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Friday, March 27, 2015

Mitt Romney pokes fun at Obama, jokes about Hillary Clinton's emails

Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney poked fun at Barack Obama's penchant for golf, Hillary Clinton's emails and even discussed One Direction on the Tonight Show.

In the interview with Jimmy Fallon, Romney talked to his 'reflection' in the mirror and cracked jokes at the President's expense and at his own failed attempt to reach the White House.

Earlier this year Romney declared he would not be running for the presidency again, which gave him free rein in the interview.



  1. Exactly why he should never serve as an elected office of any kind.

  2. Steve, are you really that stupid. Go get a job.

  3. you are stupid if you vote for him.

  4. I must be getting stupider as I get older.For some reason I keep thinking Mitt won't do and say stupid things en route to his presidential campaign (presumably he is running).When will I ever learn?


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