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Sunday, March 15, 2015

When Someone Called This Photo ‘Disgusting,’ the Photographer Decided to Fight Back. She Never Expected the Debate to Explode the Way It Did.

The Internet has erupted in a debate over the American flag, the U.S. military and respect.

At the center of the dispute: a photo shoot of a U.S. Navy serviceman holding his child in an American flag.

The photos were taken by Virginia photographer Vanessa Hicks, who posted them on Facebook on Sunday.

The next day, the Facebook page “You Call Yourself A Photographer” picked up the photos — and tore them apart.



  1. I see nothing wrong with it.

  2. House sows just need a reason to bitch. Sometimes, they even bring their cuckhold hubbies into the fight. Pathetic. If you're offended by this picture, I have a coupon for you, entitling the recipient to 1 - Throat Punch and 1 - One way ticket into the Atlantic Ocean.

  3. Where are these Liberal idiots when they burn the flag? That is desecration and unpatriotic. They call that freedom of speech.
    There is nothing wrong with this picture. It shows a military personnel proud of their country and wants their child to be proud of their country, the constitution and that the US flag is something to be proud of.
    Like I have said before "LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT"

  4. I served my country. I vote. I am an American. I find no disrespect to the flag using it that way. I may try a similar photo myself. Carry On.

  5. great photos should provoke thought.. this one does that well.

  6. The link won't open, but I have a triangular flag in my closet and feel that this baby is in very good hands.

  7. Proud to be a serviceman, proud to be American, and proud his child is safely secured and protected in America.

  8. Beautiful picture. And what better way to HONOR the Soldier who is the parent of that beautiful baby.

  9. Cradeling a baby in the American flag is showing you want that child to grow up to love America not like those POS college professors who want to ban the flag. F---them.

  10. That flag around a baby. I love it. That baby won't be shot or beheaded in this country! That flag is a symbol of security. Enjoy it now. That security is dwindling with every day Obama is in office.

  11. I see nothing wrong with this. People have lost their minds! We are living in some kind of sick neo totalitarian country to be offended by this, but not lil Wayne dancing all over the flag in a video.

  12. Art relays a message. This picture is worth a thousand words to a military family.

  13. screw the flag. screw the military.

    just make sure my welfare check gets deposited on time.

  14. This is good. Anyone who sees this as disrespect should go to Southern California...

  15. Amazing nothing gets done when a chick wears flag shorts or a redneck wearing it as a tee shirt.

  16. I think it is a beautiful photo. Our military fights for american citizens who can't fight for themselves. He fights to protect the future of this child. Some people just look for a reason to make a stink about something.


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