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Sunday, March 08, 2015

5-year-old Christian Boy Cut in Half By ISIS

The images of atrocities by members of the Islamic State jihadist group, also known as ISIS, against their soldier and civilian enemies in Iraq and Syria have been have circulating for some time. There have been reports, many documented in images and even videos, of ISIS crucifixions, executions, mass burials and worse.

But now a flood of new reports and photographs reveal such horrors being inflicted on children.

One such report came from the Anglican Communion News Service, which said the 5-year-old son of a founder of Baghdad’s Anglican church was “cut in half during an attack by the Islamic State.”

The report cited an emotional Canon Andrew White, chaplain of St George’s Anglican Church in Baghdad.

“I’m almost in tears because I’ve just had somebody in my room whose little child was cut in half,” he said. “I baptized his child in my church in Baghdad. This little boy, they named him after me – he was called Andrew.”

The report said it happened in the Christian village of Qaraqosh after Kurdish forces left and Islamic State fighters arrived.

A Catholic.org report quoted a source, Mark Arabo, a Chaldean-American businessman, confirming the beheading of children by Islamic State fighters, who then “put their heads on a stick and have them in the park.”

More here


  1. To kill in the name of your religion is one thing. I thunk its a crazy religion. But to go to this barbaric level is sickening. A child at that. Why not be humane? Its about fear. I hope you do! Your President wants this for our country and your children.

  2. thanks to our Muslim loving President.

  3. Don't worry Obama has this JV boys on the run!

  4. Drop an A bomb on these bastatrds. Sick of hearing about the disregard for life from these animals.

  5. I think I'm going to vomit.

  6. Sure would be nice if muslims weren't chicken crap cowards and would police their own.

  7. Time to carpet bomb and then build our new Ft. Aleppo . Give them the battle they want exactly where they want. End of ( their ) times .

  8. God will take care of obama for his lack of action in His own way in His own time for allowing this to continue. Those who support obama are on His list as well.
    Pure evil-obama and those who support him.

  9. Where's all the Middle East's outrage now? If it's a killing involving their people, it's made into a supposed hate crime, when indeed it seems the guy hated everybody & was over the top possessive about what he perceived to be his parking spot. These animals are killing children, & not a peep. What possible justification do you have for slaughtering children?

  10. The Muslims should be uprising against this group if, in fact, they are peace loving.

  11. And we worry about injuring or killing their "innocent" and children? What a bunch of crap!

  12. Just give them jobs!! Our nigerian king is beyond stupid!

    1. 11:10, the whole "just give them jobs" thing is nothing more than a means to send money their way under the pretense of "giving them job training". But the not so stupid folks really know what that money will be used for!

  13. And obamma plays golf.


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