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Sunday, March 08, 2015

Body Found In Salisbury

A body has been found in a dumpster around Lake Street and Isabella Street. More to come...


  1. No one deserves that type of treatment. Prayers for them and their family.

  2. How's that crime is down thing working for you Jim?

  3. Salisbury, the crossroads of Delmarva and a great place to hide a body!!

  4. I have had conversations with a couple homeless people that sleep in dumpsters or they pass out while searching for something to eat, so it could end up being no foul play.

  5. What can you say its the way of life in the "Da Bury"

  6. They are saying it is the body of a homeless person. That he may have been in a dumpster to try to keep warm. I just hope he wasn't alive when the dumpster was dumped into the truck!

  7. need do more for home less.

    1. you are so right...no thing is ever really dobe to help with housing except to automatically send them to shelter

  8. Praying for this person. Folks take a look around. Don't let the likes of nick parks deter you from helping someone. We do have homeless. Not any of them deserve this. Nobody does. It not what they get. Or they do it to themselves. Its hard to get a job with dirty clothes no address or phone. Its a hole that's hard to get out of for some. I took blankets out with food and water. I encourage others to do the same. Donations are nice. But to the homeless it means so much more coming from a random person then a charity. Let's them know they aren't forgotten.

    1. The problem is how to tell the "real" ones verse the "fake" ones!!

    2. In the weather we just had.....the real ones are out there! Just look. And not from your car window.

  9. You can't tell who is real and who is fake. Every time I have offered a ride to shelter, food, clothing, and other essentials (food for their pet, etc), I get that "what? No cash?" response. No thanks.

    1. Offering a ride? Smdh. Offer food clothes etc. No rides or cash!

  10. Chief supplies PIZZA to THUGS why is this happening.

  11. That explains the 6 cops there when I passed by.

  12. Is nobody considering that this may be a homeless person who died out on the streets? If that is true, that is the real crime here, and it falls on society. Nobody deserves to die like that.

    1. What if some of those people choose to live that way? You cant save everyone, but you could try I guess.

  13. It's no wonder Ireton wanted to call Salisbury, the bury! This is degrading, and disgusting.

    It is to the point where you aren't safe while shopping, and you aren't safe in your home.

    What is the mayor doing about all the crime? Oh, I forgot he is busy painting gay stripes on the street and opening bars!

  14. but the mayor is out clubbing in bars for gay nights.

  15. The woman with the blonde hair and glasses that is now hanging around Super Giant is NOT homeless. She is another Nick Parks!!


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