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Sunday, March 22, 2015


The US Bureau of Labor just released the employment statistics for our nations counties and cities.  According to their latest release just a few hours ago - it shows that Wicomico's unemployment rate increased by a whopping 1.6% to 8.8% unemployment rate.  But what is even more alarming is Wicomico's dwindling workforce number.  January's monthly workforce reduction number reveals that Wicomico lost a record setting 4,063 jobs.  That's right - Wicomico set an all time record for lost jobs in January 2015 diminishing to 46,950 verses January 2014 jobs number of 51013

What do these jobs numbers mean for Wicomico County residents?  First off - it is a very bad economic indicator.  While our Counties debt continues to rise - our ability to repay is being severely hampered by these record setting job losses as income tax revenues are our second largest revenue generator.  Fact is - by any measuring standard - we are in severe financial trouble.

Labor Force Data By County, Not Seasonally Adjusted 
08-2011 through 01-2015
Source:  Bureau of Labor Statistics
Unemploy.Change over prior 
CountyPeriodLabor ForceEmployedUnemployedRate %years 2011 - 2015
p = preliminary.SOURCE:  BLS, LAUSworkforce
r = revised20-Mar-15


  1. It's OK. We have art galleries and bars opening soon. Don't forget the restaurant job after they destroy half the mall and those businesses that can employ double that of the restaurant! We will be fine. $8 an hour is all we need!

  2. To the people sending in comments blaming this on Bob Culver, Go To Hell!

    In case you hadn't noticed, this was all under Rick Pollitt and his Liberal leadership, or the lack thereof.

    Bob has one hell of an uphill battle ahead of him and it will take YEARS to try to fix what Pollitt and Ireton have done to destroy Salisbury and Wicomico County.

    So don't even waste your time writing comments about Bob because I will clearly tell you they will be rejected immediately.



  4. 1:17, Not for nothing but what does this say about SWED too!

    The Good Old Boys of Wicomico County keep pushing to keep the same team there running things and I keep saying, ARE YOU FREAKIN NUTS!

    No disrespect to Dave Ryan but come on people, really? I owned a big business and let me assure you, if my top staff couldn't keep business coming in and growing every year, they were gone. NOT IN GOVERNMENT. There's always an excuse. In business it's a numbers game and Wicomico County is losing horribly.


  5. Thank you, Joe
    Reject the h--l out of them.
    Give the man a chanch to do his job!

  6. Joe - is absolutely correct. These are January's job numbers and newly elected County Executive Bob Culver did not officially take office until mid January. So all of this was under Rick Pollitt's watch.


  7. I'm going to add this statement.

    What a shame that only Salisbury News exposes this factual and documented information every month, for years.

    WBOC, WMDT, The Daily Times, you name it, NONE of the main stream media not only takes the time to research this information but they take no time or space to keep YOU informed.

    WHY, because the Chamber of Commerce and others do NOT want you to know the TRUTH.

    YET people like Fredericksen and his robo call followers want brand new schools. Ireton wants to keep taxing you and while people like Bob Culver try to pull back the reins, the local media attacks the hell out of his as if he doesn't know what he's doing.

    Well, I say Bob is the ONLY business person out there trying to PROTECT each and every one of you, republican, democrat or whatever.

    Shame on ALL of the local media for covering this up for so many years.

  8. Oh, wait till Labinal closes their doors too. I guess the media will blame that on Bob too!

  9. Joe - the work force participation trend has been steadily going down and we need to ask why this is happening. The answer is, companies are relocating to states with lower tax rates, and people are locating to where the employment picture is better, and where real estate taxes are lower.

  10. Where in heck is The Daily Times, WBOC, WMDT, The Independent? If this isn't classified as noteworthy news, I don't know what is.

  11. Dunkin Donut just recently opened and I believe MOE's is suppose to open today. But by the look of the employment numbers, we'll need about 100 or Dunkin & MOE's to be added in order to help Salisbury to help make-up the difference.

  12. It's also a poor poor reflection on the Beacon group too. If my memory serves me, I think the DT's recently reported Wicomico's economy is 'half cup half full or half empty'. IMHO there is no cup to hold anything, period.

    1. Forget Beacon, Memo Diriker is in it for himself. If it doesn't make him money or make him look good, he could care less.

    2. Absolutely correct. Memo is good at one thing only...self promotion. He is a big fat zero in results.

  13. 1:56

    Dunkin Donuts, and Moe's are not the type of JOBS this County needs. Those types of jobs were intended for high school kids looking for an after-school job, college students going through college and wanting to make a few dollars. They were never intended to feed or support a family on. What this county needs is more CAREERS.

    The only way this is going to happen is if the County gives heavy tax incentives to large companies or start-ups that provide good salaries. There are successful case studies in other parts of the the Country where a County gave a company a 0% tax rate and real estate tax rates for X years. As long as there Median Salary was above $50k a year, and there were X jobs created. These companies were held to legal contracts with the County and in the event there end was not held up Liens were put on the property..etc. A corporation shouldn't need to pay taxes as long as there creating enough high paying jobs. At that point the income tax roles in the County increase, and the disposable income entering the County increases.

    One big thing that could come to this area, are Data Centers if we played our cards right and passed the right legislation. These Centers bring extremely well paying jobs, and in turn would dump large amounts of disposable income back into the local economy. Look at the turn around from NC with the tech triangle that started up over the last few years.

    Disclaimer: I work for a Fiber company that does data center work up and down the East Coast.

    Mike R.

  14. Most of the democrats have bailed out , they know what's coming , it's all been spend , spend , spend. We could possibly recover in time , but nationwide , I doubt it.
    Soup lines get ready , you think I 'm kidding? The writing has been on the wall for a few years now.
    How in the hell do you expect to survive by just spending more than you make? Ask Obama , he been doing it for 6 years.
    Who the hell is he gonna blame?

  15. Plain & simple, let's face it we are right smack in the middle of a Depression. The democrats just don't want to admit it.

  16. I informed my wife in mid January that I thought this winter would separate the men from the boys. And these numbers help to reveal it. This winter was about as severe as I have ever seen.

  17. To 1:52 Poster that said, Where is The Daily Times.

    My response, they will probably eventually report it, but it might take them in a few weeks. Let's face it, The Daily Times simply doesn't have the staff.

  18. I have noticed there are a lot of vacant houses in my neighborhood here in Kilburnie. It looks as though many have just been abandoned and have remained that way for several years. Now these houses are looking really dilapidated and run down and I'm thinking about how this is adversely effecting my own home valuation.


  20. Where can we find what the jobs were that are included in the huge number?

  21. shame on Ireton and the Rino's on the County Council. the ball is in their court and they are STILL making bad decisions. sad for all.

  22. I think most all of the businesses around Salisbury have downsized. This morning I went into Michael s to find some hobby craft paper. I walked and walked hoping to find someone to help me but there was no one to be found. Finally, I gave up looking and left the store. Same goes for Kohls, Lowe's, among others.

  23. The City is trying to curb vagrancy by deploying anti-panhandling signs throughout Salisbury. Problem is, it seems as though the majority of our residents are all below poverty level. It really is a sad state of affair.

  24. Thank you for not allowing comments blaming Culver. He IS NOT RESPONSIBLE for this. The good ole boys are along with spineless Pollitt and the snake Strasberg.

    Culver can't do it alone and the DO NOTHING COUNCIL certainly isn't helping him by not giving him 60 days to fully examine the Bennett situation. Any fool knows that reports can be skewed to be anything you want. So, non-bias people need to determine just what the situation is. The council needs to pull a Prettyman and ask for a revote and change their votes!

    This council did not give the man the courtesy of even 30 days to investigate if 60 days were too many. Where is the spirit of compromise? Instead, they say that he should have done more in his 3 1/2 months in office. Really? WTH have you, THE COUNCIL done to improve things for the taxpayers. A BIG ZERO!

    Culver gets HIGH PRAISE not only for trying to rein in spending, but for taking the beating from the main stream media with grace.

    DT, WBOC, Independent, BOE supporters, Taylor, Dunn, Hawkins - all of them should hang their heads in shame. They are contributing nothing to this community except vile criticism of a man who was elected by majority popular vote. ALL OF YOU are the problem - not the solution!

  25. I think I've commented this before , my nephew who is an FBI agent bought a farm in West Virginia . He sees the writing on the wall from inside.
    Buy as much ammo as you can , while you can.

  26. This is all due to the wonderful leadership of Pollitt and Ireton who would rather have bars to drink in and stay drunk while the city burns. The BOE is completely out of control and as a taxpayer citizen I don't want ANY NEW SCHOOLS, TRACKS, PLAYGROUNDS or anything else built unless and until we get decent paying jobs back into this crime ridden hell hole called Salisbury.

    This isn't Bob's fault at all. He wasn't even in office until the middle of January 2015. This squarely falls on Pollitt and Ireton and let's not forget fast Freddy.

    People keep trying to tell Ireton but he is so far over his head, he is totally inept. Jake Day is no better. He can't walk and talk at the same time or tell the truth. What we need are real business leaders not the college has beens telling us what to do, or the worthless Chamber of Commerce, but real honest to heaven business leaders to step in and step up to help get this city back on the right track. We all have seen what the left track (Ireton, Day, Freddy the free-loader and the councils) have done.

    Common sense prevails and the likes of what is sitting on the council and the mayor are worthless.

  27. We are quickly reaching that nickname Gov. Schaffer called us, the outhouse of Maryland. Not only are there a lot of empty houses, those who are privileged enough to be buying a home. For many of us, it's our biggest investment, as property values go down it is getting to a point our investments end up with a very poor return. I bought my house here in 1993, I'd be very lucky if I got what I owe on it!

  28. Wait till Perdue gets fed up and leaves!

  29. Jobs are hard to find. Good jobs even harder to find.

  30. Joe said...

    Bob has one hell of an uphill battle ahead of him and it will take YEARS to try to fix what Pollitt and Ireton have done to destroy Salisbury and Wicomico County.

    Don't forget to include O'Malley and Obama as well.

    Oh yeah don't forget Barrie Tilghman as well.

    Does anyone see a pattern here?

    If you are to stupid to understand, it's one common denominator and it is "DEMOCRAT." Get it! Democrats have really ruined our country and if you voted for any of them you are the BLAME!!

  31. Anonymous said...
    It's OK. We have art galleries and bars opening soon. Don't forget the restaurant job after they destroy half the mall and those businesses that can employ double that of the restaurant! We will be fine. $8 an hour is all we need!

    March 21, 2015 at 1:00 PM


    Jim Ireton, Jake Day, Chuck Cook and their Homo Bars Downtown Ghettobury. The Homo Capital of Maryland.

  32. 4:09 i echo your sentiment.
    i bought my home in '89. Put a bunch of money into it because i was told building equity in your house was part of the american dream.
    that dream is now a nightmare. my house somehow is worth a lot less than it was appraised for before Obama.
    I am contemplating buying a "summer" home and leaving this wretched county and state for good.
    let the bank have the house for all i care.
    at least i'll be out of this mess.

  33. Our local legislators continue to spend and borrow more money, and see no problem with putting that extra burden on the already burdened average citizen. This is not a trend that will end well. Companies and citizens will continue to relocate until things change.

  34. Oh yeh , I did forget to tell ya'll , put a thin coat of polish on your bullets or shells , they will eject more easily.
    You can use car wax , I prefer it.

    1. You have no clue what you're talking about. don't mislead people with your garbage. Buy the ammo, keep it stored in a dry location and keep your firearms cleaned and lightly oiled.

  35. Just another good reason to throw a new rain tax on everybody. Buckle up people. As long as you keep electing Democrats it's never going to get any better.

  36. Joe said... YET people like Fredericksen and his robo call followers want brand new schools.


    Those Damn Robo calls are ridiculous. I get sick and tired of getting those Robo calls telling us that we need to go to the County Council meetings and beg on the schools behalf. This crap is getting old and I don't want those calls anymore. If they don't pertain to my child or my child's instruction or school delays I don't want to get those calls.

    Does anyone know or can anyone find out if the Wicomico County Board of Education and school principals are abusing their privilege of access to our phone numbers.

    I remember reading during the election that some phone calls concerning politicking were illegal. I also remember seeing that the candidates Robo calls to cell phones were illegal.

    How can we get an investigation into the BOE's abuse of our phone numbers. It might be illegal and we don't even know it.

    Can someone please investigate this abuse for us? It will help save the County Council thousands if not millions of dollars in the long run.

  37. Here is something that no one ever thinks about except maybe one council member. What Wicomico County needs is it's own water and sewer division. Depending on municipalities like Salisbury and Fruitland is costing builders, developers, businesses and homeowners a fortune. The need for water and sewer is forcing people into municipalities like Salisbury. Who in there right mind wants to live on a dinky lot or an apartment in Salisbury? Who wants to pay the enormous water and sewer rates and fees that Jim Ireton and Jake Day are imposing on the tax payers. We need One County in Wicomico County. Dissolve the city charter in Salisbury.



  38. Anonymous said...
    Most of the democrats have bailed out , they know what's coming , it's all been spend , spend , spend. We could possibly recover in time , but nationwide , I doubt it.
    Soup lines get ready , you think I 'm kidding? The writing has been on the wall for a few years now.
    How in the hell do you expect to survive by just spending more than you make? Ask Obama , he been doing it for 6 years.
    Who the hell is he gonna blame?
    March 21, 2015 at 2:12 PM

    Watch the movie the Hunger Games and put yourself in the place of being just an average citizen. Those peasants in the Hunger Games are poor and at the mercy of the government. I look at that movie and it scares me. Not just for me, but the future of my young children. If you see Obama getting a third term this country is toast. No I don't have a tin foil hat, I have been watching that illegal Muslim from Kenya trample all over our Constitution and you morons are allowing it to happen.

  39. Anonymous said...
    I have noticed there are a lot of vacant houses in my neighborhood here in Kilburnie. It looks as though many have just been abandoned and have remained that way for several years. Now these houses are looking really dilapidated and run down and I'm thinking about how this is adversely effecting my own home valuation.

    March 21, 2015 at 2:42 PM

    That is District 5, Joe Holloway's District.

    It's not only Kilburnie it's all overs Salisbury and Wicomico County.

  40. There are at least 8 vacate houses in Ireton's neighborhood in bad repair and therefore, pulling down the value of those remaining. i would like to know just how many houses are vacate in Salisbury. It appears that every street you go down has for rent signs.

  41. We seem to be Yang to Sussex's Ying.
    Polar opposites

  42. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    March 21, 2015 at 2:52 PM


    Why does WBOC and WMDT interview the nastiest people in this area for their stories.

  43. Anonymous said...
    Just another good reason to throw a new rain tax on everybody. Buckle up people. As long as you keep electing Democrats it's never going to get any better.

    March 21, 2015 at 4:38 PM

    But Chuck Cook called Governor Hogan a liar and said it's not a rain tax it's a run off fee. Oh Ok, since it's a fee instead of a tax that makes it Ok.

    Yep, that is how F*n stupid Chuck Cook and Democrats are.

  44. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    We are quickly reaching that nickname Gov. Schaffer called us, the outhouse of Maryland. Not only are there a lot of empty houses, those who are privileged enough to be buying a home. For many of us, it's our biggest investment, as property values go down it is getting to a point our investments end up with a very poor return. I bought my house here in 1993, I'd be very lucky if I got what I owe on it!

    March 21, 2015 at 4:09 PM

    I bought my house in 1993 and refinanced it in 2007 through a divorce. WTH did I make that mistake for? If only I knew!! I know for a fact I won't get my 2007 value out of my house. I think you might be luckier than I am.

  45. Anonymous said...
    shame on Ireton and the Rino's on the County Council. the ball is in their court and they are STILL making bad decisions. sad for all.

    March 21, 2015 at 2:59 PM

    Don't blame anything on the new County Council members. They had nothing to do with this. Bob Culver was on the previous Council so he is just as much the blame if you are going to blame anyone. The new council members have only had 7 Council meetings so you can't blame anything on them.

    If you are going to run your mouth as a displeased citizen then sign your name. Sounds to me that you are a disgruntled candidate who lost their election.

    1. Yes, Bob Culver was on the previous council. Now go and look at how he voted. He and Joe Holloway were the only council members to vote against any wasteful spending. If you are going to tell it, tell all of it, not just throwing his name out there as if he were not doing his job.

  46. Anonymous said...
    I think I've commented this before , my nephew who is an FBI agent bought a farm in West Virginia . He sees the writing on the wall from inside.
    Buy as much ammo as you can , while you can.

    March 21, 2015 at 3:44 PM

    I am. I have over 6,000 rounds of .22LR and I am trying to find a legal high powered rifle with quick firing power. Any suggesions?

    1. There are still plenty of legal high power firearms available. there are two great gun shops in Berlin and West OC that can help you. Don't go to Gander. Theor customer service sucks and their people on the gun section are idiots.

  47. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Our local legislators continue to spend and borrow more money, and see no problem with putting that extra burden on the already burdened average citizen. This is not a trend that will end well. Companies and citizens will continue to relocate until things change.

    March 21, 2015 at 4:37 PM

    Who are you talking about? Your comment is so vague!!

  48. I was online last night looking for a job and there was nothing at all in the Administrative realm. Not one job. I made mention of this to a friend.
    Now it all makes sense.

  49. Personally I think it's a mistake to not allow comments blaming bob. For a couple of reason the comments should be allowed. For one this is a blog that you started to get people talking about the issues we have around here. If you simply post something and block all comments from the opposition how can we have an open and fair discussion about a subject. Besides I would love to argue with any idiot stupid enough to try and blame bob for these numbers. I mean you truly would have to be moron to think Bob had anything to do with this mess we are in. I would have loved the opportunity to dismantle any bleeding heart liberal blaming these numbers on Bob.

    Maybe Jimmy boy will waste some more money by placing some more signs around Salisbury blaming Bob for all of salisbury's troubles. Jimmy boy takes no blame for anything typical liberal. Spend spend spend and when that doesn't work blame the Republicans. Lol what tool Jimmy Boy is.

    1. Hey Joe had agendas. He post what he wants. His blog. Like he said before. Want to see whatever posted start your own blog!

  50. Anonymous said...

    March 21, 2015 at 5:14 PM

    I agree 100%!!

    WTH has the Republican Central Committee done except get on here and write a damaging article about a certain County Council member. Instead of running his mouth he should have wrote about his plans to find a few good Republican Candidates for Mayor of the City of Salisbury.

    There is a Republican Club Meeting Monday night and they have done absolutely nothing about finding a candidate. There is 7 months until the Salisbury election and the Wicomico County Central Committee has failed the citizens of Wicomico County. Yes Wicomico County because everything that happens in the City of Salisbury is a burden on all Wicomico County tax payers. Ask Bob Culver or the Council members about the problems Jim Ireton and Jake Day are creating for them.

  51. For everyone planning on moving BECAREFUL! The dumb@sses that voted all this crap in are moving too. I heard some loyal democrats at work saying how bad it is around here. They are looking into some of the areas I want to go. Moral of the story tell them to stay and get away fast!

  52. Get healthy working citizens because the tax burden to keep this area going is on you.

  53. 4:57PM, I agree, I have repeatedly commented it is time to repeal the city charter and have the one county take control.
    The mayor has had more than ample time to get things fixed and heading the right direction. What's he do??? Go to bars, gets drunk, and behaves like a mental patient. The mayor is a sick person and needs to be ousted from office. There too many people that want him and his buddies gone. He has ruin this city along with Day and the idiots on the councils.

    They can't and won't do even one thing to help reduce taxes for us, they just keep dreaming up more ways to waste our money. They take the trips to Annapolis, and the likes, while the rest of us, hammer away trying to pay for the roof overhead, and food for the family.


  54. pretty typical of the US
    Certainly not unique to SBY

  55. I intentionally do not get out much, but had the displeasure of trying to navigate my way from business 13 N to Fruitland and what a horrible mess.

    Truly look around. This place is beginning to look like detroit.

    But then I notice the college expanding and more and more ghetto style apts being built.

    Who is going to live in them? I can't wait to see what these new projects are going to look like in a few years.

    I visited a friend at those apts behind the mall and they are falling apart. Hanging gutters, peeling paint, and dirty. How embarrassing.

  56. Now your seeing the results of making it against the law to hang horse thieves....

  57. By the look of the employment numbers, it looks as though Wicomico County officials are going to have to do a reset on the income tax estimates once again. If I'm not mistaken, it hasn't been quite a year since they revised the income tax estimates and wrote down that portion of the annual budget. Looks as though yet another revision will be in order very soon.

  58. To the person who commented not to blame the new council members, but Culver because he was on the previous council. If you had paid any attention at all, you would know Bob Culver and Joe Holloway always voted for the taxpayers. Holdovers from the previous council, Matt Holloway and John Hall voted like DEMOCRATS the majority of the time. They deserve blame.

    Culver has stayed true to his core values. Matt Holloway and John Hall apparently have no core values as they certainly aren't true Republicans. Cannon and Dodd are on council for a second time. Cannon is just another RINO. So my advice, go back and check Culver's voting record before you place blame on him.

    1. Flipping idiot! That's what he said to start with!

  59. The jobs around here just keep vanishing. At one time Wicomico had at least some manufacturing base. There was Standard Register, Bayliner, Haliburton/Dresser, Crown, Purity Bacon, Campbell's Soup. What in the hell is happening us? Property values are falling and household expenses are increasing. Yet disposable income has been dramatically declining since 2007. I agree with an earlier poster that said we are in a full blown Depression.

    1. This is not a pro business state or county. Business goes where it is best for it to make a profit. Labinal is only the most recent. Thank Miculski, Omalley, and the entire Maryland legislature.

  60. What people don't realize, a lot of the business owners and wealthier people no longer claim residence in Wicomico County. They've been establishing residences in other counties and states for some time to avoid the tax burden in Wicomico and the state.

    Some of these same people who don't pay their taxes here have the nerve to try and control what goes on.

    Wicomico is so far down the tubes, the "new normal" that Strausburg and Pollitt always talked about is far worse than they would ever admit to. They, Creamer and those before them have created this mess. The "new normal" for Wicomico is being the armpit of Maryland, no jobs, city full of bars, bad education rank and thugs everywhere. Try to have economic development with that reputation!

  61. Salisbury has become Detroit II. If you don't believe me, take a stroll down RT13 from Centre of Salisbury to Fruitland. And while your driving - watch out that your vehicle doesn't get swallowed by the pot holes. Seriously, they are more deep than wide and can damage a front end alignment in no time flat.

  62. All i see on here is recrerational complaining. Not one person is offering a solution.
    WTF people? Be part of the solution.
    If you dont have a better idea or the vision and energy to make it better than STFU

    1. really? Where's your great idea genius? The purpose of a blog is to allow open discussion. You're no d. oubt another anti civil liberties libtard.

  63. Salisbury and Wicomico C0. can not survive on retail and restaurant business alone. And the reason the manufacturing folks moved on was because of taxes and over regulation. And, try to start a business here tomorrow. The EPA or the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, or the Water Alliance will fight you all the way. For years you folks kept voting for Democrats and still do. You reap what you sow.

  64. 8:42
    So you are complaining that people are complaining......what is your solution?

  65. There are major overhauls that need to be done on the business supportive infrastructure. First off the former administration made a grave mistake imposing impact fees on construction. This initiative alone has cost this County several thousand jobs and thwarted any type of quick economic recovery.

    Second, the tax structure needs to be overhauled in order to entice businesses. A good analogy would be like trying to attract water foul without any water. It can't be done. So there has to be some type of legislation that will protect businesses as opposed to trying to put them out of business. If the infrastructure doesn't change we will end up like inner city Baltimore, or worse, Detroit. Salisbury/Wicomico already resembles both of these areas, and as you can tell by the employment numbers, it is getting worse.

  66. I agree with many of the other posters, the economic outlook looks to be bleak. So much of our industrial base has moved out of here. It is obvious, there is a severe problem

  67. I have lived in Wicomico County all of my life. My father and mother were born here and I can tell you first hand that the employment conditions are the worse I have witnessed in my 60 years. Taxes, flush taxes, rain tax, impact fees, tax upon tax stacked one on top of the other. New taxes being proposed on computer services, taxes on internet sales, hotel room taxes, liquor taxes, cigarette taxes, it is endless. And yet our State government is still broke. The problem isn't that we don't have enough taxes, the problem is a spending problem. As far as constructing new schools go, we should try and mirror China philosophy. 'IF YOU CAN'T FEED THEM - THEN DON'T BREED THEM'!

    1. ECI was the beginning of the end for this area. We have a much higher population of welfare recipients and drug addicts than ever before.

  68. This has been years in the making. This is what the forward looking people have been trying to warn the leaders about for years, and yet, every council meeting all they want to do is borrow, borrow, and spend, spend, spend. This county, and Maryland in general, is running everyone out. It's basically a version of cannibalism. Sounds bad, but it's the truth. So go ahead teachers with all your spending, and county people with all your paid for cars and gas, and sheriffs with your new SUVs...spend...spend. All you are doing is running all of us out, and you will be the only ones left to pay your own high salaries, and high benefits. I would be embarrassed to be a government employee in these times.

  69. Joe can you please run for county ex

    1. Jesus Christ. Let Bob do his thing. He just got elected by "US"! You are ready to give up on him and he hasnt even started yet!

  70. While they are building and opening all of these bars, restaurants, fast food joints where on earth do they think people are going to get the money to support them? People that mind their budget can't afford to take their family out for dinner or a movie. It's all a lot of families can do to take their kids to the Hebron Carnival. If not for the reduced rate bracelets a lot of kids wouldn't get to enjoy the carnival. There needs to be a moratorium on these types of businesses opening here until we entice companies paying a decent wage to come here. I don't understand how people are making it anymore. This winter nearly destroyed us with heating and electric bills to pay and everyone in my household works.

    1. Amen. I work two jobs and so does my wife. We have degrees but can't find nice pay. We want to leave but have elderly patents and grandparents still alive that want to die here. It took us three weeks of saving to go to the movies yesterday with our two kids. I big drink and a small pop corn. Almost a $100. Wtf?

  71. I blame much of the decent job generation on the Obama administration. He has sought from the outset to try and hold people down. From the outset he has encouraged welfare as opposed to job generation. Instead of creating a pipeline, he encourages food stamps, Obama phones, anything but holding a TRUE job. Beats me as to how this Country has held together this long under his dictatorship rule.

  72. And people wonder why the crime rate is so high around here. Come on, let's get real, what does a civilization expect people to do when there is virtually no opportunity. The best way to thwart crime is to try and encourage self-reliance, holding a job. If there are no businesses - what do you expect. Wicomico has been in the doldrums for nearly a decade now and the employment conditions are getting worse, much worse.

  73. 2:55 It isn't desperate unemployed workers committing most of the crime here.

    1. It will be soon! I know a lot of hard working folks who have to steal here n there just to afford to get by.

  74. Joe,
    I tried to open a business in wicomico county back in the 90's. because of the good old boy network trying to hold me hostage I moved the business to talbot county. ran it there for over 12 years. swed dave ryan was no help, the comissioners of the various government entities here in wicomcio were all about what's in it for them. This place sucks for business! but I always enjoy reading mem dirikers synopsis on what it takes to be successful while running a business. From a man who only has an idea of what it takes and no real experience in successfully employing people in good jobs for their families and futures! I love living close to the beach but this area sucks in everything else!

  75. As we drift towards socialism and communism , we will eventually die as a democracy.
    It will happen , just prepare yourselves , this is exactly what has happened to all countries who rejected democracy.
    The simple minded who are followers will cease to exist by internal civil war among races and the strong.
    The weak will perish very fast.

  76. To 11:17
    I'll tell you how people have the money to go to all the restaurants...everyone is on assistance of some kind. Usually once you're in/on the system everything for living is free or reduced. Housing, food, medical care, etc. That frees them up to have money to spend on everything that the normal person has to save for. I was behind a girl in the Dollar General store who looked like a million bucks (cute hair, nails, faux fur vest, boots, new jeans, makeup) and spent $97 which is a lot for Dollar General--cart loaded up. She pulled out an Independence card and the clerk said you still owe $47...then she pulled out a SECOND Independence card for the rest. She said, "I'm sorry for holding you'all up." When we walked out into the parking lot, she was loading up her car with her stuff driving a jacked up black late model Mercedes with fancy wheels. Looked like her drug dealing baby daddy's car. She is probably using the system to get her hair cut, nails done, and probably eating crabs at Fat Boys on the weekends, all on the system. Everyone's doing it. It's the new normal. And by the way...what the hell is going on with all the Shore Transit buses. I never see ANYONE on them. What a waste. Just pissing money away. This county, this state, this country is Greece in the making.

    1. Then you should've took picture and turned her in for fraud! There are good hard working people who need help. Quit bashing all people who need help.

  77. The backstory to this is the impact on the real estate market, which should concern everyone since your home is one of your major investments.
    Out of the 463 single family homes currently on the market in WicCo, 54 are lender owned A.K.A. foreclosures. 50 are short sales meaning lender may be willing to take less then is owed on the home.

  78. Not to worry -- Day and Ireton are about to have Salisbury borrow and spend millions to have a new streetscape in downtown Salisbury. Then we will have a Niemen Marcus and Sutton Place Gourmet there with tons of jobs.


  79. Compliments of Rick Pollitt, Liarton, Fake Day, Barrie and Phil Tilghman, Mikey Dunn, Pillhead Mitchell and Shameless Shields, aka the Wicomico-Salisbury Wrecking Crew.

  80. Joe -

    The only place that Dave Ryan knows about the game is on a tennis court. As a business development guru he don't make the cut.

  81. Things have now reached the point that Bob Culver may not be able to turn the ship around before it hits the rocks, especially if Ireton or Day is elected mayor this year and Shields and Mitchell remain in the Salisbury City Council.

  82. To 7:24 Poster - AKA foreclosures & Short Sales

    My response: And the parties (Banks) that are discounting these loans are being subsidized by guess who - UNCLE SAM, your very own government. Anyone can see that this was a ponzi scheme from the outset. Your government lured people in, guaranteed them the money, Congress raised the debt-to-income ratios - and - wallah - the scenario was perfectly set for a major financial catastrophe. And now almost a decade latter - people are as worse off today than when the collapse first occurred in 2007-2008. Hordes & hordes of foreclosures still in the pipeline.

  83. Reference to 6:31 Poster that said; - Independence Cards & government subsidies.

    Don't forget about the BOE credit card spending on all of those restaurants, I saw those receipts from, My Turn To Cook, to virtually every local restaurant including Ritas. Many of which were not even in the Salisbury area - but of all places Ocean City.

  84. I'm going to send letters to all the major retailers and food chains (Harris Teeter, Trader Joes, California Pizza, etc.) and tell them to stay the hell away from this area unless they are willing to lose big time. I'm surprised Moe's was gutzy enough to locate in Salisbury after Salsaritas had to pull out of 2 locations...but somehow Checkers has been able to re-invent themselves. Good luck with that. Wicomico County needs an intervention. Start with the Board of Ed and move on down the line to county workers that don't work. Just riding the roads using up vehicles and gas.

  85. There has to be something we can do??

  86. I know someone who worked for the State Highway Admin and used to park his state truck in his garage with the door down just to hide because he wasn't working and getting paid. Probably siphoned gas from his state vehicle into his personal vehicle too. Yes folks, it's just that bad.

    1. So your a criminal? You know of somebody stealing .....gas or pay check and probably your buddy. And you did nothing about it? Your a part of the problem.

  87. WOW. These numbers don't surprise me. It's not just this county, but statewide. Ehrlich (Rhino) and O'Malley tax whores. Who in the world taxes rain? Now he's running for president. Next will be a tax for 'waxing your car' and 'planting a rose bush.' Where does it stop? Poor governor of MD has his hands full turning this ship around.

  88. I'll hate to be the one to break our citizens glass bubble - but if Salisbury proceeds with assessing the rain tax on the Centre of Salisbury Mall -($12,500) - they'll high tail it out of here to. Then - we'll not have just (1) blighted site (Old Mall) - but two.

  89. 8:19-What you say is true and the fault for than lies directly on the backs of the democrats who convinced "stupid" democrat "American voters" that EVERYONE DESERVED to be a homeowner. The democrats are solely responsible. They were warned by none other than President Geo W Bush that the housing market would crash, but the democrats who had control of Congress at the time, refused to hold hearings. This cause the whole economy to crash. When I hear "it's Bush's fault" I cringe because it just shows what ignoramuses we are surrounded by and I don't tolerate stupidity well. It wasn't Bush's fault but the fault exclusively of the democrats.
    None other than Barrack Obama in his "community organizer" days had a lot to do with this. Democrats as usual screwing the low income who are too stupid to realize it. The homes are now being bought up for nickels on the dollar, and being rented to the very people that lost them.
    Out of everything that is messed up in this country one thing is certain: The democrats were responsible.

  90. what kind of pathetic loser would ever posit taxing rain in the first place? Oh, that's right, every democrat.
    if they can tax rain, the skies the limit, literally. Maybe they should tax sunshine, or square footage of roofs that block sunshine. Big skyscrapers block a lot of radiant heat from smaller buildings below. Also, tall buildings block the sun from my solar panels. They should be taxed by God!!

    And wind, don't get me started on that. My windmill needs unobstructed air. Big buildings block the wind. Tax them for that too.

  91. To 9:16 Poster - Referring to the housing crisis being the Democrats fault.

    You are so on-point. It was Democrats Barney Frank and Maxine Waters that gave Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae a thumbs-up. I remember vividly when George W. Bush gave Congress a warning about their insolvency - and yet Maxine Waters & Barney Frank further stated that these two agencies were of sound financial stature. The blame lies squarely on the shoulders of the Democrats. Remember the huge argument between Fox news mogul - Bill O'Reilly & Barney Frank over Fannie Mae & Freddy?

  92. Joe - I thank SBYNEWS everyday. Do you have any idea how long most our residents have been walking in the dark. For as long as I can remember, the citizens of Wicomico & SBY have been brainwashed by none other than the other MSM including The Daily Times, WBOC, and WMDT. I can see it now - before SBYNEWS arrived - The Daily Times would try and spin these numbers to make one think that Wicomico is flourishing. Interviewing people like SU's Janet Dudley Eschbach and/or Memo Diricker. Fact is - how can anyone possibly spin these nos. for being anything than what they are, TERRIBLE. Thank you and your staff for tell the news like it is - THE TRUTH.

  93. Responding to 9:16 Poster on who is to blame.

    DITTO - I agree.

  94. I plan to get my home up to date to sell. It's becoming too expensive to live here and there is little to no opportunity for young people to stay here.

    I only hope I will be able to sell in this real estate market. Salisbury and the state of Maryland in general is no longer the land of pleasant living.
    I waited and hoped things would get better here, but it's no longer the same place when I purchased my house in 1989.
    I earned more money, my yearly taxes were only 500 per year and I didn't have to pay for a landfill fee to haul my trash to the dump run by county employees, paid for through my taxes! Now my yearly taxes are over 2000 per year and my income has gone down. If it weren't for my wife and I still working, I would be bankrupt and in foreclosure!

  95. I hate to be the bearer of bad news the writings are on the wall.To every county residents who are sick off all the divisiveness, name calling, economic and social decline and decay in this county start packing and get out of this area. ASAP. Citizens are not willing to work together for the greater good of this community. United we stand but divided we will all fall. If you are not part of the solution; you are part of the problem. What are you?

  96. To 1:18 Poster - Good Luck in selling your home as you are not the only one looking to transition out of here.
    One look at these employment numbers will quickly tell you that you are not alone. There are a lot of others seeking to pull out of here too - as the educational and law enforcement establishments have found a backdoor way into your hip pockets. When I first built here in 1979 - my Wicomico real estate tax bill for my home was $283. This past year it was $1,300 - and yet the student population is substantially less than it was in 1979. So what does that tell you about a run-a-way government.

  97. Poster 1:34 PM - All good and dandy as long one continues to feed those sloshing at the public trough. Solutions? In all honesty - don't you think it is a day late and a dollar short to try and shore-up the failing infrastructure. IMHO, it is to late and to far gone.

  98. Dave Ryan is a hard worker for Wico Co but he can only do so much because of the poor state of the economy left by democrats such as Tilghman, Pollitt, OMalley (about to announce his run for prez?) and Obama and his crew taxing so high that foreigners are buying up our businesses so jobs are going overseas.

  99. First,the environmental entities that control ALL development,retirees and older born on the shore money people in power and control have to want growth and the traffic that comes along with it.This is why nothing is moving ahead here.

  100. Oh yes 10:36 I remember the public slap down Frank received from O'Reilly.
    Frank famously stated when confronted by the GOP on the imminent collapse of FM/FM-
    "These two entities—Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—are not facing any kind of financial crisis. The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."

    Frank was the ranking democrat on the Financial Services Committee which is tasked with overseeing FM/FM and in typical democrat fashion he LIED.
    100 percent of democrats lie all the time and it is the ONLY thing they are competent at.

  101. The economy is bad everywhere because the Federal Reserve has allowed rich elitists to borrow money at 1/2 percent interest at the expense of us working people and we get 1/4 percent interest or less on savings so in turn we work our butts off only to survive.

    1. Another liberal that has no clue about economics. Shocking....not!

  102. The employment scene around here is of epidemic proportions. Seriously! Just look at chart and you can see that it has been over 3 years since Wicomico realized a positive workforce growth no. I do not believe either party realizes the magnitude of this crisis. And yet many of bureaucratic departments continue with the mantra that they need more money. Plain and simple the current economic condition is unsustainable. Surely, the BOE must realize that the ultimate ending is one of an economic catastrophic proportion.

  103. Democrats lie because it's not about facts, it's about feelings and the attempt to so call fix something .... facts are just an annoyance to them...they get in the way of their hideous agenda.

  104. 7:53 PM- I doubt it, the BOE is just that stupid. The only thing they know, and their followers are we "need more money for the children". They don't know anything else. After all look who represents them Ron Willey, and Fast Free Loading Freddy.

  105. Because of all of the hype over this post, I went back through some of Joe's old posts on salaries of various county jobs. I was looking a 2013 SBY post today for Worcester County's salaries in 2009. I just cannot get over the fact that almost everyone in 2009 was making $100,000. What am I missing? Why do these guys make so much money? I work hard and make roughly 1/4 of this amount and have absolutely no benefits. Please tell me how this is happening.

  106. People post comments on here saying glad you left. Well I am very glad I got out of Wico and MD and moved to FL. I bought a water front home in FL that has appreciated 100% in the past 3 years and construction is booming. The situation in SBY and Wico is your own doing because you keep electing unqualified officials and chase off anyone that wants to change the status quo. Good luck with all that!

  107. To 10:14
    Which post were you referring to?


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