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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Satanic Temple Files Suit In Indiana Nativity Fracas

BROOKVILLE, Ind. – Franklin County’s attempt to comply with federal [rulings] concerning public displays on its courthouse lawn has resulted in a second lawsuit.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) and the United Federation of Churches LLC, also known as The Satanic Temple (TST), filed a civil suit on March 24 against Franklin County over its refusal to grant the two groups space on the courthouse lawn.

FFRF wants to have a display on the lawn from Nov. 29, 2015, through Jan. 6, 2016, which would include several cutout figures celebrating the Dec. 15 nativity of the Bill of Rights.

TST wants to display a three-dimensional sculpture mounted on a wooden platform to help others understand its beliefs, the lawsuit said.

Both applications were denied by the Franklin County Board of Commissioners earlier this year because the county’s rules say only residents may rent space on the county-owned lawn.

More here


  1. Unintended consequence, not the last.

  2. Baloney, 12:08.
    More bullying. More harassment.
    And the ordinance is crystal clear. You must be a resident.

  3. Whats the problem? Chirstians have no rights anymore anyway..gotta sell wedding cakes to heathens..what a little satanic navtivity scene gonna hurt..we are already rotting away


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