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Sunday, March 08, 2015

"Caught On Camera: Cop Slaps Man For Refusing Car Search"


  1. The cop is total scum.

  2. I guess you have to be a stupid prick to qualify as a mercenary?

  3. Hopefully, this thug with a badge is no longer employed as an agent charged to "Serve and Protect"!

    With the proliferation of recording equipment (some now required to be worn by clowns like this), everyone needs to be on their best behavior!

  4. Ok LE., let's hear it. Defend this POS.

  5. And cops wonder why we hate the badge so much...

    I guess I must be a criminal, done wrong by the system to say that huh...

    I guess I must be a terrorist for hating corrupt cops huh...

    Oh that's right this stuff doesn't happen right, and that's right all cops are good huh...

    Wait until it gets worse or the economy crashes... Cops have a rude awaking come their way when that goes down...

  6. lol back in my day if you where a smart-ass to a cop you got a smack in the head the problem now is you have a bunch of know it all liberals getting mouthy. Smack him AGAIN.

  7. Another fat pussy with a badge who thinks he's now a badass. He should be charged with assault and battery and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, but I don't think he will. And to all you defenders of this kind of behavior-this is exactly why no body has any respect for LE anymore, and people who defend them no matter what they do are as much of the problem as the actual assholes (to borrow the "officers" favorite term) who commit these sort of crimes.

  8. Poooooooor little big mouth liberals on here your the reason cops go off on you idiots you have BIG Mouths.

  9. Hey. It seems according to local Leos that if a cop gives you a demand you better listen. Screw your rights. They will also tell you that since the kid didn't allow the cop to violate his rights or comply with giving up his keys its OK to use force. And then they will say good job. Glad you came home safe after that. That kid was one hell of a thug! Man he was dangerous.

    1. Look up his criminal record he was NO Angel he was a thug and got what he had coming to him ,i bet you would change your mind if he pointed that gun in your MOMS FACE .?

  10. in a gots to go type of situation.

  11. What gun, 523? I missed that in the video.

  12. 4:00PM
    Back in your day there was ethics and honor in LE, too, pal. Even I had respect for them back then.

    1. There still is respect for cops its the scum liberal loud mouths that are killing this country with there LOUD MOUTHS.

  13. Oh. Another "exception"? A "bad apple"?
    How many video's have to be shown of cops ASSAULTING citizens to convince you that THIS is the new cop reality??
    PUBLIC MASTERS who demand you jump whenever they speak; who can't SPELL "Constitution" and obviously don't know any law except that which they create on the spot.
    How many OTHER people had this cop (who admittedly can become much more "intense") assaulted? I guess police "investigators" have "justified" 99% of all of his previous assaults. So did his accomplices -- the OTHER police who WATCHED this criminal and said nothing.
    PRISON or JAIL for "we, the people".
    High fives and extra donuts for the people who claim to "serve and .....wait for it.....protect" us.
    We're supposed to RESPECT that?

  14. Bad policing he needs to be prosecuted. The dude in the video is an obvious herion addict why waste your time on him he is on his on way to death. The cop is a total criminal period. Sad thing they do make it through the net. Cops around him end up just as guilty for not stomping this cops ass and getting rid of the turd.

  15. You cops need to quit posting and go back to serving and protecting! Instead of pepper macing and slapping

  16. What cop is dumb enough to not know he is probably being filmed? Just shows how arrogant they truly are.

  17. Been a cop for 20 yrs. and you think that is the first time he has done something like that? Please.

  18. That cop has quite an aura.


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