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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

White House Can't Explain Difference Between Indiana Law and One Obama Backed

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest balked when asked Sunday how the Indiana religious freedom law opposed by President Barack Obama differs from a similar law Obama voted for when he was a state senator in Illinois.

Earnest appeared on ABC's "This Week" immediately following Indiana's Republican Gov. Mike Pence on Sunday and was asked about the issue.

"If you have to go back two decades to try to justify something that you're doing today, it may raise questions," Earnest told host George Stephanopoulos.

"It should be easy for leaders to stand up and say, it's wrong to discriminate against people just because of who they love," Earnest continued.

But National Review's Patrick Brennan on Sunday afternoon called that a "weak, unserious argument."

"[These laws] don’t protect or encourage any noticeable level of discrimination against homosexuals; they just provide assurances that the power of the state can’t be brought to bear to make citizens violate their consciences," he writes.

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