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Sunday, March 22, 2015

The County Council Is Right, The Executive's Office Should Have Been More On The Ball

As I have stated many times, and something my critics refuse to recognize is, I call it like I see it. Everyone knows I am a supporter of Bob Culver and the mandate for change he received in the last election. However, what occurred in the Council meeting this morning should never have happened.

Mr. Culver's intent was extremely honorable on behalf of the taxpayers and the saving of millions of dollars. That is exactly what he was overwhelmingly elected to do. During the discussion by the Council on the Bennett Middle School issue, some members cited that Mr. Culver provided insufficient information in the CIP and his request for a 60 day delay so the renovation of Bennett Middle could receive further study by his office was too late. Let's not forget Mr. Culver has only been in office for just over 3 months. What is important to remember, HIS STAFF HAS NOT!

The Director of Administration has been in office over three years and the Assistant Director of Administration has worked for the County for more than 20 years, the last 8 or so in her current position. How things work and what is expected from the County Executive's office to present and to provide to the Council should be old hat to them. Process and procedure are what they get paid to do for the County Executive!

Bob chose to hold on to Wayne and Sharon, and my guess would be that he needed these professionals who are paid around $200,000.00 a year between them plus benefits, to help him more or less fit into the groove, so to speak.

However, today proved that Wayne and Sharon have been doing the complete opposite. Professionals would have held meetings well in advance with not only Council Members, but they would have also done so with the Board of Education. Everyone would have been well-briefed on Mr. Culver's plan.

However, my guess, (and it is only a guess) is that Wayne and Sharon knew well in advance what the outcome was going to be on this and while some of you may come back here and say Wayne tried to have Bob's back in today's Council Meeting, I'd argue that it was nothing more than a show. I believe Wayne and Sharon are still working to further the goals of the former administration and in my honest opinion I firmly believe Mr. Culver should fire the two of them TODAY and move on to greener pastures.

Look, these people are paid huge salaries to make sure things like what happened today NEVER happen. Not in a Council Meeting OR in the Press. Bob certainly got smacked in the face, (as some might imply) but the reality of it is, the taxpayers were simply screwed today and YOU are the people who got smacked. That doesn't leave Mr. Culver without any responsibility though. He needs to make the tough decision; does he want to continue being played a fool or does he want to fulfill his platform and agenda by doing what he proposed to do when he ran for Office in the first place?

I'm sure the act of removing some people doesn't look very good on Bob, but guess what, Bob is our new County Executive and he has every right to hire people who will fulfill his vision, the one the taxpayers' supported with their votes I might add. He should be surrounded by people who will work just as hard as he does for the taxpayers and do it passionately.

Today was a HUGE learning curve for Mr. Culver. He can either continue down the same path he's been on since he took Office or he can make the necessary and difficult changes to get rid of the cancer in his Office and do what he set out to do, serve the people under HIS platform and move the County forward.

And let me say this. What kind of person did YOU elect when that person comes back and says, you know Bob, I'd support you if you had the support of the Council but I don't see that at this point! WHAT? Another Council Member couldn't understand how saving the building would save the taxpayers money! WHAT? Another Council Member doesn't think things should be revisited once they are in place. WHAT? Really? Your family owns several businesses. Do your businesses stay on the same path for years if the economy has changed and you can't afford to move forward? I doubt it! Finally, another Council Member stated that the economy hasn't changed up or down for the past 10 years. WHAT? That one is really nuts!

So, what have we learned? We learned that the seasoned Executive Staff - Wayne and Sharon - who know the kinds of information the Council needs to make decisions, the kinds of information that needs to be in the CIP narrative and the time frame that the Council wants to receive this information DID NOT HELP BOB CULVER with any of it. THEY FAILED HIM.

We learned that despite the fact Davis and Kilmer are new, Cannon and Dodd have served before, and Matt Holloway, Joe Holloway and John Hall are returning members - the MAJORITY of the Council was not convinced that giving Mr. Culver another 60 days was in the best interest of the TAXPAYERS who elected the MAJORITY REPUBLICAN COUNCIL TO SUPPORT THE REPUBLICAN COUNTY EXECUTIVE.

The handwriting is on the wall folks. Mr. Culver needs to do some more house cleaning.

I want to add, West Salisbury Elementary has NEVER been on the County Council CIP. Are you ready... The BOE had it on theirs, READY, FIFTEEN YEARS from now! The BOE has made this a RACIST thing. Rick Pollitt was DESPERATE towards the end of his election and promised that community a new school. It JUST came onto the radar screen and should NOT even be considered. 


  1. Bingo!! Spot On!!

    Get rid of those two and go to work with the County Council. They are on your side Bob. Several members stated communication was an issue. If Bob didn't advance information or plans to the County Council by now then I support the County Council is saying that what information should they expect in 60 days that would make a difference. Yes Bob could have or should have discussed his plans for saving the Bennett Middle School with the County Council, but he didn't. Is it his fault? Partially, but like you said he has a Director of Administration and an Asst. Director of Administration working under him. Don't tell me they couldn't have found the time to meet with the County Council members to gain their support and trust in the County Executive. THEY could have directed the County Executive to work with the County Council members. Yes Bob is to blame for today, but his County Administrator and Asst. County Administrator FAILED Bob Culver today.

    Show them the door please.

  2. Bob,

    Unfortunately, the two that you relied upon, let you down. If the voters had been given the opportunity, they would have been released along with the previous executive.

    It is now time to finish cleaning house as the remainder were given the opportunity to prove their continued worthiness to serve the public's wishes...they proved they were NOT.

    If there was a recall election process available to us - it would be enacted against a couple of the newly elected council members as they too have shown their favour of their own agenda over the desire of the people.

    1. 3:35 pm do you even. Know WTH you are talking about??? No you don't. There is a recall petition and I dare you to start one. If you were so concerned about a recall petition then you would have whined about a recall petition when President Matt Holloway called for a special meeting at the request of Stevie Prettyman. It was a done deal at that point and then a special meeting was called and the majority of the council members voted to build a new BMS at the cost of millions of dollars to the tax payers. Kilmer and Dodd weren't even on the council then so don't black e them.

  3. well put Joe!

    Bob... don't let this get you down. stay the path. the VOTERS are STILL with you!!!

    we the voters will help when it's time to vote for the county council!


  5. It seemed to me in comments made by a couple council members that Culver doesn't communicate well to the council. There are a lot of dynamics in play here, but he is making a mistake by not having regular conversations with council members, both written and in person.

    Culver was a council member so he knows what is expected to be in the brief books they receive before each council meeting. I don't understand this failure on his part.

    Is it that he expected his Director and Asst. Director of Communications to handle it? Did he direct them to do it and they didn't? Is Strausburg being insubordinate because of his relationship with Cannon and Hall?

    Whatever the issue, Culver needs to fix it and fix it fast or he will face more of what he got today.

  6. Creamer is a problem too. He is leading the council members around by the nose. He is protecting his double-dipping salary and perks. He is part of the regime that sold this county down the river. The council members need new blood and we, the people, need to make that clear. CREAMER NEEDS TO GO. HE HAS WORN OUT HIS WELCOME! and take the loser assistant with you too.

  7. Fire the two traitors and lets start a recall on the rino council members.

  8. Strasberg and Morris don't want to give up the power they had under Pollitt. Plus Strasberg is probably hoping to hang on for 5 years so he can live off the county benefits for the rest of his life.

    If Culver doesn't wise up soon and clean house, he not only will be a disappointment, he will be a failure.

  9. I have read several comments over the past few months that make it sound like the Asst. Director positions are appointed. They are not. Sharon Morris' position is not an appointed position. Just an FYI...

    1. Exempt from personnel system (601 County Charter).

  10. Well its made my decesion ..i plan to sell and move south.ASAP..i am so tired of the abysmal politics in this county over taxed for little or no ROI

  11. 6-1 Republican Council. Culver should have breezed right through with his plan. Something isn't right when the likes of Kilmer and Dodd question him. He needs to take stock of his "staff" if they couldn't muster any support. Not counting Joe Holloway - he is a true Republican.

    1. The only thing Dodd is good at is whining about everything. He was on the Board of Ed, he will do what they want.

  12. Kilmer says he read about the 60 day plan on Bassett's FB page? What is wrong with Culver that he would communicate with Bassett and not the Council. This isn't the first time he has done something like that. Seems to me he does need a PIO to keep him from making stupid mistakes. I like you Culver, but geez!

  13. It is very apparent that Culver's Executive Office staff is not on his side. Name one thing they have done that has been in his best interest! Wayne is a BS artist and Morris has been promoted over her head. Inquiring minds want to know - why are you keeping them around?

  14. WOW some pretty strong comments and accusations on this one,anyone have the courage to put their name on it.

  15. Culver:

    How many times are you going to allow egg on your face before you realize that your "staff" isn't "your staff" - they are Pollitt's old staff. Come on man, man up and get your own people that will work for you and not against you.

  16. first 4:10 - she needs to retire. She is too entrenched in the old ways. Culver was elected to bust that up and let light and new ideas into government. She is a dinosaur.

  17. The whole damn house needs to be cleaned. Why would Bob keep any part of a past corruption? Because he is a nice guy that believes in second chances. That's why. Bob your voters didn't want second chances. We want a fresh start that starts with you! Fire them all systematically and make our county what it should be!

  18. 4:19 - like what comments? They all seem true from what I've heard and witnessed. Some were on PAC 14. Is your head in the sand?

  19. Great post Joe. Kudos for telling it like it is. Culver needs to be called out especially if he can't figure out how to work with council. Buck stops with him, regardless of who the staff is.

  20. I agree with 4:02. Culver was a council person. He should know what they need to make informed decisions. Who dropped the ball?

  21. Let the blame games begin.

  22. In my business the BUCK stops with me no matter who the foreman in charge is. Bob is the top dog & the buck stops with him.

    As for Creamer, he doesn't work for Bob. He works for the council and Bob can't fire him. Enough said about that.

    The council has too many green members who say a bunch of nothings and don't have the facts to back them up.

    We are screwed.

  23. no my head is not in the sand,just saying if you call people traitors and b.s. artists be man or woman enough to sign your name.the people you are trashing have a right to confront you.quit hiding behind Joe and attend the meetings and speak up.

  24. I voted for Bob Culver to take control and his learning curve is what is important to me. bob and sharon, nor ANY other public servant should be making this kind of money! Top the career politicians, and the career public employees cabal now! If they want to earn a royal wage, let them do on the sweet of their abilities, not on the tails of the taxpayer!

  25. Very good post Joe and I certainly Bob is reading this and paying attention. Clean house NOW!!

  26. You best believe Creamer is a problem also and Bob you would be very wise to also show him the door and tell him to walk thru it and don't look or come back.

  27. House won't be completely cleaned no matter what Culver does until council cleans up their house. Creamer and the assistant both need to be gone. Then there is the Cannon problem...

  28. We, Mr. Culver's constituents, got a royal smack in the face today. His house cleaning to date has been very inefficient and he should know that he needs to employ those folks, at all levels, who support his vision for Wicomico County. He needs to wake up before he's shown the door. A lot of us have placed our trust, as well as our vote, with him and he's buckling under. His house cleaning should be immediate and for all departments!

  29. All Culver can do with council is cut their office funding. Then they won't support his budget. However, if my understanding is correct, his budget goes in to effect in 30 days with or without their vote.

  30. 4:44 do you sign your name on Taylor's blog? Did you sign yours on here? Double standard. You come here to read the stuff, don't like what you read and then don't post your own name. Stop trying to claim moral high ground.

    I'm not the person who originally responded to you, but your reply to them sparked my interest. LOL.

  31. 4:59pm You are so off the mark that it makes me laugh. Culver can't touch the council's budget so get over it.

  32. 4:44 I hope you are using the word "you" in the broadest of terms. Think a lot of different people are commenting on this. Don't assume commenters don't attend meetings. If I don't attend, I watch on PAC 14. The council members spoke clearly today in terms of volume and diction, but more importantly in terms of content. How is commenting on what they said in a public forum "trashing" them?

  33. Ah, according to 4:59 the council sounds like they are in control. Obviously you like their decisions. Hope you have the money to pay for their spending. Let's see how the rest of the public feels about it. They've only won a battle, not the war!

  34. creamer works for the council not Culver. we are stuck with him because Cannon doesn't have gonads to get rid of him. he needs someone to tell him what to do. btw, what a fool Hall made of himself today. cannon must be so proud of him. roflmao

  35. If Rick Pollitt doe not get the city job in Crisfield that he has applied for, he's available!

    Hey, Creamer is a Wicomico County double dipper, so why not Slick Rick too?

  36. I find this a sad statement on the way the Council and Executive will NOT be working together to find solutions. Culver was elected by the people to curb spending. He is trying and they wouldn't give him 60 days to explore other options because he came to them late and without information. It isn't like he has been in office for a year for crying out loud. I think this was a complete lack of respect for not only Culver, but for the taxpayers too. What harm would it have done to have given the man 60 days?

  37. Bob -- let this be a learning experience. As Tip O.Neill used to say: "politics ain't beanbag."

    PS - it's a bloodsport!

  38. Which 2 need to go first....? I think they all need to go except maybe 1..

  39. From reading these comments it appears a lot of people don't like Strasberg and the way he conducts himself. Usually where there is this much smoke, there is fire. I made a couple phone calls to county employees I know about this. Apparently the man speaks out of both sides of his mouth and isn't considered trust worthy. If you can't be trusted, what's left? Culver doesn't need someone like that around him.

  40. LEE Tick Tock you backstabber.

  41. Mr Albero you are right on.
    Bob made a mistake and will learn from it. Mackes is still running the county thru his bed buddies Creamer and Louseberg.As far as Morris she has the intellect of a 3rd string circus clown.Bob put Louseberg on the road ASAP.Bob as a taxpayer i thank you for going to bat for us to bad the rest of your team decided to play for the other.

  42. I am the CEO of a company and realize that leadership starts at the top. If my staff makes a decision, ultimately I am responsible. Leaders do not blame others or throw others under the bus. Bob needs to look in the mirror and realize that in tough times, things may not go his way but in this case, his leadership lacked as he did not do his homework. To blame others is not being a leader. Learning experience and move on.

  43. Yes, Culver needs to learn and learn quick. He can't afford to make many more mistakes of this magnitude. My question though is why have TWO administrative directors if they are worthless and Culver has to be so hands on. He cannot micromanage everything. Why continue to pay their salaries if they aren't making a worthwhile contribution? While at it, get some lawyers that you can trust instead of that namby-pamby bunch that are currently there. Want to cut waste, start with some of your own management (LOL) team!

  44. i,m claiming the moral high ground because i,m not calling people names or impuning their character,if i choose to use slurs to demean people i will sign off,not hide behind Joe like many of you do,calling people fat,homo,pos,shows your ignorance.

    1. True. But not nearly as much as terrible diction and grammar.


  45. 1. That HR woman needs to GO...she was arrogant and ignorant at that meeting...totally unacceptable.
    2. Why are "exempt" employees getting comp time anyway? Exempt jobs have salaries that cover all expected overtime. These people are already compensated for "all" that they do!
    3. I do not work for the State, but I feel for folks who have worked in State jobs for years and years for the benefits (not comp time) and retirement. You can't take away what was promised and for which they've worked so many years.
    4. Are all those jokers willing to take the same benefit cuts, etc.? I doubt it.
    5. Again, that HR woman was an embarrassment to this entire county...I don't remember her name, but I definitely know she would be unemployed tomorrow if she worked for me.

  46. Wayne your TOAST.

  47. I am firmly supporting Bob Culver. You just don't come into this position with no staff available to help answer questions and assist with some required duties. Bob knows this and he also knows he had to start somewhere with someone. After all, he does have some tough time constraints to get things done. Everyone needs to take a deep breath, Bob can't complete everything all at one time.

    This has been a headache I'm sure for Bob. I dealt with several back-stabbing people like these in my own business career. Believe me it's not fun! On some level, you think you can trust your employees to have basic honestly and integrity, but you learn the painful way that those closest to you can not be trusted. Information travels on an as needed to know basis and that's all.

    I feel for Bob, but take heart this isn't the end of the world, but rather a new beginning. Now you have the proof you need to do what has to be done. Do it and don't look back.

    I know Bob has the best interests of the taxpayers at heart and he will continue to develop communication links to the public. I am not giving up on him, and I am not going to pigeon hole him into backing rash decisions. We, the public know, he thinks through a problem and studies the issue at hand before reaching a final decision. That's what I want from my County Executive, and that's what Bob will deliver.

    This wasn't a well thought out plan from the Council because there will be consequences for them. This pack of rats along with Creamer who can't decide if he wants to buy up city real estate at rock bottom prices, do a bare minimum of repairs on the property then rent them out, or does he want to be on the council? He should have been gone at least ten years ago. The council members, Creamer, and the ridiculous BOE have all played their hands and the taxpayer knows and will remember how they have deceitfully used their office for their personal gain. You have shown yourselves for what you are and will be judged accordingly.

  48. 6:40pm I think you are the one who is an effeminate person, not the lawyers.

  49. Kilmer get lost, you secret RINO!

  50. Fact is, Wicomico County is spending way to much in leasing buildings around this County. Between the Life Crisis, Dental Lab, Shore-up, BD of Elections, Liquor Board, SWED, and Lord only knows what other entities - our taxpayers are being plundered. Maybe now, some light will be shed on this subject.

  51. ZERO loyalty what does bob expect ? FIRE them BOTH.

  52. Yes, I agree that Culver has much more to uncover. He needs to have a team around him to do the investigations, get documented facts and have a competent attorney review everything BEFORE he tries to present anything to this Council. They are not on his side and he needs to present so many facts with documentation that they can't refute him. His only hope is to be so thorough and detailed, they will be shamed into doing the right thing.

  53. Culver needs help but he apparently doesn't see it if he thinks Pollitt's old team can transition to working for him and believing in him. Those leopards aren't going to change their spots! Morris needs to retire, she can't be reprogramed from the evil empire she is used to working for. Strausburg is working his own agenda that is the bidding of his "friends".

    Culver has the ideas, but will fail in getting things done if he relies on those two. We voted for change. Culver can't do it alone.

  54. As soon as I heard Kilmer say he first learned about the 60 day plan by reading it on Bassett's Facebook page, I knew Culver was toast. That is not how you treat the County Council. If Culver wants their respect and support, he needs to show them respect.

    He seems to have forgotten what it is like to sit on the Council OR someone is giving him VERY BAD ADVICE. Strong leaders surround themselves with the best people they can find. Culver is surrounded by leftovers. I hope Culver reads all these comments. He needs to know how concerned people are about the way this went down.

  55. Hey KILMER y dont u ask some questions of culver have U got a CELL???

  56. Breaking news, county employees stabbed in back by HR Director.

  57. 9:31 she's been doing that to us at the detention center since she was director.

  58. She and. Wayne have to go.

  59. 9:42 apparently you're one of the slackers and didn't like being corrected.
    9:42 you sound like the current outdated administration that knows the detention center screwed it's employees and you lack the skill to correct the problems and move forward. I work at the detention center and our view is quite different.

  60. Anonymous said...
    Breaking news, county employees stabbed in back by HR Director.

    March 17, 2015 at 9:31 PM

    You fail to mention that Bob and Joe H. are pulling her strings.

  61. Wayne had a shot to work with bob wayne shot himself in the Foot.

    1. 7:35 am bob works for us the voters. One ode our directives was to disassociate himself and the County from Wayne and Sharon.

  62. Refresh my memory. Just why was Creamer hired back?

  63. Creamer answers to Council NOT Bob

  64. "another Council Member stated that the economy hasn't changed up or down for the past 10 years."

    The economy hasn't changed in the past 10 years... for the County! Under Pollitt, they would tax and spend so when money was needed for something they would just raise taxes. The administration and council would would increase their income (taxes) to meet their wants instead of reducing their wants to meet their income. If the government would spend and save like a standard middle class household then we'd rarely ever have budget problems.

  65. I truly believe that Sharon is a good person and I believe that her intentions are not to ill towards Culver. She has and will perform as asked. Wayne, on the other hand, is very intelligent and methodical in his approach. I could certainly see him being a problem for Culver. He is definitely somebody I wouldn't trust to carry out my agenda. I would lean towards finding a replacement for him, so that I agree with you on.

    Joe, what your post failed to neglect is that Culver used to be a council member himself. He also knows what is required of himself (as the Executive). Given that fact, he is also partially to blame for this failure. Don't get me wrong, I am a huge supporter of Culver and I really like what he is doing. He has made some moves that I believe were very good while also making some moves that I question, but I trust his intuition enough to see through the questionable moves to the bigger picture and plan that he is setting into motion.

    I believe that the greater problem here is not the administration or council. While they may be the decision makers, they aren't necessarily the "idea" makers yet they have to make decisions on these ideas - whether they like it or not. The true problem lies within the board of education. The BOE comes up with these grandiose plans for schools and programs that are presented to the council and public as absolute needs. They use our education system and "the children" as a pawn to obtain their every desire. Naturally, parents want what is best for their kids so they don't straight up say "NO" to a new or improved school - they want it, but seemingly it only comes across as a "yes" or "no"; not a "I would like to have a new school, but it doesn't have to be RIGHT NOW and it doesn't have to be the latest and greatest." Now the council has to make decisions that appease the overall tax payers of the County as well as the parent tax payers that want said project. See where the problem is? Comes down to basic politics and constituency. Throw in the State's education and budget requirements and then you have an even bigger mess! There needs to be more give and take, which is what I think Culver is trying to do and is going about it in a very desirable manner - the whole Bennett Middle re-purposing idea... GENIUS! The Council needs to get on board with ideas like this and expand on them to improve them even more. That way they appease their constituents while also appeasing the majority of the County's taxpayers and the County's budget.

    The easiest solution to this BOE problem would be an elected school board. Personally, I am so sick of the BOE having it's way with my money and my children based on the wants of a few people in this County. My children are not of age to enroll in public schools yet, but as of right now, I am not planning on sending them to public schools in Wicomico County. The BOE has completely forgotten about the schools that my kids would be going to. I am aware that the budget is limited so I am not asking for new schools for my kids, but I am asking that these schools be treated with the same consideration as some of the "more important" schools. I am perfectly happy with sending my kids to an old school as long as it is safe and they get the education they deserve. I graduated from high school in Wicomico County 15 years ago and I had no where near the technology and facilities that schools have now and that other schools across the bridge had then and I got through college with a 3.5GPA and immediately went into a successful career. The greatest and the best facilities are NOT necessary - quality of educators are.

  66. 9:38, Let me be very clear here. I called Bob out as a responsible party to this whole thing as well. Thank you for taking the time to comment.

  67. If Culver really wants to make moves, he'll dethrone Creamer. I think Creamer is appointed by the Council and serves at the pleasure of the Council so I'm not sure what authority Culver has do so, but it sure would be nice to see him packing. Creamer is grossly overpaid, is double dipping on County benefits and frequently abuses his power and seniority with the County. His ethics have been questioned numerous times and, from what I understand, he has been known to be a little loose in his moral. I truly believe that he is the ultimate decision maker in this County.

    Like I said, I'm not sure what Culver can do about Creamer, but it sure would be a success for the County to see him gone.

  68. I know this is slightly off topic--but what is the deal with all these paper nametags the staff are wearing--look "cheesy" to me

  69. Joe, 9:38 here - I understand that you called out Culver on this as well, and rightfully so, but what choice does he have? I think Culver is going to be a great Executive; however, he can't do it on his own - nobody can. Ideally, he comes in, cleans house and starts fresh, but does that really give him any advantage? No one man or woman can run this County on his or her own so a support staff is necessary; a support staff with knowledge and experience is even better. Culver needs Pollitt's leftover staff to get him started - there is no way around that. If he completely cleared out Pollitt's staff on the day he took office, it would be AT LEAST a year before he even started on his agenda due to the fact that his new staff would have to get procured and then acquainted with issues and procedures. That would be wasted time on his agenda and quite frankly a bad move on his behalf. Sharon and Wayne are familiar with not only the issues and procedures, they are familiar with the staff. They know who to go to for answers, tasks and projects. Not to mention that he has several director positions to fill already so throwing in a few more positions on his own staff would make his already difficult situation even worse.

    Perhaps Culver is also giving them a chance and testing their loyalty. He's not an idiot and I am certain that he wouldn't turn a blind eye to disloyalty. Or perhaps their time hasn't come yet. Maybe he knows that he needs them to survive his first few months in office and then he plans on booting them within the 6 month transition period; although, I think he can only non-appoint Wayne - I'm not sure what HR legalities he has with Sharon.

    I'm not trying to argue with you here. I suppose I'm giving the benefit of the doubt to Culver since his hands are a little tied with what he can do about bringing in staff. It isn't as easy as most would think to just clean house and start fresh with all new staff - I think you can agree with me there. There is also a lot more to how the executive's office and council work than what the average person may think. They aren't positions that you can just hire off the streets. Sometimes the value in experience, knowledge and familiarity can outweigh the potential negatives.

    I guess we'll know in about 3 months if Culver trusts Sharon and Wayne enough to keep them on his staff.

    Let's also not forget that there is another side to this decision - the Council. If the Council really wanted to explore this idea they would have granted the request. It seems to me that the Council may have already made up their minds prior to the meeting. And while Sharon and Wayne may have years on the job, Culver has only on been on the job for 3 months. That means that his ideas have only been on the table for 3 months. To expect his staff to completely shift gears within such a short period on such a controversial topic that was previously completely reverse is a rather high expectation. I'm not say that it couldn't be done, but it is a tall order. I think that if the Council really wanted to explore savings options then they would be amenable to discovering more. As the general public, I don't nearly know all of the details of Culver's idea, but I know enough that I would certainly be interested in further study. Wouldn't the Council feel this way too if their constituents do too?

    Again, not trying to argue here - I do agree with you partially, but the guy is in a lose-lose situation with his staff.

  70. Even Kilmer said:

    "If this vote had been held a year ago, I would have agreed to the delay. But it was too late in the process to do it for this project."

    It would have never happened a year ago! We were under a different administration a year ago. That administration had no desire to save taxpayer dollars and would never deviate from the plan. Times change, situations change and plans change. That is a lame excuse to say "no" in order to save your political face.

  71. 10:31, Once again you make excellent points. Some we'll agree to disagree on. I have purchased companies in the past. You have to have a good sense and experience to know how to read people and I believe Bob has extended their stay to a point in which he's learned their loyalty certainly isn't with Bob.

    I'm not going to get into details and I do understand where Bob stands on this matter. I simply would have done things differently.

    As for it taking a year to regroup, well, so what! ANY delay in getting restarted as a County is better then what we've experienced over the past EIGHT years. They had their chance, they failed miserably and better we start fresh and do a national search for people EXCITED and INTERESTED in Bob's vision and platform then to stick with people leaking out information and holding back room meetings behind Bob's back. Are you feeling me yet???

    Besides, I'd rather get to stabs in the back from the Press my first year while regrouping then to do so mid term.

    Just my opinion.

  72. Joe, As always, it's a pleasure to agree to disagree with you! Much thanks for giving us a place to do such. I know we both share ultimate Bob's vision here, we just have different views on how he is going to achieve it. Anyway you go about it, it will certainly be a hard fought battle to undo the ways of the past.

  73. May GOD be with us!

  74. 10:05 you don't work at WCDC. We had about 50 staff members go to speak to culver and Ennis was there and had to be told by culver to shut up. You must work for Ennis and feel compelled to defender her, but she isn't as skilled as she or you think she is.

  75. John Palmer and Johnie Miller are the smartest guys in the council room. Bobby would do well to name Palmer to Wayne's post and Miller to Sharon's. Our county needs those types of great leaders.

  76. Ennis is an embarrassment to Bob and will never be trusted by the employees again. She needs to go along with Wayne. She gets enjoyment out of screwing over employees.

  77. Anonymous said...
    Fact is, Wicomico County is spending way to much in leasing buildings around this County. Between the Life Crisis, Dental Lab, Shore-up, BD of Elections, Liquor Board, SWED, and Lord only knows what other entities - our taxpayers are being plundered. Maybe now, some light will be shed on this subject.

    March 17, 2015 at 7:01 PM

    Why is it the County's responsibility to pay for these leases? These are really all state burdens and not a county problem. Before you whine about the County Council whine to Bob Culver. Before you whine to Bob Culver whine to the Maryland General Assembly.

  78. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Great post Joe. Kudos for telling it like it is. Culver needs to be called out especially if he can't figure out how to work with council. Buck stops with him, regardless of who the staff is.

    March 17, 2015 at 4:31 PM

    You are exactly right and I didn't elect my County Council reps to rubber stamp anything coming out of the County Executives office. A rubber stamp is what some Bob supporters expect. It's a checks a balances form of government and the 6 council members did the right thing after giving Bob Culver TWO extensions on adopting the CIP. If anyone is mad they need to be mad at Bob Culver. Wayne and Sharon are a problem, but they now answer to Bob.

  79. Anonymous said...
    Hey KILMER y dont u ask some questions of culver have U got a CELL???

    March 17, 2015 at 7:44 PM

    It's not his job. The problem lies in the hands of Bob Culver the County Executive. That is his job to contact and communicate with Kilmer and the rest of the county council.

  80. Anonymous said...
    10:05 you don't work at WCDC. We had about 50 staff members go to speak to culver and Ennis was there and had to be told by culver to shut up. You must work for Ennis and feel compelled to defender her, but she isn't as skilled as she or you think she is.

    March 18, 2015 at 9:31 PM

    Are you saying Bob Culver told 50 county employees to shut up?

  81. Anonymous said...
    Ennis is an embarrassment to Bob and will never be trusted by the employees again. She needs to go along with Wayne. She gets enjoyment out of screwing over employees.

    March 22, 2015 at 11:14 AM

    Bob likes her to much. He thinks she looks good in a skirt. That's a fact.


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