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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Is My Comment Worthy Of A Post About Crime?

JoeAlbero said...

7:25, Oh there's LOTS of ideas out there but who are we the people to tell others how to do their job!

PROACTIVE for starters. There isn't an Officer out there that won't tell you these crimes have everything to do with drugs.

Cut off the supply FIRST and the crime will go away. Not at first, of course, but it won't take long after that and you'll see them go somewhere else. Mind you, it's a BIG job but falling asleep at the wheel and DENYING it in the first place was the major screw up!

Mayor Jim Ireton is the first to point a finger at. He is in complete denial and many would say a complete liar. Liberals seem to flat out lie to our faces while the crime keeps going through the roof.

You know what's REALLY funny about ALL of this, the new Website that's out there that involves Police Officers and Firefighters who are the FIRST to expose the crime.


In other words, they LOVE the attention while it gets worse and worse. Are they in fact LAUGHING in our faces?

Anyhow, if anyone tries to say law enforcement doesn't know who at least the dealers are, they'd be lying. They know! However, can they get to the distributor, is the question.

They would rather nail the USER, scare the crap out of them, get a plea deal to get the USER to tell them who their dealer is, which they already know, but what good does it do. Well, in the public eye on the surface it looks like they're doing their job. BS!

They're just locking up the little guy and destroying them for the rest of their life. Once you serve time and have that record, YOU ARE SCREWED! You get out of jail, you have no place to live, no money, no transportation, you have to report once a week to a probation officer and find a job where they'll let you do so. Then you have to figure out a way to GET to the probation officer without transportation. The system is made to make them FAIL. You don't report, next thing you know you are on the Most Wanted list and heading back to jail.

Am I critical, ABSOLUTELY! Every single one of you should be because if your not, crime will never come down, period. Your property values will drop to nothing, (like it already has) and you'll be living in Detroit.

Hold your elected officials accountable for once.

Everyone talked the talk during the last election. JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! Where are they? What are they doing to bring jobs here? WHAT'S THE MASTER PLAN?

In their eyes they say, Joe Albero is bringing us down. You are damn right I am. Don't stand there and tell the public what they want to hear and not deliver. If you can't deliver, get the hell out of the way! And don't come back with Bob Culver this and that. Bob Culver is dealing with 8 years of someone not doing Jack Schmidt! His focus is on jobs but he'll need time to make such changes. ANYONE who thinks that can be done overnight is a fool.

HOWEVER, I will agree that EVERYONE needs to start telling us what their game plan is to get us there and that too includes Bob.

You want good paying jobs, well, focus on crime FIRST! STOP believing new schools will fix anything, that's complete BS!

Hold Law Enforcement accountable. Get out of denial. Tell the Mayor to stop feeding us a line of BS!

On my end, we will continue to deliver you what's really going on crime wise on the Shore. WHY do you think I started off TEN years ago being the ONLY one who published ALL crime here on the Shore. Because no one else had the stones enough to tell you the TRUTH.


  1. Well if you have the Stones then call it like it is, drugs and blacks. Then you are reporting facts.

  2. 8:42, you are very wrong. Drugs don't discriminate. Oh, it's easy for many of you yahoo's here to blame it all on blacks but you are way wrong! There are just as many white people causing crime from drug addiction as there are black.

    It is YOU who is in denial. Call the Sheriff or Chief, they'll set you straight.

  3. Ok......well you make a good point. I can see where SPD administration drops the ball in areas such as not allowing their officers to monitor other law enforcment radio transmissions thereby not allowing them to have real time information as incidents unfold.This hinders the free exchange of information and subsequently efforts of the front line personnel from working together in developing a unified front against these bastards. But then there is the issue of the officers doing their jobs then being subjected to the visceration and monday morning quarterbacking in the public forum - such as here on this blog. You see with freedom comes rsponsibility. In American society, people are exploiting our freedoms for personal gain. They sell drugs knowing that police can't get into their pockets without probable cause or violating the fourth amendment. Quite simply, the solutions are limitd...either loosen up drastically on fourth amendment rights or put another half million cops on the street and.put the drug dealers away - for life. That requires money. I would caution against the former. These rights were put in place for a reason.

  4. 8:54, Thank You for your comment. While what I'm about to say is harsh, I stand by it 100%.

    It's time to get new leadership in law enforcement willing to do what it takes to curb crime.

    More money is EXACTLY what the current leaders want. It buys them time until they retire and right now that's BS!

    We are in critical times and we need leaders to deliver us SAFETY. WE, ALL of us pay taxes to run THREE law enforcement agencies. Get the job done or get the hell out of the way.

    1. While I agree that more money is BS right now, we have to put most of the blame where it belongs - on the shoulders of the citizens. Thats right. The citizens have an obligation to step up and take ownership for some of these problems Joe. Everytime someone says "I don't want to get involved" they perpetuate the problem. Every time A child waves to a police officer only to have the childs hand smacked by the parent and told "don't wave to them".... that parent perpetuates the problem. Everytime a person is questioned about what they saw following an incident and they respond...."that's your job to find out what happened", they add to the problem. Law enforcement is a tool to be used by the citizens to take their neighborhoods back. The powr has always been with the people. When everyone looks to the government for solutions, they are bound to be disappointed. Crime is out of control. The people need a boogie man so the police take the hit. If people really want to know who is to blame, they need only look in the mirror. Law enforcement has historically been reactive. In fact, proactive policing never came to the forefront until the 90's. Does it work? Yes...but the most effective facet of proactive community based policing shines when the community is empowered and decides not to take it anymore.

  5. And, of course, this doesn't have anything to do with making Maryland a prime destination for all the people jumping the fence?
    MS-13 and the cartels coming and going freely?

    We can no longer deny the link.

    Here's the question.. are we going to fix it or not?

  6. These problems were here in Salisbury long before the influx of illegals. ECI is a major problem. When you release known gang members convicted of murder, drug distribution, rape, into an area they did not come from and invite them to stay by giving them homes, welfare, job training you are doing nothing but setting the stage for crimes this area was not equipped to deal with. I don't believe Barbara Duncan is to blame completely. None of us know the restraints put on her by Jim Ireton. He wants to claim crime is down and can't make that claim if the SPD is out there making arrests for Part 1 crime. The solution to SPD's problem is dissolve the department and create a county police force. Jim Ireton won't control Mike Lewis nor will anyone else that fills the mayors seat.

  7. WHY wont the SPD officers stand up and speak out...?

  8. "Cut off the supply FIRST and the crime will go away."

    Joe, it should be....Cut off demand and the supply and crime will go away. Supply interdiction is a failed policy, only supporting the job security for law and correctional personnel. Look at the billions of tax dollars our society has wasted, and things are worst than ever. We are throwing good money after bad.

    Some thoughts on how to cut off demand? How about society investing in parenting, education, and community support for family. I am not talking about more welfare cash, but some serious social engineering! Treatment centers (that give the addicts the drugs they need), thus cutting out the black market and cutting down on crime. Medically supervise their drug intake (less deaths by OD) and provide the counseling and support to get them clean. Let"s stop doing the same failed things, and try something else.

  9. Cutting off the supply isn't feasible, and any effort to do so just drives the street prices up, thereby making it a more profitable endeavor. Not to mention increasing crime further.

    I agree, going after the easier target, the user, is counter productive and in the long run, devastating to society. Criminalizing the majority of the population does nothing but beget poverty, unemployment and tightens further the stranglehold of government control.

  10. Where are you from, 9:23-- Amsterdam?

    You're delusional.

  11. Joe it don't take stones to tell the truth. Only the will to do so. I don't agree on a lot of the things you say on here. Sometimes I think you go to far in belittling people. But I applaud you for telling the truth about the crime in this area!

  12. 10:20, Thank You. Maybe I need to remind you and others that I have been sued by the Mayor. I've been sued by the Police Chief and I have even been sued by the Warden of the Detention Center. ALL of these lawsuits cost tens of thousands of dollars. So yes, you need stones to not only fight them and win, you have to have the financial resources to do so as well. Then you have to have the stones to keep doing what I do 7 days a week, 365 days a year for the past 10 years and not be afraid that they'll retaliate again.

    So we'll agree to disagree.

  13. 10:02
    Delusional, perhaps, but not insane like you.

    Insanity "doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result"

  14. Joe, statitics don't lie, you brought it to the front regarding gang and gang related violence. As a Veteran who served in Vietnam War this generation of Blacks do not respect the law are the sacrafices made by their fathers and grandfathers. It truly is sad.

    1. Obama and holder and Sharpton is making it worse.

  15. Excellent points, 2:32.

    Joe-- When the mayor, et al sued you and lost, could you not recover your expenses from them?

    Maybe some of these intimidation suits would stop if the bullies had to PAY when they lose.


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