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Friday, March 27, 2015

Governor Hogan Announces Supplemental Budget Supporting Maryland State Police

Actions Will Provide Funding For 100 New Troopers, Reopen Annapolis Barrack

ANNAPOLIS, MD – Today at a swearing-in ceremony for Colonel William M. Pallozzi as superintendent of the Maryland State Police, Governor Hogan announced the administration’s plan to introduce a second supplemental budget, which, in part, will add funding for 100 new Maryland State Police troopers and reopen the barrack in Annapolis.

The announcement reaffirms the Hogan administration’s commitment to making sure that the Maryland State Police remains among the most effective, trusted, and respected police forces in the United States.

The supplemental budget will provide an additional $6.8 million to recruit, train, and equip 100 new troopers. These troopers will be added through two classes, the first of which is scheduled for graduation this year. It will also provide an additional $1.4 million to reopen the Maryland State Police “Barrack J” in Annapolis that was closed by the previous administration in 2008. The governor has instructed Colonel Pallozzi to begin the process of restoring “Barrack J” to an operational state within the next few months.



  1. wait...what??? Cant afford dash cams to protect the innocent but 100 new troopers, barracks and cars to extract more funds from the working class....

  2. Hey 12:38, problem solved. Don't speed and no one can extract funds from you. It really is a simple concept. Everybody do the speed limit and refrain from speeding and you won't get a ticket. See that, I solved your problem for you free of charge. Most doctors and psychiatrists can't make the same claim!

  3. Typical "victim" mentality that permeates society today. It's easier to blame the police for writing you a ticket than it is to accept blame that you were speeding and broke the law. It's never "I was wrong and accept the consequences for my actions" but rather "you wrote me a ticket and are trying to generate money for the state". If you weren't speeding and breaking the law, you would never have an interaction with them unless you needed help. But, it's easier to play the victim. I understand.

    1. Trooopers are just glorified ticket agents.

  4. 1230pm....who was speeding road dog?
    Your a typical trooper arnt you? I know this because its clear you believe EVERYBODY is guilty... you believe your twisted mind and badge trumps Constitutional rights dont you...you ever act like your going to pistol whip someone after you realized you were being videoed?
    Honorable my azz

  5. 1259 loves not having a dashcam too..nazi Gotta make those monthly quotas hey boys? They should issue you bandanas like the rest of the thugs

  6. 12:38 you could never make it anywhere else in the world ...Be glad we have a nanny state.

  7. 12:59 You are right. Lets blame the police for doing their job not the one breaking the law in the first place. Typical lib actions.

  8. They don't want dash cams to start with they might get caught breaking the law! The main ones speeding and breaking the law doing so are the troopers themselves. If you think they are obeying the speed limit you need to travel back and forth to Ocean City from SmallsBury and see who passes you on Rt.50 the most that you recognize that's right it's MSP in a hurry to get to the donut shop or to the barracks.

  9. All you whiners, you are the first to call for Troopers or LEOs when in trouble and then complain they don't get there fast enough. So what if they drive faster than you. It doesn't bother the majority of citizens. Jealousy is a terrible thing.

  10. 325 i would call a real cop NOT a trooper there to busy giving grandma tix.

  11. Sheriff dept gets a thumbs up but I'v seen why too many crooked msp around here..witnessed troopers lying under oath over petty tickets in court. Theres been several unjust killings by msp recently and its going to get way worse without those dashcams.

  12. If you don't want the police used as revenue gatherers stop voting for Democrats.


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