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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Wicomico County Liberals On Attack

This morning at the Wicomico County Council meeting the left wing liberals will show up in force. 

Lead by John Fredricksen and boo hoo guy Ron Willy, they will again go after the Council to return the Bennett Middle Project to the CIP. What they should know is that it is a done deal. John Hall, John Cannon, Matt Holloway and Ernie Davis will give them what they want. 

The liberal members of the council are marching lockstep with the old Rick Pollitt, John Fredrickson regime. it will be interesting to see who on the council joins the ranks of the liberals and forgets who elected them. 

On another note the Westside gang will show up about their school. Question is, why didn't they raise hell when Pollitt and his band of liberals were building two 70 million dollar schools on the other side of town?

Let me add this. What Executive Culver is proposing is nothing more then a study. He has never stated what he has proposed would be set in stone. He simply wants the TIME to review this as an OPTION and see what the cost of remodeling would be, IF it is even possible to do so. It amazes me how the rest of the press has simply run with this as if Bob Culver is the Anti Christ. More Liberal BS. 


  1. Just to clarify its the "Westside" of Salisbury school that is causing the problems not the West Side of the County (West Side Primary or Intermediate).

    I was never for Pollitt but I do think the plan for Bennett Middle needs to go as it was scheduled.

  2. We need a change. It's time for Mr. Willey and Mr. Frederickson to go! The most beautiful buildings/structures are well kept and plenty of maintenance. Why does everything have to be brand new? Let's take care of our history and our buildings!!


  4. 9:06am. I agree!!! Tell them to pay!! That is the only way they will change their minds!

  5. All I can say is that we need to pray for the county council in this situation.

  6. I went to the polls and voted for those who I thought would be conservative. In fact most of Wicomico and Maryland did. Culver is trying but without a council that will we are still a lost ball. Is there a way to recall the council?

  7. I agree that certain council members are "selling out" those who elected them. It will not be forgotten. They got elected as Republicans and won't back the Republican County Executive who is asking for more time to do his own study. They need to be booted out of office. A campaign needs to be started against them because they are NOT acting in the interest of the majority of voters.

  8. The RINO council members are listening to a clique and not the majority of voters. I am in numerous organizations and the conversation is pro Culver by an overwhelming majority. People respect what he is trying to do and do not respect the council members who are blindly following the liberal agenda instead of being true to their supposed "Republican values".

  9. Overheard a conversation about Cannon that should embarrass him. Apparently a lot of people are talking about his arrogance and power grab in trying to show up Culver. It isn't playing well in the community. Cannon should be supporting trying to save taxpayers money. People are sorry they voted for him.

  10. We should go to a system where people who have kids in school pay the bill. My kids are grown. I will gladly pay for roads, police and fire, but NOT for excessive spending on schools.

  11. You are right. Media is hyping this. Calling it a showdown. Bassett at his finest. Disgusting. What the media isn't covering is that Culver wants time to study this himself. He hasn't said NO, just is asking questions that should have been asked years ago. Good job Culver, don't let the bast@rds get you down.

  12. Hahhahahah, that's called PRIVATE school 9:39. Get a grip.

  13. Good job, Mr. Culver!! The council needs to play ball or GO, as this is why everyone voted him in, & may be why some of you need to be voted OUT!! He is doing his job properly, while some of you are pandering to a very small elite group.

  14. 10:15 well I'm a taxpayer and I don't feel I am getting my fair share of services either. If parents of school aged children want expensive schools rather than more reasonable schools then they should pay a premium to get them. Is it fair our roads are terrible and crime out of control just so their children get over the top, unnecessarily expensive schools? How do you propose fixing that without more taxes? What is fair to ALL the taxpayers?

  15. We need a recall of these council members. I fully support this action. I spoke with a group today, and believe me, everyone in the room is against this council and will not vote for any of them in the future.
    The RINOS only came on board as republicans so they could be on the ballot, the whole time they knew they would be voting democrats.


  16. More people in this community support Bob Culver than support this deceitful council.

    Council members better get a grip and if you want a future then all of you better start listening to the citizens instead of your under-handed, under the table, deals where all you one minus one person are getting paid through companies you established, and shady dealings.


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