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Sunday, March 08, 2015

WBOC, WMDT & Daily Times Knocking On Doors

I'm told all of the local media are aggressively knocking on doors asking people if they saw anything referencing the shooting. We're told no one is talking and or saw anything. So much for taking the press release as gospel. 


  1. They want to get some dirt on the Deputy so they can say the deputy shot and unarmed man and then they will get national attention. Hopefully those dirt bag reporters will knock on the wrong door if you know what I mean.

  2. knock knock he is there its the police i mean the media.March 3, 2015 at 1:24 PM

    They are looking for witness who made them police officials OR are they looking to instigate Riots and bring down ole Al Sharpton.

  3. Can't believe they are so stupid as to believe anyone in that neighbor hood will agree to having seen anything.

    Chalk another ticky up on the stupidity board for Salisbury's MSM.

  4. In this case I can believe that not many if anyone actually saw anything. It was after 1am on a cold night. It actually speaks something toward the neighborhood. In the Brown/Ferguson shooting people were coming out of the woodwork claiming they "saw" the shooting and all most all of them were discredited by forensics and the actual eye witnesses.

  5. They can dig all they want, they won't find anything on that deputy He's one of the true good guys!

  6. If he's a "good guy" why is he violating people's rights? AND KILLING THEM FOR NOTHING?

    1. Please explain your questions. How did he violate somebody's rights? By trying to investigate a shooting that happened the night before? By defending himself from a suspect that knocks him to the ground and pulls a gun on him? By shooting and killing a suspect attempting to use a loaded and cocked handgun? I thought citizens wanted safer neighborhoods. I thought citizens wanted law enforcement to walk the streets and do their jobs to protect the people paying our salaries. Please explain what this deputy did wrong.

  7. Let them Dig on this for a while.

    Here is your poor innocent victim that had his rights violated by that mean deputy sheriff.

    Bullet lodged in back of head of man shot in face at Haitian celebration
    Sister of victim doesn't know if her brother will survive

    4:53 PM, May 18, 2009

    A Fort Myers man arrested in connection with a Sunday evening shooting in Golden Gate was only a few feet away from his victim when he shot him in the face, the Collier County Sheriff's Office reported Monday.

    Mohammed Ashley Roche, 18, then fired a second round at 19-year-old Fednel Rhinvil of Golden Gate, but missed.

    Rhinvil, of 4617 19th Place S.W., was flown to Lee Memorial Hospital via an air ambulance. Lee Memorial spokeswoman Pat Dolce said Rhinvil was not officially listed in the hospital's patient directory, and therefore she could not comment on his condition.

    However, a woman who answered the door at Rhinvil's home on Monday afternoon and identified herself as his sister, Judith Rinvil, said she did not know if her brother would survive the shooting. She said she spells her last name without an "H," unlike her brother.

    "It hit him on his left cheek, and it's somewhere in the back of his head somewhere," Judith Rinvil said of the bullet. "There is nothing they can possibly do right now because it's too close to his brain."

    She said she was angry because her family has not been getting reports from law enforcement, and only learned of Roche's arrest from a reporter. She said she doesn't know Roche.

    "Pretty much we don't know nothing," Rinvil said.

    Roche was arrested around 10:30 p.m. Sunday and was booked into the Collier County jail on a felony charge of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon.

    1. You realize he was the victim in this situation. Still had the bullet in his head btw

  8. Need to move the school to a safer location.

  9. The Deputy was just doing his job...the people in the community should thank him...probably saved a few lives.

    1. He was actually a decent guy he wouldn't hurt anyone not trying to hurt him.

  10. 4:01 A deputy's job is not to stalk, harass, obstruct, assault and murder someone walking down the street in a bad neighborhood. I do not believe this young man was armed, even if he was (would any of you walk home from work late in that neighborhood WITHOUT a gun?) there was no crime, no "suspicion" of anything, no correlation between any criminal activity and them walking down the street. He had a right and an obligation to defend himself from this rogue deputy that was looking to instigate trouble.
    This is a MURDER. Period.

    1. You are a complete and utter fool PERIOD! !!

  11. Anonymous said...
    If he's a "good guy" why is he violating people's rights? AND KILLING THEM FOR NOTHING?

    March 3, 2015 at 3:25 PM

    To bad Rhinvil didn't kill you or one of your relatives.

  12. I knew it. I knew we would come here and someone would be defending this POS. He wasn't walking home from work. He probably didn't have a job to be walking from. He did not stop when asked. HE RAN. He was chased by the officer, took the officer down and pulled a gun. That gun was found at the scene. Loaded and cocked. Seriously? What is freaking wrong with you people that you think this is acceptable? ?

  13. The citizens are saving their energy for a march.

  14. Yep another example of the media trying to get drama and not the news.

  15. There is nothing sadder than a good officer having to take a life. That officer will never be the same. He is a decent guy who will probably be traumatized for the rest of his life. Sad all around.

  16. 3:25 PM...What??? Exactly what are you implying fool?

  17. 11:23 He should be! He committed an unwarranted MURDER without justification. He should turn himself in.


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