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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Dem Rep. Tries to Park Car, Fails Miserably. How She Left It Suggests She Had No Idea She Was on Video.

Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) was captured on video trying — and failing miserably — to park her vehicle in a wide open parking space between two House office buildings on Wednesday.

A “tipster” who caught the stunning incident on video claimed Norton grazed the vehicle parked next to her several times but didn’t even leave a note, which Norton’s office later disputed.



  1. Revoke her license, or I'll never pay MVA another cent!

  2. People like that don't care about anyone but themselves. She flat out lied about leaving a note. You can watch the video and see that.

  3. I am of the opinion if you can't park it, you shouldn't be driving it!! Apparently in this situation, how the steering works is far beyond her.

  4. It's called black privilege.


  5. Guess she's an early adopter in trying out DC's attempt at legalizing weed.

    Hope the owner of the car she damaged is made whole.

  6. if you have ever listened to her you would know she aint that smart. So this is what's expected out of her and her kind!

  7. A picture, or in this case, a video, just says it all and she's disputing it? Sounds like the rest of the people we send to DC.

  8. Woman ain't got a brain in her head. She proves every time she opens her mouth.


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