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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Accident Tonight In Pittsville At Sixty Foot Road And Route 50


  1. Will MD State HWY ever do anything to this intersection to keep accidents from happening? Maybe it shouldn't be a cross over intersection.

  2. Very sad to see ANOTHER fatality at that intersection. :-(

  3. R.I.P. my dear friend aka step mom you will be missed love you so much Maryland needs to fix their intersections ); ); <3 <3

  4. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION needs to put up Stop Lights

  5. Rest easy mom mom love from your adopted grandson Chris

  6. How many people have to die there before something is done? What does it take SHA?

  7. the angle of attack is just all wrong.

    the right side pillar blocks oncoming traffic if a vehicle crossing does not come to a complete stop.

    they could just change the angle to 90 degrees and most of that would stop.

    1. It is at 90 . A perfect intersection. Square as a box.your eyes are crossed.

  8. Most of the accidents are caused by people crossing over 50W from 50E. That means there is a DEFINITE issue with the angle of the crossover. Why can't the state just straighten out the crossover as 8:45 said? I lived on 60 Ft. Rd. for years and you DO have a blind spot for oncoming traffic due to the windshield support. Perhaps an area business like the gas station on the corner can put up a petition for residents to stop in to sign to get some remediation there. 14 accidents since January is insane.

    Prayers to those who lost a loved one. It's a tragedy that should not have happened.

  9. There's a major issue in Willards as well near Pete Richardson's Auction location.

    Crossing Rt. 50 south, (from his office) it is very difficult to judge how quickly people are coming. What's even worse is when you do get across and want to head east towards OC, you have to look out the rear side window to see what's coming.

    Only because that road isn't traveled nearly as much as 60 ft road do they not have more issues there but it really is not safe at all.

    1. No people are stupid.

    2. 100% correct. It is Woodyard Rd. Very bad intersection where you have to point your vehicle at traffic to see. Drive that and see what a true issue is. And 60 ft is square. That blind spot from an A post of a car happens when people run the stop sign. When you actually stop you can see just fine.

  10. I will miss you mom and always remember our Thanksgiving, love you. The grandchildren are very sad you are not here in person but we will speak with you in spirit, God Speed.


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