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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Video Sparks Alleged Racism in Princess Anne Elementary School

(PRINCESS ANNE, Md.)- A video posted to Facebook of a 6-year-old girl explaining to her mother what she learned in school goes viral. The video now has more than 16,000 views and 600 shares.

"She said, 'mommy, why do black kids go to a different place than white skin kids?'" said Amanda Furniss, mother. "I asked her what she was talking about and she told me how her teacher said brown skin kids go to a hot place and white skin kids stay here. I took out my phone and started recording her."

School officials say, it was a misunderstanding by the child of the school's Black History month curriculum.

"We had a classroom teach who has been following the standards that have been established," said John Gaddis, Somerset County School District Superintendent. "And one of the standards deals with identifying the controbutions of people past and present, such as George Washington, Rosa Parks, and the current president."



  1. mom obviously is not the brightest bulb in the box

  2. this is what happens when you try and teach little kids black history, and they dont have the mental capacities to process the info, or tuen around and explain what they learned that day.

  3. Too much acknowledgement.No one has the ability to ignore sillyness anymore because everyone loves to be offended.Those who do love to be offended will have unlimited opportunities.

  4. Much ado about nothing!

  5. Why the hell does a FIRST GRADER have a cell phone? And at school?

  6. I think the mom needs a lesson in "how not to twist and turn a story to her benefit" Maybe she should have gone thru the right channels and gone to the principal and teacher first....not the naacp! Maybe this women is a trouble maker and the poor child is her pawn! If I were the teacher I would sue for slander!

  7. When is White History month??

    1. Thank you! I would love to know that also!

  8. She sounded like she'd been coached, probably by the mother in search of a ghetto payday.

  9. Mother is an idiot

  10. Racism being taught in school still. As long as we have a month dedicated to a race rather then learning through out the year they will always be separate

  11. "coulda tooken" - Mom doesn't sound like she paid much attention in English class.

  12. "The Somerset County School District curriculum is approved by the state of Maryland. The district has no plans to change the current curriculum.

    "Absolutely not, in fact the standard that we are addressing is an appropriate standard that's been adopted by the state of Maryland," said Gaddis."

    Herein lies the problem.

  13. Do not trust Gaddis. He is a highly paid white man! Why do we not have more black school officials? Someone who has walked in my shoes?

  14. Any of you criticizing the mother are wrong she is doing her best to raise her daughter properly and she is right Rosa Parks situation on that bus is a lot for a 6year old to understand.Kids aren't born racists they are taught and black history month is teaching it.

  15. Really mom? You took out your phone and started recording her. And what is the purpose of that? To use your child's misunderstanding to try to get someone in trouble for teaching about history. Get a life! By the way, she was probably telling the kids how slave children worked in hot fields and white kids didn't have to. Why do you always have to take the defensive and think the worst?

  16. Why are they teaching History in kindergarten? Do 6 year olds even understand what history is? I dont think they do. They can not wrap their brains around life before they were born, their minds are still very centered on them being the center of their universe.

  17. I find it hard to believe that this woman has gone to the local news media with this and they have aired it. Did the media talk to anyone that knows the character of this mother? I doubt it. How can they air a story without knowing the all the facts. How can the media make this teacher feel as if she has done something wrong? The media was was very irresponsible.

  18. Shame on WBOC for airing such a ridiculous story. You can tell the little girl is being coached. WBOC did you think of checking out the source and the victim???? Obviously not. The mother's facebook page says it all. What a classy lady. Sure does not look like she is a very good example for her daughter. Check out her language on Jan. 28th and check out her t-shirt “p***y; money; weed. Did WBOC check out what type of person she is vs. the teacher? I sure hope the teacher sues for slander. How dare this mother try to ruin a teacher’s reputation. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009027180247&ref=ts&fref=ts

  19. Proof that one person can make a difference. In this case, the difference is not for the good. I would like to think that the mother had good intentions in the beginning, but instead of going about this in a responsible, adult manner, she took a video as she prompted her daughter. If my own children came home with this story, of course I would be upset, but I would talk to the school before blowing up Facebook with the lies. She is setting her daughter up to follow in her path as an adult. She seems more concerned with how many likes and shares she has and being on tv (her 15 minutes of fame), than she does for the actual well-being of her child. There is a difference in being famous and being infamous.

  20. Society has reached an all time low! I think that teacher should sue that retched mother and the media who gave breath to a story with no more evidence than this obviously coached video!! ! My faith has been restored to those of you who are equally as appalled by what some consider newsworthy! If that teacher happens to read this post, you are in my thoughts as I can't not imagine what this thoughtless "mother" has done just for her self-absorbed need for likes or my next guess to promote her kids pageantry! Now sue them teach, you have three news networks and one blog to add to your case. You'd win or get one hell of a settlement!!


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