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Friday, March 27, 2015

Ghani warns ISIS is coming to Afghanistan 'like a dangerous virus

Afghan president Mohammed Ashraf Ghani told the U.S. Congress on Wednesday that the ISIS terror army has begun to infiltrate his country 'like a dangerous virus,' and warned his fellow Muslims not to be romanced by its 'anger and hatred.'

Ghani said Afghanistan is the new 'frontline' for the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, which has been 'sending advance guards to southern and western Afghanistan to test for vulnerabilities.'

So far, he told a joint meeting of Congress, 'Afghanistan's people have rejected the allure of violent Islam. But sooner or later extremism will come knocking at our door.'

He urged people in 'Muslim majority countries' to challenge Islamist terrorism 'from within the religion.'

'Silence is not acceptable,' the Afghan leader declared.



  1. ISIS, ISIL, Taliban,Al Shabaab, Sunnis, Hamaas, Kabooka shooke Kill everybody.

    Did I leave 10 more out here? Yes, probably!

    Other than Israel, is there any reason not to make the rest of the desert a sheet of glass?

    Jesus De Christo!

    1. Yep...booooooooom, but wont happen with thia muslim lover in the WH.

  2. Don't you just love the middle east and Africa , the cultures
    that want to kill everyone for absolutely no reason , except for the fact they love death.
    Thousands of years of killing , I guess it is a way of population control.
    Try to figure out why , thousands of years trying to figure.
    Culture , culture , culture.

  3. De Christo ,
    It's a coming shortly , they will destroy themselves.

  4. This is proof of how ineffective the US is in all of this.Millions will be killed to eradicate this bunch,drones or no drones.


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