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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Ben Carson: Obama Is A 'Psychopath'

Ben Carson, an emerging presidential candidate for the Republican Party, was captured in an unguarded moment by a GQ reporter calling President Obama a “psychopath” for the seeming ease with which he lies to the American public.

GQ reports that Carson “had come to the Capitol Hill home of Armstrong Williams, a conservative media impresario who officially serves as Carson’s business manager,” for the president’s State of the Union speech. Shortly after, the two began discussing the speech and Obama.

Williams said, GQ reported: “He looks good. He looks clean. Shirt’s white. The tie. He looks elegant.”

And Carson’s quick reply?

“Like most psychopaths,” Carson said, the news site said. “That’s why they’re successful. That’s the way they look. They all look great.”

More here


  1. He speaks the truth.

  2. A world renowned neurosurgeon, the best in history even, knows a psychopath when he sees one.

  3. Why is Obama still in the WH?
    Is it because of the racial upheaval that 'may' transpire? Could that be the only reason?
    Well, I've got this to say about that, we'll get over and through the racial thing however, we will probably never get over Obama.

    1. Exactly right. If he was impeached, which he most certainly should be, it will be remembered as "because he was black". That fact that he has surpassed even Jimmy Carter as this country's absolute worst president ever will fall by the wayside.

  4. What is the difference between a psychopath and a sociopath? Is a psychopath more likely to be found at a national level while a sociopath is more localized?


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