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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Harry Reid: Whistleblowers ‘A Bunch of Whiners’

An inspector general called them courageous, but Sen. Harry Reid said Friday that the government whistleblowers who accused him of using political pressure to try to win special treatment for a Las Vegas casino were “a bunch of whiners.”

Mr. Reid, a Nevada Democrat who announced he will retire at the end of this Congress after 30 years in the Senate, said it’s his job to press the federal government to speed up decisions on his constituents’ needs, and said that’s what he was doing when he made the appeal to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to act on the casino’s request to expedite processing of investors’ visas.

Homeland Security Inspector General John Roth earlier this week released a report accusing then-USCIS Director Alejandro Mayorkas of showing favoritism toward investor visa applications backed by high-profile Democrats in three different cases, including the casino request about which Mr. Reid personally got involved.

Mr. Roth said the special treatment was brought to his attention by more than 15 whistleblowers — an extraordinary number, in Mr. Roth’s judgment — who believed Mr. Mayorkas was caving to political pressure.


  1. Bob Aswell -- IND. Party VoterMarch 31, 2015 at 1:51 PM

    Everybody but the accused is of meager character when underhanded dealings are exposed. NOBODY in history is anymore guilty than Harry Reid of the degradation of the established United States. OweBama and himself have broken every rule that the founding fathers made to organize a great nation that has endured from 1774 to the present. If in fact the bulwarks of their labor hadn't been as substantial as it was and is, thanks to the un-dynamic duo above we would have gone down the hole a long time ago. The happiest day of my life will be when SBY News reports Reid is worm-food. THAT should be our newest holiday. Bob Aswell

  2. That's rich, coming from dingy reid. Just tell him to go back to accepting bribes, and profiting from the bills he passes. Oh, and have him throw in a little something for his family, would ya? Thanks.

  3. Reid needs to go to prison and have his assets confiscated.
    Then we'll see who's the whiner.

  4. Reid admitted he lied about mitt Romney's non payment of taxes on the Senate floor just before the 1212 election on CNN the other day. Reid will never be charged.


  5. Re: Dingy Harry. .... him and the horse he rode in on.


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