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Sunday, March 08, 2015


You better believe our world has a problem and it starts right here in America.

We have a President who has black balled this Prime Minister because he exposed the TRUTH! The White House is already stating Netanyahu delivered nothing new or substantial. Are you Idiots for real?

Obama has no power or influence. Cutting a deal with Iran will last less than a decade, which is a very short time. The Liberal Media isn't exposing this bogus deal and or the outcome that WILL HAPPEN in less then 10 years! 

Iran WILL have nuclear weapons and will do everything in their power to overtake the world with terrorism. With the price of oil going through the roof over these past 10 years, Iran simply gets richer and continues to build it's weapon infrastructure and nuclear capabilities.

NO LONGER will I stand as an America and allow the Liberal leadership to short change Americans from knowing the TRUTH. 

Netanyahu just delivered one of the best speeches I have ever witnessed in my 53 years on this earth. Netanyahu just delivered more facts about future threats to Israel as well as the United States. We need to stand by Israel's side and RESPECT their fear of threats from this world wide enemy.

Iran has LIED for far too long and they must be stopped. 

 Our President has no foreign policy. To hear the proposal he has offered to Iran simply tells me, this A-Hole can't get out of the White House fast enough!

This is AMERICA Ladies & Gentlemen. Listen very clearly, "It's The Only Country You've Got". It's time to protect it and our allies. Israel is our ally. 

Say NO to anything nuclear with Iran or wipe them off the face of the earth. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!


  1. Israel just isn't as important as they think they are.

  2. WAKE UP DEMS KILLING THE WORLD.March 3, 2015 at 12:40 PM

    America better WAKE UP to whats going on with IRAN and Muslim extremism Israel do what you have too do because this Muslim sympathizer of a President couldn't care less, Netanyahu you have warned Obama enough START bombing the crap out of IRAN NOW.

  3. PM Netanyahu surely didn't want his air fouled with the putridness that festers from what some call president.
    The only thing worse than obama are those who voted for him. obama voters are evil and wicked and God will take care of them in His own way in His own time. Those obama supporters who profess to be Christians-they are in for a real awakening for being faux Christians. God hates faux witnesses and that's exactly what they are.

  4. Our Muslim and chief don't give a rats a $$ about the world we live in. A man who was raised Muslim and born in a third world country. Known as Barry Sorento who got a student visa to attend college for free. Twenty years later he becomes Barack Obama a community organizer who hates America along with his band of crooks from Chicago. Now he does things that are unthinkable for our safety. Condemned the hard working Americans and praise the low life's of our society because that is who he and the Chicago crowd identify with. Hold on people shit is going to hit the fan!!!

  5. Here! Here! Anyone who stands with the Obama administration at this point is an enemy to the USA, just as he is. Take that to heart, voters, and to the ballot box in 2016!

  6. I would stand with them a lot more if CHRISTIANITY was their primary religion,but I still stand with them.The reference to Moses was a reference to a prophet.Moses was not Jesus.

  7. When you have a muslim in the White House, does it really matter anymore?

  8. AMEM Joe. I have no use for Obama nor anyone who still supports him. As a matter of fact the Obama supporters are beneath me. There isn't a one of them who is worthy to breath the same air as I. They are ignorant untrustworthy scum and it's about time someone told them what piss poor excuses for human beings they are.

  9. How is America and the rest of the world going to last 2 more years with this president in office he is going to start WWIII idiot Obama.

  10. This is exactly what happens when you place religion before country. A complete mess.

    I remember learning about the Crusades in history. How are these events any different?

  11. Hey Congress!
    We'll get through the racial revolt some predict., okay?
    Please, please for the sake of America and the world, impeach Obama before it's too late.

  12. 1:13 If in fact you do remember (correctly that is though me thinks you are lying and your only knowledge of the Crusades is what obama told you) you will know that the Crusades happened because at the time as is now the Muslims were out of control and trying to take over the earth using barbaric methods.
    The problem with you imbeciles is that you think obama knows what he is talking about. He doesn't and when he does he lies and twists or omits pertinent parts so you would best be served to not ever repeat what he says ever again because you are only showing your low IQ.

  13. "Anonymous said...
    Here! Here! Anyone who stands with the Obama administration at this point is an enemy to the USA, just as he is. Take that to heart, voters, and to the ballot box in 2016!

    March 3, 2015 at 12:48 PM"

    I agree. Obama supporters are the enemy of those of us who are good law biding citizens who care about the future generations and the country.
    We all know those who support obama are welfare kings and queens, and making babies like animals that they can't pay for. They don't value honesty or life and are engaged in crime and other not so good activities. They are bad people all around.

  14. Mr. President could learn a few things from Mr. BBN.... Everyone better wake up as Israel is the promise(d) land.

  15. 2:29 You are so right! !! Could be the beginning of the end . Odrama is too STUPID to realize it.
    The Muslim POS should read part of the Bible.

  16. 1:13 Because all muslims want to kill all christians and jews regardless if you believe like them or not. in america we let you believe the way you want. that's how it it different you idiot. all muslims in the middle east want all jews dead off the face of the earth and israel to no longer be a nation. Pick up the Bible and read it for yourself. Never again will Israel not be a nation. God predicted He would bring them back to their land and Jesus would return to rule the world. Study the rest for yourself.

  17. TO 12:40 PM You MUST THINK that ISIS was and is really very very important. Wake up and read the bible for the PROPHEYS that it contains and have already come true.

  18. 3:13
    I refuse to let historical fiction dictate my life. I'd rather study science and history.

    Besides, my point about the crusades had NOTHING to do with muslim vs. christians vs. jews or whatever, it had everything to do with religion as a whole. That's my point. If you let a religion control your state, bad things happen! We don't let that happen in the US nearly as much, thankfully, but its happening in the Middle East, and Israel is unquestionably part of that problem.

    Also, 2:05, Obama is an idiot. I don't know where you thought I liked him. Shows how narrow minded you really are!

  19. 3:13 Unless you're gay or muslim, right?

  20. How do you like your hope and change now little obama sheep! WW3 here we come

  21. May GOD protect Israel, and America. Pray for protection for our president doesn't care about any of us. GOD protects HIS own.

  22. If a foreign leader wanted to dismantle, degrade, and disrupt our economy, military, and national security, all he would need to do is EXACTLY what this traitorous buffoon is doing (remember he said he would "FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA"???)
    NONE of you lap dogs ever thought of asking "why"? The most powerful economic, military and social entity to EVER exist needed to be changed? That was his best idea and THAT should have been a warning.
    Well, he did it. Decimated the ranks of our top military commanders. Instituted a half-assed health care system that is nothing like he described (save $2500!! keep your doctor!! save the country billions!), even in his purposeful lies about it.
    Made the USA a laughingstock on the world stage -- not a single foreign leader says Obama is skilled in ANYTHING except TALKING. Printed (and continues to print) hundreds of billion dollars worth of fake money, which has NO POSSIBLE OUTCOME except crash and burn. Lets not forget overseeing the explosion of welfare and citizens dependent on handouts. And immigration? His BEST answer is to throw open the borders and allow millions of people in to the USA, no papers, no language skills, diseased and poor. We'll even go out of our way to tell police NOT to arrest any of them!? But we will shower them with tax refunds, free health care, housing, etc, while he tells AMERICANS that we have to CUT Social Security and pensions. You know, the people who actually PAID for all that stuff have to make more "sacrifices".
    Fundamentally changed, all right.
    Keep cheering.

    1. How America is going to last 2 more years is beyond me , i hope his ass gets arrested for treason by our government bc he is killing this World.


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