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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Rick Pollitt Applies For Town Manager of Crisfield

Many have wondered, what happened to Rick Pollitt. Well, he's applied for the Town Manager position in Crisfield, a job that pays around $75,000.00 a year. Inside sources tell me they're scared to death of Rick based on his tax and spend history. We should know soon if he did or didn't get the job. 


  1. If they know what the taxpayers in Wicomico know they would not hire him.

  2. That's a non-elected position. Give the guy a break. I didn't vote for him but the man deserves to pursue employment as a private citizen.

  3. Unreal, i guess crisfield wants its town BANKRUPT.

  4. He would ruin Crisfield like he did Fruitland and the whole county. Stay far away from this man.

  5. they should be scared!

  6. Look what an awesome job he did in Fruitland. I hope he gets it. It would be nice to have someone with real experience come in and turn this dump around. I hope he gets it.

  7. Huge mistake if they hire him.

  8. Say good-bye to Crisfield if they hire him.

  9. Are you kidding me. They can't be that stupid in Crisfield!

  10. Crisfield is already struggling. Pollitt will just finish them off. SMH

  11. Right - hire someone who was thrown out by Wicomico voters. That should work well for you!

  12. Do they have enough funds to cover his expense account? All those food stops get expensive!

  13. He needs to spend the same amount of years living in poverty that he was elected as executive of Wicomico County! Considering the downturn he caused to the citizens he left behind (thankfully, they voted him out by a good enough margin), he doesn't deserve anything positive!

    If they select him, they do it with full knowledge of what he did to this county...and they get what they deserve!

  14. LOL - are you sure this isn't April Fool and not St. Patrick's Day!

  15. People already think the people in Crisfield don't have it together. Look how long it is taking to get cleaned up from hurricane. Pollitt is right up their alley! He'd fit right in with that crowd.

  16. They should worry about all the perks he will require more than his salary. Car, feeding him, meetings outside of office. They are nuts to do this. He needs to see if Brown will hire him to help him lose his new campaign. ROFLMAO

  17. This bum will continue to sponge off any public he can. Just go away, Ricky.

  18. Well, I won't be attending any events in Crisfield if he works there. Have no desire to see his face after what he's done to Wicomico County.

  19. It must be another gravy job. He doesn't like to work. Never showed up in Wicomico office till after 10 a.m. and then disappeared to meetings outside of office and large lunch tabs.

  20. I guess Tamara will have to be hired to trail him around. He always wanted a Chief of Staff.

  21. Hiring THAT man would be the final nail in the coffin for this town.His food alone !

  22. so sad that Crisfield is getting ready to make such a huge mistake.


  24. Anonymphs 9:36 it's evident you don't live in Fruitland. If you did you would know the whole story. Check the history of his term concerning taxes and other issues. You will be surprised.

  25. I cannot possibly imagine Pollitt and the mayor being able to work together. If they do hire him he will be gone in six months.

  26. 955-We care about the Shore, because it's all one big community, and Ricky is nothing but a cold sore on the face of it!

  27. Good luck Rick. That would be a great pick up for the town.

  28. He would do a great job helping that town come back to prosperity! They could use the experienced leadership.

  29. Crisfield will be a huge challenge. I hope that whoever they hire has the ability and drive to bring the city back from the disasters that have plagued it.

  30. 9:36--
    If you think he did an awesome job in Fruitland, you obviously don't live here!! Property taxes & water bill so high, most of us struggle to pay them. Was supposed to have to live within city limits, yet lived in Allen. Fruitland got rid of him, then he went on to ruin Wicomico as well. I seriously doubt Crisfield needs his "help".

  31. second 10:34. If they need someone with drive, Pollitt is not the right choice. He is lazy and was hands off in Wicomico.

  32. Ability and drive. The only two things Rick has in this area is the ability to drive Crisfield into the dirt. Rick would only feel the need to hire 2-3 more people to get anything accomplished. The only original thought he has ever had is to give employees their birthday off.

  33. God help the people of Crisfield! Most of them are poorer than Wicomico residents! I think it would be best for him to go to Florida and see what his brother in law can do for him! At least there they won't know him!

  34. Open up your wallets crisfield,,,,,,lol

  35. 9:58 appropriate comment as the mayor is a bit headstrong

  36. They have already hired him!

  37. I hope he gets it. Crisfield needs someone with his experience. Pollitt will do a good job.

  38. If Crisfield has a mayor, why do they need a city manager? That town can't be big enough for both.

  39. 1147-Funny, he did a terrible job for Wicomico County. Crisfield would be simply getting more of the same from ol' Ricky.

  40. 11:47, experience at doing what??? again; he ruined the town of Fruitland and just about destroyed Wicomico County with his tax and spend ideas. Imagine; no money, yet he continues to spend like there's no tomorrow.

    Crisfield, beware.

  41. They can not afford to feed him.

  42. He won't last six months because he'll find there's nothing left to tax there. One third of the city is state owned (projects and marina)and another third is in foreclosure and/or condemned. The city was trying to figure out how to tax the cruise ship that occasionally visits, but if they do that the cruise co. will just go somewhere else. (If they really wanted tourist there the visitor center would be open on Sundays. The committee run state owned marina is decades behind the times, usually empty, and the "State Employee of the Year" that manages it once told me "she likes it that way". The Carvel Hall industrial park is the last mayor's pipe dream and a toxic waste site that may end up bankrupting the city.

  43. Hiring Rick Pollitt isn't what Crisfield needs. Stay within your own town and find someone with a vested interest in your community. Obviously Pollitt was not re-elected and with good reason. Be cautious and don't let the local dems push you.

  44. To the councilmembers of Crisfield watch this guy he is only allowed to work 30 hrs a week. His wife teels him when he can work.

  45. Crisfield you better think about this real hard. He's messed up Fruitland, he's messed up Wicomico County and you actually want him there? Hard to believe. 1:12 PM, exactly, experience at doing what??? Spending money the town and county doesn't have is the best way I know how to describe what he does best.

  46. Once on the taxpayer dole,always on the taxpayer dole.

  47. I overheard him in Wal Mart the other day bragging about this. He was doing his usual political speech and shaking hands and asking how everybody was.

    If Crisfield is stupid enough to hire him after the mess he made in Fruitland and Salisbury, they deserve what they are going to get. Crisfield wise up, the references he is giving you are only the hand picked people who will do his lying for him and tell you how great he is. Save yourself a lot of heartburn, and look at the records Joe has provided on here to determine what he did. He will raise your taxes and eat his way through your restaurants on your dime.

    He is worse than dead fish, leave him alone.

  48. He'd make good grab bait

  49. Hello!!! It's the council members who approve budgets. The managers simply offer the figures brought to them by department heads and the council makes changes and votes.


  50. Fruitland had about 20 employees during his stint there; he was essentially the Town Clerk.

    The last eight(8)years others have done every lick real work associated with his 'job'.

    Seriously doubt he has the 'rubber meets the road' skillset to accomplish the job.

    But if the good old boys in Somerset want him they'll find a way to subsidize his lifestyle while squanderiing the taxpayers' money.

  51. Maybe him and konrad both can be hired they did such a good job running fruitland in the ground

  52. please crisfield DO IT lol.

  53. Crisfield has nothing now they want a Nothing? ??

  54. Pollitt did a good job in Fruitland and a better job for Wicomico. The bond rating is all the proof I need. I fear for the direction the county is headed, but at least the council has some sense and won't be bullied. Guess I'm a rino but I've voted for 60 plus years and I'll keep doing so until I die. Let the comments begin and go ahead and bash an old lady. And by the way, I never took any govt money and never will. I support myself.

  55. Rick Pollitt is a joke... he wouldn't work in a pie shop!

  56. 75,000 a year is only 10,000 less than he made in Wicomico. Riok , has a low work ethic.
    That said, Crisfield is the pits, be a tough job,

  57. I cant believe not one has questioned how this town manager position just mysteriously, timely, conveniently, quietly, became available.....

  58. They would be a fool to hire him, but then again they are a council full of Democrats and Pollitt is desperate for a job.

  59. I saw Rick at an event in January and he was very disheveled looking. Hair messed up and needing a haircut. He was obviously depressed. He is a ticking time bomb.

  60. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    He would do a great job helping that town come back to prosperity! They could use the experienced leadership.

    March 17, 2015 at 10:34 AM

    WTH are you smoking?

    What leadership are you talking about? The lazy bum was to lazy to run an election and he was Anthony Browns campaign manager for Wicomico County. His lazy ass was hoping to get a work from home state job.

  61. Anonymous said...
    Pollitt did a good job in Fruitland and a better job for Wicomico. The bond rating is all the proof I need. I fear for the direction the county is headed, but at least the council has some sense and won't be bullied. Guess I'm a rino but I've voted for 60 plus years and I'll keep doing so until I die. Let the comments begin and go ahead and bash an old lady. And by the way, I never took any govt money and never will. I support myself.

    March 17, 2015 at 10:31 PM

    Great comment Rick. What an awesome deflection about being a "rino" and an "old lady."

    You are smarter than most give you credit for. At least you and Tracy are still trolling the blogs and FaceBook.

    By the way the average old lady doesn't know WTH a Bond Rating is.

  62. Anonymous said...
    I cant believe not one has questioned how this town manager position just mysteriously, timely, conveniently, quietly, became available.....

    March 22, 2015 at 8:42 AM

    You are correct. Wasn't the position split with something else?

  63. You listen here, 2:42. I may be an old lady but I am anything but average. I know what a bond rating is because I have a degree in economics. Yes, even women can understand business, you jackass. And even if I didn't know what it was, I would care enough to look it up and educate myself on the matter. That's what intelligent people do.

  64. The CM position has been discussed in Crisfield for months. The Crisfield-Somerset County Times has included articles about the absence and criteria for what they want in a new city manager. So it's not been a secret in Somerset County.

  65. Rick would make a good administrator at the municipal level. It's obvious many commenters here don't know the real Rick Pollitt.

  66. Good for him. $12,300.00 pay cut, and a one hour drive. They both will get what they deserve...

  67. We might not know the real Rick Pollitt, but we have certainly suffered under his time in county office.


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