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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Mayor James Ireton, Hypocrisy At Its Best!

The above images are on Mayor Jim Ireton's own street, Philadelphia Ave.

Maryland needs to pass a law to stop obese people from wearing down our sidewalks too. 
Governor Larry Hogan is simply taking far too long to pass these bills while tax paying citizens are extremely inconvenienced, tripping and falling all throughout the City. Scooter repair companies are raking it in, says JT. 

With all the new Downtown Bars, business owners fear for their livelihoods as the threats of lawsuits pile up. 

On the flip side, Downtown Lawyers have seen a spike in business while Mayor Ireton pleas his case to the Governor, FIX OUR ROADS AND SIDEWALKS NOW!
Perhaps Mayor Ireton will run for Governor and paint the Town. In the mean time, this is special eastern shore bureau chief reporter Antoine Merriweather saying, till tomorrow, tootles. 


  1. Is that grass in the sidewalks? Lots of people get fined for that

  2. RALMFAO the pansey mayor has some nerve ,what a douchbag and i watched this fool act like a fool in front of his mom and dad last night ,proud of you girl.....lol

  3. What a fn hypocrite.

  4. OATH KEEPER MEMBER...March 13, 2015 at 3:41 PM

    Is that Obama and Holder in that picture here?

  5. Keeping grass and other plants out of the sidewalk seams prolongs the life of the sidewalk. Those roots exert a lot of hydrostatic pressure on the concrete, causing it to fracture. Once there's a small fracture, ice continues the work, pulling the concrete apart and turning it into what you see in the pictures.
    The city long ago (think decades) put the responsibility for keeping weeds out of the sidewalk on the property owner by law. Too bad that so few follow the law on this one, as we'd have many more sidewalks in much better condition throughout the city.
    This is not to say that the city doesn't bear responsibility for ensuring that the sidewalks are in good condition, especially at crosswalks. Lots of money is spent every year, replacing those with handicap accessible aprons. It's going to be a looooong process to get that done throughout the city. Just one section with the tearout of the old sidewalk and replacing with the sloping grade to the street and the handicap inserts costs over $2000, believe it or not - just that first section of walk, nothing beyond that. Yes, it's pricey, but it's mandated by ADA federal regulations.

  6. A lot of the people on the scooter type wheelchairs are in them mainly due to being obese...Of course, not all. But quite a few in this area use them because it's easier for them to get around since they don't drive and don't want the exercise.

  7. Tootles... That's what all the boys say on WMDT.

  8. I guess he thinks and believes(wrongly) that O'Malley didn't rob the Road Trust fund--and Hogan should have fixed all the roads by now---he's been in office a few months--that should be enough---right?

    If we don't get rid of Ireton--this city is ruined--if not already

  9. This is the most homophobic place I've ever come across. You guys give 4chan a run for its money...

    1. So.....freedom of speach dont like it complain to ISIS..?

    2. Huh? That doesn't make any sense. 4chan is one of the gayest places on the internet.

    3. Once again the liberals advocating censorship...what a surprise. Which enumerated freedom are you going after next? Right to assemble? Right to a speedy trial? You all would love to burn up the first 10 amendments

  10. I sent a link to the governors office. At least I know they'll get a kick out of it.

  11. hey 4:47
    The governor is aware of this !!
    He's not like O'Malley.

  12. A lot of people are in motorized wheelchairs because they can't use their legs, or don't have any. or have medical conditions that make walking unsafe. This is just saying that everyone you see in a motorized chair or scooter isn't using it because of dietary indiscretion.

  13. OK so what'll you all do besides bitch on a blog?????

  14. OMG I love this! The Gay Mare of da 'Ghettobury.

  15. If we don't get rid of Ireton--this city is ruined--if not already

    March 13,

    But we have to make sure that Jake Day doesn't get elected Mayor.

  16. Anonymous said...
    A lot of people are in motorized wheelchairs because they can't use their legs, or don't have any. or have medical conditions that make walking unsafe. This is just saying that everyone you see in a motorized chair or scooter isn't using it because of dietary indiscretion.

    March 13, 2015 at 5:00 PM

    I think that has already been established. Next!

  17. OATH KEEPER MEMBER... said...
    Is that Obama and Holder in that picture here?

    March 13, 2015 at 3:41 PM

    No it's Jim and Tom Stevenson.

  18. yes, this will bring new companies to Salisbury/Wicomico. We are such a well maintained, classy place to live. SMH

  19. If he won't take your call, you can catch him on the beach in Delaware at night.

  20. 5::25 Yea Liberals call theirs complaints but when the conservatives call out their actions its called bitching. You liberals big sissies.

  21. Honorable Ms.Merriweather,

    Is it I alone that sees your tongue firmly in cheek? Bravo!

  22. Pete Cooper is turning over in his grave.

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This is the most homophobic place I've ever come across. You guys give 4chan a run for its money...

    March 13, 2015 at 4:40 PM

    Well then, like the muslims, if you don't like it here feel free to leave.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    OK so what'll you all do besides bitch on a blog?????

    March 13, 2015 at 5:25 PM

    What will YOU do?

  24. 9:05 PM - So are Paul Martin and Sam Seidel!

  25. Joe look at this waste of spending on engraved handouts for the state of the city address. Note that Jake Day is showing it off.


  26. Hey jimmie, why don't you dip into your tip jar from rehoboth and pave these streets?

    You should have some good money saved up from your 'entertaining'.

  27. My sidewalk looks like that. Same area.
    No way I'm spending a dollar to fix it until we can keep school buses , recycle and trash trucks off our sidewalk.

    1. Leave a note on the mayors door its a big blue home on philly ave.

  28. This used to be a nice neighorhood and clean city. But like most cites the infrastructure money is now going to pay for tons of police and equipment to babysit the entitlement generation.Also we have to feed and house babies mommas who continue to have offspring like mice.There is no end in sight we are doomed.


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