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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Man With Concealed Carry Stops Slaughter

An armed passerby, carrying his permitted pistol, is being credited with saving the lives of several people when he stepped in off the street and killed a gunman shooting at occupants of a Philadelphia barbershop.

The incident Sunday began when a man, identified by police only by his age, 40, pulled out a gun and opened fire on barbers and customers inside Falah Barber Shop.

While the gunman was shooting, a passerby responded to the gunfire, running into the shop and pulling his own gun. He opened fire and struck the gunman in the chest.

More here


  1. Let's see how much MSM coverage this gets. No law abiding citizen should need a permit other than a background check to carry open or concealed, which is only a formality, since criminals all carry anyway.

    Thank God He put this particular man there at the right time!

    Thank You, God!

  2. This would not happen in Maryland. All in the barber shop would be dead. That's because of liberal Democrats who only want thugs to own guns. With no fanfare or bragging I carry anyway. I realize I m breaking the law but will take my chance with the alternative of self defense or being dead. Survival is priority, period.

  3. 9:29 if you go to trial and I get picked for jury duty you are innocent

  4. And that's the way it should be. Absolutely he should be found innocent by a jury, that's community pride right there.

  5. When more people act like this man, we will return to being a civilized country.

  6. as long as none of you who say you would vote innocent, don't get scared from the govt heavy hand that could go your way on things like this...

    you know how the govt is anti-gun so they can control you...

  7. I have a carry permit in Md. If this occurred in Md. he would be in jail right now. If the criminal ain't shooting at me I best stay clear. Sad

  8. In Maryland, he would be facing multiple felony counts.
    Courtesy of your "leaders". And prosecutors.
    Carry and don't think you need any politician or cop to say its okay....you are only a statistic to them.
    Take the jury trial. I'm another one who would insist "not guilty". It only takes one, you know.


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