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Sunday, March 22, 2015

More Expired Food In Wicomico County Schools

After asking parents to get their kids to take pictures of EXPIRED food in local schools, I received the above image. The expiration date, JANUARY 8, 2015! 

Cultured Sour Cream, REALLY FREDERICKSEN???


  1. That is disgusting! My niece and nephew attend Wicomico County Public Schools - thank God my sister packs their lunches! That is a lawsuit waiting to happen!

  2. Oh, but the BOE is soooooo great, and wonderful, they are the only ones who really care about the county children. Isn't what they always say?? I want to vomit!

  3. Fredericksen is too busy eating out at the local restaurants at the taxpayers expense while feeding the students out of date food!

  4. Doesn't the Health Department spot check the school cafeterias? If not, they should. If they are, they should do a deeper inspection.

    1. Yes and they inspected most schools last week.

  5. but they have money for new schools... Don't you love that?

    Oh and they will build new schools soon for when they take the Delmar kids away and force them to go to the surround other schools...

    Oh and remember, all the taxes and all the fees are for the KIDS!!!! REMEMBER?????

    you people are the most stupid people on this planet earth... you have a memory like a gold fish, 3 seconds...

  6. cost saving meaures deemed necessary due to over scrutiny by local blog

  7. These "healthy" lunches that were implemented this year by Michelle Obama and her 'infinite wisdom' are absolutely disgusting. I'm curious how much money the schools are losing because the kids are rebelling and not buying them. My son is a junior in high school, and for the first time since pre-k he is packing his lunch. I know many of his friends are doing the same thing this year because the lunches are completely inedible.

  8. That is so disgusting. I think they should take all of the expired food and serve it at the next administrative function. They could save money on catering.

  9. Oh no..sour cream past its best by date. If anything it probably has a more tangy flavor.

  10. 1:39 not me, mind like an elephant!

  11. why would this get to a student anyway? do the cafeteria workers not look at what they have in their kitchen?

  12. 4:57 since you seem to have no adversity towards out dated foods, why don't you and your family go to the schools and purchase all of their expired foods. Imagine the cost savings. On the other hand, you probably would be the first one to call a lawyer and file suit.

  13. Really. Kids can't read and your worries about a single packet of sour creme

  14. Remember folks, our wonderful, ever faithful council goes along with everything the BOE says they want whether they need it or not.
    So, I'm sure they support feeding our children expired food. After all, if it is from the BOE everything is ok, because we all for the children each and everything we do, is all for the children.

    I have a great idea, gather up all the expired food, and chain fast Freddy, and his legions (council members) and force feed the bottom dweller's the food.

  15. The people acting like this isn't a big deal are complete morons. I suggest you go buy some sour cream and leave it until it expires. Check it two or three weeks after expiration and see how much mold has grown. This is absolutely disgusting.

  16. Repeal welfare. Put the money saved into school systems nationwide to reduce the burden on the taxpayers then send all the expired food to the previously well, if not overfed, welfare sponges. Don't like it, want fresh goodies? GET A JOB!!

  17. How in world do you know when sour creame goes bad?????

  18. Those that seem to think this is not a big deal must be cafeteria workers. The same people that tell the kids that it won't hurt them, eat it anyway.

  19. Let's all go back to government cheese in the schools. It never goes out of date.

  20. The manager of one of the school cafeterias got fired today for selling expired food. But here's the thing, from what I understand, this person got permission from the Food Service Director first. So why was this person fired when it was the Director who told this person to do it? Seems to me like they're looking in the wrong place for the scapegoat......

  21. This is SOUR cream. Is that date the "use by", "sell by", or "expiration" date. That would make a big difference. Even milk lasts way past the "sell by" or "expiration" dates, if properly refrigerated.

  22. 9:46, I am sick and tired of your BS excuses. I let this comment through to prove you Idiots truly don't give a crap about the "Children".

    ANY business that SERVES food CANNOT by law serve this food, period.

    I have a friend who used to work for the Health Department and I showed them this information and the FREAKED OUT!

    There are special forms the BOE must fill out. They must immediately do two things. One, if it's a large volume they are to call their supplier ON THE SPOT and demand they come pick up the out dated product and replace it with FRESH.

    OR, they simply throw it in the trash.

    Now, YOU need to call the Health Department yourself before opening your fat mouth and stop spewing false information.


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