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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Hidden Truth About Iran’s Nuclear Program

Last month, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) exposed a secret Iranian facility used to conduct research and enrichment with advanced centrifuge machines for the nuclear weapons program. The revelation of this secret site, named Lavizan-3 in northeast Tehran, was met with panic and hysteria by the Mullahs in Iran, and was taken seriously by Members of Congress. But what have the nuclear negotiators done?

Following the NCRI’s revelation, the Iranian regime attempted to sidestep addressing the merits of the claim by demonizing the Iranian opposition instead of offering to make the site available for inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), showing that the Iranian regime remains as cynical as ever in its nuclear ambitions.

The day after the revelation of Lavizan-3, Secretary of State John Kerry appeared before the House Foreign Affairs Committee and said that the P5+1 intended to close off Iran’s four pathways to the nuclear bomb, i.e., any weapons development activity at Iran’s Natanz, Arak and Fordow nuclear facilities, plus Iran’s covert activities. “Covert, of course, is the hardest,” Mr. Kerry said. “You need to have verification and intrusive inspection to be able to find covert facilities”, he emphasized.

Needless to say, the first three pathways mentioned by Mr. Kerry were exposed by the NCRI: the nuclear sites in Natanz and Arak in August 2002, and the underground facility in Fordow, near Qom, in December 2005. And now the hardest pathway, the covert activities of the Iranian regime in Lavizan-3 is to be dealt with.



  1. They need to yell at Dufus Kerry some more, that will help.

  2. obama&kerry will sell this country right down the drain.


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