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Sunday, March 08, 2015

2 police records on Fednel Rhinvil from Florida: (suspect shot and killed by Sheriff's Deputy)


  1. If Obama had a son, he would look just like this thug...

  2. But wait he was also an Eagle scout and on the honor roll too!!!

  3. Good shoot keep up the good work officers.

  4. He was on his way to sign up for community college.

  5. He was headed to a gun buy-back event where free pizza and purple drank were being looted.

  6. If he was doing nothing wrong, why run. One stopped and spoke to the police officer. I am of color and this race thing is being created by our own race. We are killing our own more then any police officer, white, Korean, Asian etc.. 1st thing everyone wants to do is play a race card. Get a job, get off of welfare and section 8. Support yourself and your kids. Stop blaming everyone else for the issues in our race that our race alone has created. Quick to blame but not accept responsibility. I was raised on welfare and refused to put my kids in that situation. You have a choice and its not always about race. If the victim had killed the officer, would you think it was justice served. What are we teaching are kids with this

    1. Thank you brother now tell that to Al Sharpton and the NAACP.

  7. He'd already been shot in the face once in FL and lived. You'd think he would have had an enlightening and changed his ways. He's Haitian.

  8. I don't care what you put up. Another fight and what seems to be a slew of charges that hopefully one would stick or plea out. No persons rights need to be violated. Period. Criminal or not. Do some more digging. What was the outcome of these charges? Anyone can be charged. Lots of people have these mug shots. Regardless of his past. Once you start to loose grip on something it keeps slipping away.

  9. 6:56, do you think what happened was ok? Do you think it is normal behavior to be roaming the neighborhood and run when an officer asks questions? Do you think it normal behavior that this person got the officer in his back and pulled a gun? One more question....if someone pulled a gun on you what would YOU do?

    1. Of what you say happened then I doubt the kid had his gun pulled out. Sounds like the deputy was bested and would've been killed. Thanks officer for even more to speculation to add. Do you think it's normal behavior for cops to do what they want and be above the law officer? Oh that's right , your trained to drive in the snow at 80 mph on the phone. Or how about the old , well I or my dog smell marijuana and I'm going to search to have probable cause. No drugs found but find another reason to charge.

  10. Just another criminal from Haiti. Haiti means hell. These mothers come here case hard. They live in trash bags. Rape children eat dogs. I could go on all day. They get here 95% will live right. The rest never get off the island. They will not work and then learn from local thugs how to live in America. Where you can impregnate 12 women and not pay a dime. You get a free phone. Free food. No time for selling dope to the man. Walk the streets at night packing a piece hauling dope in the wrong neighborhood. Enough said.

    I will sleep well tonight. Adios Fednel do not rest in peace you looked it up and it got you.

    1. He looked it up? I beg to differ. That murdering cop looked him up!

  11. 6:59 No peoples rights should be violated, criminal or not? You are an insult to intelligent human beings and to this blog site.

  12. 6:43 Sounds like you got your act together. If more people of any color would follow your lead things would be a lot better.

  13. Resists with violence, not anymore...

  14. Hey 7:38
    Yes it is normal for their culture , they are taught this function of running as you are taught to read.
    Sorry they have been taught the wrong thing , obamie is the teacher now along with Al Sharpton the principle.

  15. 6:43 PM...well put and cheers to you. Have you considered running for office?

  16. Just another Gangster dead. Sorry say what you will this guy was no good from the feet up. This dude was Haitian stop calling him African American. Was not an American bone is his crooked ass body. Came to America thugging and leaves in a box. Oh Well.

  17. African American.
    What does that term mean anymore?


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