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Sunday, March 08, 2015

Two Stabbings And Now A Dead Body, But Crime Is Down In Salisbury?

Mayor Jim Ireton wants the public to believe crime is down in Salisbury. Last week we saw an attempted robbery with a knife as well during broad daylight Downtown. 
This guy is a legend in his own mind! 



  2. police chiefy PIZZA ANYONE...???

  3. Fake day is more of the same no change!

  4. Stop the welfare and all the problems will go away. Most aren't from the area anyway. But they family that work there.

  5. Ireton and Day are birds of the same feather. Both would sh-- on anyone to get what THEY want, doesn't matter what the taxpayer wants.

    The bottom line is neither Ireton or Day can or should be trusted for anything.

    A vote for Day would only be the same as Ireton. IT IS BAD FOR THE CITY.

    Remember it was Day that sold Salisbury out at the last election to the Chicago Realtor mob.

  6. 5:02 So, I'm supposed to give up my turd, for a turd with sprinkles? A turd is a turd. Open your eyes. A vote for Day, is like begging Annapolis to invade and remove everything the Shore stands for. If it even stands for anything, anymore?

  7. DAY IS 1000% BETTER THAN liarton.

  8. stop bitching and make it better

  9. They were awfully quick to say no foul play which I can't understand since the person was found in a dumpster after it was dumped out. Wouldn't they want to do a full investigation first before determining cause? Or are they gun shy from the hanging? Even if the guy is homeless, he deserves a proper investigation.

  10. Word is that duncan has been known to get calls that require her to get the next flight back to my vernon. Could she still have a mess up there that she is trying to keep under wraps?

  11. Don't label this poor person that passed with crime. The stabbings yes! Thuggery yes! Hookers yes! Herion n dope dealers yes. The fine line of gang territory divided by RT 13 yes. And last but not least.... Falsifying paper work and documents to reflect the cover up if real crime!!!!!! That mayor and chief.....that is a crime!

  12. WRDE just did a segment on the body found.


  14. How about the puff piece on the State's Attorneys from Wicomico and Dorchester on WBOC last week. The reason we have high numbers of incarceration in these counties is because those two are doing such a great job (at least according to them!).

  15. If you think any mayor could fix Salisbury your crazy.the people breaking laws don't care they are products of our nationwide welfare program

    1. Get rid of the ghettos and restaurant jobs and watch the change. Keep low income jobs around and keep low income people. You dig?

  16. Leadership is about leading, ireton if you can't fix the problems leave!

  17. So comical to watch the comments here. Two arguments between uneducated welfare thugs with a stabbing. One homeless guy who dies in what he called home and your blaming it on the Mayor, Police and anyone else that comes to mind. All issues that people don't make appointments with the police over. Blame it on run away rentals, the economy, liberal judges. Anything but the Police and Mayor because they're not the cause or the blame. Society as a whole is at best Trashy on a good day.

  18. Mickey,
    This is about the mayor and the thug lover chief, have you seen the latest crime stats for Salisbury? ?? They have documented proof tbe mayor is LYING ABOUT SALISBURY CRIME he needs to be Arrested because his lies put Salisbury residents in jeopardy.

  19. I don't need to see stats. I work the streets and deal with these pieces of crap every day. Stats are a paint brush to pint the picture you want. Crimes happen everywhere and people fight about anything. There are two main problems here. An extremely low educated population and an excess of rentals. Draws them like cockroaches. Why are they here. Opportunity ! Larger population to feed off of and cheap housing. Throw in a dash of judges that slap their hand and let'm go and walla; you have a crime fiesta.

    1. Mickey mouse here is partially correct. Thanks for your effort. Cheap housing to be precise.
      When all 60% of work in an area doesn't require a high school diploma, your going to have problems. Jake and Jim will tell you were building, and making jobs. No your building/ making sandwiches and French fries. If not its another bar or art gallery. We need to attract corporations and manufacturing jobs. Not drunks . its like they want to accommodate the college scene and S.U and rich people hoping they'll move here. Lmao. Nobody wants to move to Salisbury. Sorry. Everyone I ever met strives to escape.

  20. Just ask Ms. Ireton if she would walk all the streets in Salisbury at night and feel safe?? Her response will tell.


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