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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Poll: Republicans See Obama as More Imminent Threat than Putin

A third of Republicans believe President Barack Obama poses an imminent threat to the United States, outranking concerns about Russian President Vladimir Putin and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

A Reuters/Ipsos online poll this month asked 2,809 Americans to rate how much of a threat a list of countries, organizations and individuals posed to the United States on a scale of 1 to 5, with one being no threat and 5 being an imminent threat.

The poll showed 34 percent of Republicans ranked Obama as an imminent threat, ahead of Putin (25 percent), who has been accused of aggression in the Ukraine, and Assad (23 percent). Western governments have alleged that Assad used chlorine gas and barrel bombs on his own citizens.



  1. I agree with them. However, we elected Republicans to get the Muslim under control and so far they have failed us. There must be one Republican out there with the gonads to bring an impeachment vote on the floor.

  2. BO has already declared the Republicans as his public enemy #1

  3. At what point are treason charges relevant? After the first Iranian bomb goes off?

  4. Putin is a shoe in for a Nobel Peace Prize.

  5. 3:39 After all 0 got one!

  6. The state of the country proves it.

  7. Can't argue with the truth.


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