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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Gov. Pence: 'Is Tolerance a Two-Way Street or Not?'

(CNSNews.com) - Indiana Gov. Mike Pence says his state has been hit by an "avalanche of intolerance" ever since he signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act last week.

"George, look, the issue here is, you know, is tolerance a two-way street or not?" Pence told ABC's "This Week" with George Stephanopoulos on Sunday.

"I mean, you know, there's a lot of talk about tolerance in this country today having to do with people on the left. But here Indiana steps forward to protect the constitutional rights and privileges of freedom of religion for people of faith and families of faith in our state, and this avalanche of intolerance that's been poured on our state is just outrageous."

Pence said the bill he signed is not about discrimination, nor is it about disputes between individuals unless government action is involved. He said the law is intended to empower individuals (as well as churches and businesses) when they believe the government is trampling on their religious freedom by requiring them to do things they oppose on religious grounds.



  1. he will still cave, and to answer your question, to the rest of america and god hating people, no tolerance is not a two way street it is their way or the high way...

    But it is funny to see you try to point that out... how the other side is not tolerant...

  2. 12:16 No one "hates god", just you hypocritical wing bats who spout your drivel. The christian extremists minority is cherry picking the bible to their own choosing. You daughter gets knocked up at 16, out of wedlock? You will deal with it and pray for her. She comes home with another girl? Banish her from the family... Both are punishable by death in your bible, mate.

  3. This law confers special rights on a small minority of citizens and their private businesses, to disregard other laws and the constitution and discriminate against other citizens.

  4. I am glad they took this stand. As Americana's we need to stand for something and stop letting special groups get special attention.

  5. While under other statutes “free exercise” is a right of defense against government lawsuits, Indiana expands that to include private lawsuits as well. What that means is that a private for-profit business can claim religion as an excuse to discriminate and then use that claim as a defense against any lawsuit.

  6. I feel the same way 12:31. I wish they would all stay the hell out of Chick Filet and other places where they feel they were offended because I don't want them fouling my air.
    I didn't always feel this way but it's gotten to the point where I hate them as I can't stand a bunch of whiney weenies forever running around with their feelings hurt. Everyone gets their feeling hurt everyday, it's call life. Suck it up.

  7. Here is how a two way street works.
    The Christian baker bakes a cake for the gay couple. The gay baker bakes a cake for the straight couple. End of problem.

  8. Any business owner can refuse service without a reason.

  9. 5:10, Here's how a 2 way street works. I'm going my way, and you can go yours, and neither of us "must" have any interaction whatever.


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