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Friday, March 27, 2015

2016 brawl breaks out on Senate floor

Paul lashes Cruz, Rubio for ‘dangerous' and ‘reckless' positions on government spending.

The 2016 Republican nomination contest spilled onto the Senate floor Thursday, turning a marathon budget debate into a battle over which candidate is prepared to lead the country at a time of war.

Four GOP senators are trying to gain the upper hand on the commander-in-chief test — Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham — and their competition was on vivid display as the Senate took up a Rubio plan to pump tens of billions of dollars more into the Pentagon budget. Paul blasted the idea because the new spending wasn’t offset by other cuts. And caught in the middle was Cruz, who’s pitching himself as a fiscal conservative who can appeal to the hawkish and libertarian wings of the GOP but ultimately sided with Rubio and Graham.



  1. Hillary and O'Malley for 2016...

  2. Do you suppose that since the democrats and the republicans are both against Rand Paul indicate that he is for the constitution? I believe I will stand with Rand.


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