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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Officials Announce End To Ocean City Shark Tournament After 34 Years

A remarkable 1,210-pound tiger shark, caught by angler Grace Czerniak aboard the “Lisa” with Captain Stu Windsor in the 1983 Ocean City Shark Tournament, is now on permanent display on the south end of the Boardwalk near the Inlet. File Photo

OCEAN CITY — The directors of the Ocean City Shark Tournament, a fixture on the summer-long offshore tournament season, announced this week the 2014 event would be the last after over three decades.

The tournament began in 1981 and for the last 34 years has thrilled anglers and spectators with remarkable sharks weighed at the scale at the host Ocean City Fishing Center, which, for four days each summer became a festival of sorts with big fish, huge crowds, music, food, drink and fun. There was always a strong conservation ethic surrounding the tournament as far more sharks were released than weighed at the scales and the event included a strong educational component.

Just 11 boats and 33 anglers competed in that first Ocean City Shark Tournament back in 1981, but the numbers swelled over the years. The most recent peak was 84 boats in 2008, but a variety of factors conspired to shrink the number of boats competing in recent years. A run of bad luck with weather and rough seas, a stagnant economy and competition from the myriad of offshore tournaments that have sprouted up over the years likely helped contribute to the tournament directors’ decision announced this week that the 2014 tournament was the last.


  1. Maybe that god awful hooked on o.c. show will end as well.

  2. quit watching it if its that bad.

    1. I pay to watch good programing not a Rich spoiled kid who parties and fishes!


  4. "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I pay to watch good programing not a Rich spoiled kid who parties and fishes!

    March 31, 2015 at 1:06 PM"

    LOL-Hardly "rich" people. Those you find at polo matches and horse shows not at some tacky dead fish tournament as "rich" people find such a thing offensive and look down upon those who engage in such as no better than those who promote and spectate at dog and cock fights.

    1. Do you know the costs of fishing? Boats repairs fuel bait lures reels rods motors....why is the buy in and pay outs so high? Rich people can afford to fish like this not poor people!

  5. Idk but ocean city better get it together first due tour now this who is running this in oc they are messing up that's alot of tourist money gone!!!!!!!

  6. 3:23--
    It's Dew Tour, & they aren't doing an East Coast venue this year; has nothing to do with the running of OC.

    1. No, nothing to do with OC being a run down craphole full of drunks all summer long. Not at all.

  7. Thank GOD the sharks will have a chance now!! And yes, I love sharks that are alive!!!!

  8. I love sharks a lot. Beer batter fried is best!


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