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Sunday, March 08, 2015

LAPD fatal shooting of man caught on tape

Authorities said Sunday night that Los Angeles police fatally shot a man on skid row during a struggle over an officer's weapons.

Police officials offered a detailed account of what they say prompted the Sunday morning shooting, which was captured on video by a bystander.

Cmdr. Andrew Smith said officers assigned to the LAPD's Central Division and Safer Cities Initiative — a task force focused on skid row — responded to the location about noon Sunday after receiving a 911 call reporting a possible robbery.



  1. "during a struggle over an officer's weapons."

    "began fighting and physically resisting the officers."

    Done and done. Why is this even a story?

    1. Thanks for the asinine synopsis there officer. Now....really watch the video. Maybe it will quash your murdering thought process.

  2. Always going fora gun when there was what, 9 or 10 cops on scene??? Get real not to mention cops have holsters whereas you can not just take it out of the holster while garbing at it, you have to release it with a button or some strip behind the slide...

    it seams to me the BLACK cop, had his gun already pulled and the homeless man getting beat up and tased, put his hand out to cover the muzzle of the gun...

    Cops are a joke, and they abuse power, and they wonder why no one likes the cop name or uniform or the badge... Lets couple that with the corrupt courts and the corrupt people who investigate corrupt cops and say they did nothing wrong...

  3. Cops always say quit going for my gun and quit resisting when no such thing happens... Not saying this happened here but, makes you wonder when there are 9 to 10 cops on scene...

    There was a court case about the same thing, where a cop kept saying over and over again to stop going for his gun and resisting, when the cops was beating on this guy and breaking into his car... The Cops and courts said there was no video but was audio, the guy was facing 40 years in jail and what do you know, a video popped up and showed how the cop was lying... Gee a cop lying imagine that...

  4. 4:43 The guys was probably on drugs (speculating) as he was tased with no response. Someone posted a still showing the victim with an officers sidearm in his possession. You can hear "drop the gun!" three times before shots are fired.

    Done and done, like I said in post 1. Justified and needed.

    1. All officers shot him. He was in unarmed. It was said he grabbed an officers weapon when in fact how can that be when all officers shot him? The still shot is the man holding up his hand in a half fist fingers extended while being tasted. Nine people on him and he was able to grab his gun? Damn officer you don't even work with him. You don't have to lie for him.

  5. clearly a good shoot, moving on to a real story.

  6. BAN GUNS...


  8. Watch cops. I swear. I don't know some of these cops aren't behind bars! And one of the reasons your rights are gone because this show for the last 25 years has conformed the American people to think its allowed . every cop who fired at him should be charged.

  9. 606 you should be charged for being a eric holder supporting race baiter.

    1. Are you a flipping idiot? Where has my comment come to race? By your mouth! Not mine! And Eric Holder has nothing to do with my statement either. Your comment has no bearing in this topic. Again another troll just trying to stir a pot.

  10. 443 you are absolutely right. Cops are an organized gang supported by the law . They are punkyfyed cowards

  11. 6:06 - What's wrong with you?? This guy tried to kill. As for most law abiding citizens are concerned, just another worthless culturally ignorant criminal gone. The cops did an excellent job for removing this cancer from the community.

  12. "Safer Cities Initiative" Safer for who? Cops are judge, jury, and executioner.


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