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Friday, March 27, 2015

MEMA Works with Local and Federal Partners to Secure $2.4 Million in Funding for Mitigation Projects Around Maryland

REISTERSTOWN, Md. - Federal funds made available as a result of Hurricane Sandy will help pay for eight disaster mitigation projects around the state, Maryland Emergency Management Agency Executive Director Clay Stamp announced today. MEMA worked with local officials to prepare grant applications to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which approved the projects in February.

“These projects will help to keep communities resilient by reducing flood risks and ensuring power to critical facilities,” Stamp said. “I would like to thank the property owners, local officials, our federal partners, and Governor Hogan for his leadership in helping to make these worthwhile projects a reality.”

Two of the projects will provide generators for critical infrastructure to remain operational during power outages. Five of the projects will elevate 15 residential properties two feet above base flood level, while the final project will purchase and demolish two residential structures in a flood zone.


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