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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Left Defends Individual License, Not Rights

Indiana is ground zero for the latest in a long line of protests now mandatory in the standard operations of the Left. At issue is the Hoosier State’s new religious liberty law, which most of the Leftmedia are inclined to put in scare quotes – as if “religious liberty” is a made-up fantasy. And that’s exactly why such laws are needed.

All the ingredients are present to cook up a hyper-responsive framework to marginalize targets – celebrities and corporate CEOs yammering about discrimination and “hate,” raving partisans calling for resignations and activists organizing boycotts. The leaders of the Left, including Saul Alinsky disciple Barack Obama, must be very proud of the kerfuffle. Indeed, Obama’s spokesman Josh Earnest said the law appears to “legitimize discrimination.”

Last week, Indiana’s state house, senate and governor all supported legislation based upon current federal law to protect religious liberty. Republican Governor Mike Pence’s signature placed the state in the same category of 19 others in modeling legislation on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993. That law was signed by Bill Clinton after Democrats led by the likes of Ted Kennedy and Chuck Schumer supported religious liberty.

Oh, and by the way, Illinois is one of those 19 states, and its law passed with the vote of a then-state senator by the name of … Barack Obama.

Just prior to signing the 1993 federal law, Clinton described its scope: “What this law basically says is that the government should be held to a very high level of proof before it interferes with someone’s free exercise of religion. This judgment is shared by the people of the United States as well as by the Congress. We believe strongly that … we can never be too vigilant in this work.”

But Democrats' support for religious liberty completely evaporated when they literally booed God at the party’s convention in 2012.

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1 comment:

  1. This country is Rotting from the inside. Almost 99.9% of our leaders have sold out to the evils of the NWO. Dont say i didnt warn you as God turns his back on us.. we are doomed?


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