:41 PM

    Have to disagree with this comment. Both Campbell and Cohen called Ireton out many times, and they were screamed at, abused, lied about and more from the very first time they did. Ireton was expecting his friends to rubber stamp everything he wanted. When they didn't, he came after them with everything and everybody he could, even teaming up with his so-called enemies in the landlord group to do it.

    These ladies should be thanked for their service and commended for staying professional while Ireton threw hissy fits every time they spoke. I wonder if the commenter ever went to a meeting to defend these women or to call Ireton out.

  66. Although Debbie and Terry did sometimes object to and criticize what Ireton proposed, they never really confronted him or called him out. Yes, they are ladies and he is an ass, but they got no backing from the media except this blog and back in the day, the Duvafiles.


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