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Friday, March 27, 2015

Motorist-Hostile Committee Kills Speed Camera Repeal, Reform Bills

The House Environment and Transportation Committee voted down Four bills that would have reformed aspects of speed and red light camera programs, while approving a bill which would authorize a $500 photo-ticket for a third type of photo ticket.

Committee Voted Down Repeal of SHA Speed Cameras
The Environment and Transportation committee voted down a bill which would have ended the SHA's speed camera program, with a 17-2 Vote. See Vote Count Here

The National Motorists Association (NMA) had supported the bill, noting in their testimony that over half of workzone accidents are actually caused by worker's own equipment. The NMA also noted that "A 2012 legislative audit of the Maryland State Highway Administration’s speed camera program found that the state’s “SafeZones” program had failed to adequately test the equipment and that the state flouted its own law regarding a requirement that speed cameras be independently certified. It’s clear that poor administration of the state’s various speed camera programs has led unfair treatment of countless motorists and represents a violation of the public trust." The NMA is the only nationwide organization dedicated to protecting motorist rights.



  1. This article is evidence in itself, that the current "Department of Motor Vehicles" is nothing more than yet another tax revenue agency of the government. When the "traffic control devices" are specifically calibrated and placed to deliberately extract as much money as possible from the driver, rather than as safety mechanisms, that's when it literally becomes highway robbery.

    No municipal budget should ever depend on "punitive" revenue as a funding source; it is an inherent conflict of interest, and yet another reprehensible undue burden on the supposedly free citizens of this country.

  2. Yet more proof that our gov't is pro-police state. It truly is time to get these anti-American freedom robbing fascists out of power.., one way or another.

  3. I'm guessing that's our "C. Anderton" who voted for the UNF on HB-1038.
    If so, then thanks a lot Carl.., you're beginning to act a lot like Mathias.

  4. Its coming.. radar collision avoidance... speed control... auto drive..
    Big brother is here they are just working on the infrastucture. Dash cams. Body cams..speed cams security cams.. drones..homes security ..YOU GETTING whats happening yet...add in militarized police force, Patriot act, homeland security, ....Hope and change...is its sinking in?

  5. Not the first time Anderton has went against the concerns of the ones who voted him in.
    His voting record is not the best.

  6. That's how stupid you all are. To believe someone would come save the day like Carl Anderson... It also shows how stupid you are to think just BC a bill is offered up doesn't mean it will pasd and never does... Just like the rain tax sure clap you got the mandatory enforcement off the book but there is still a rain tax and sby will be making you pay one way or other....

    Just like the bay bridge toll you all act as if stopping them from getting 10 vs 8 that you won when in reality you lost BC it went from 2.50 to 8...

    There will be no knight to swoop in and save the day for your lazy asses and the sooner you understand that the sooner we can get the bumbs out.

  7. 8:40...as soon as someone starts the "tin-foil hat" critique, remind them that you only pointed out FACTS.
    Its the denial of reality and facts that is the REAL mental health issue.
    The rest of you yes-men lemmings?
    Keep cheering.

  8. Joe, as someone who pays attention to committee votes I appreciate you posting the link to the way that the committee voted. Shows why I shop at farmers and planters!

  9. Its a new age. You can be a slobbering paranoid freak, or learn to live with the times. Speed camera is just an automated radar gun that takes a picture. What's the big deal? Drive like you got a little sense (easier for some than others, I understand) and you won't have to interact with this crap. Whining on the internet and vandalism just make you look really, really stupid.

  10. @ 12:26
    It is paranoid to think we can only be safe when we are being watched. The basis for speed cameras is the same philosophy that has the government intruding into people's lives in numerous other ways... "we're the government and we know what is best for you".

    Speed cameras are NOT "just an automated gun that takes a picture". Speed cameras are part of a SYSTEM which is based on a vastly reduced burden of proof, vastly reduced due process rights, and which relies on a contractor who has a financial incentive to issue more tickets. State delegates who fought tooth and nail to protect the legal rights of serial killers voted for a system which denies generally accepted legal rights to motorists. On speed camera day you are considered guilty before the hearing even starts.

    It is not "paranoia" which concluded that Baltimore's speed camera program had ticketed thousands of innocent motorists, that was their own audit. And it was not "paranoia" which determined that Salisbury had skipped calibration tests, that was their own records. The programs are not run with integrity because it is less profitable to do so.

    The Maryland Drivers Alliance does not "whine on the internet", nor do we support vandalism. We have spent countless hours acting within the law in numerous legitimate ways, working to protect YOUR legal rights fighting to increase government transparency. You're welcome.


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