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Friday, March 27, 2015

State Dept's Jen Psaki: Bowe Bergdahl Swap ‘Absolutely’ Worth It


  1. They should hang that POS and fire Jen pasaki

  2. I can't believe it!! Finally saw someone who a bigger political whore than Hilary!!

  3. How is America going to last 19 more months with this treasonous president how.?

  4. Obama Crooked Socialist BastardoMarch 27, 2015 at 2:29 PM

    The MSM media should ask Jen Psaki: "How Could You Justify This Swap of 5 TERRORIS TALIBAN LEADERS for ONE LOUSY ARMY DESERTER and call it "Absolutely Worth It". ?! This poor piss excuse of a woman is just a Propaganda Puppet controlled by Crooked Pro-Muslim Master Puppeteers, Valerie Jarrett and Barry Obama.

  5. Finally someone with some sense who won't let the media tell him what to think.

  6. I would like to see this Jen woman address a group of veterans. Take that back. Shes to ignorant.

  7. do you think anyone in the state dept is going to disagree with the obama administration they are worried more about their political future than telling the american people the truth

  8. They are merely doing what all loser politicians, dictators, despots, and political flunkies like her (does she have ANY integrity left?) do --- say the same lies and misrepresentations over and over and over.
    Stick to the message, no matter how preposterous it is; if not, you're stuck trying to explain the lies you've been telling..
    She does it so well. Her self- respect must be at least knee high.


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