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Sunday, March 08, 2015

Armed Robbery On Mills Street In Salisbury


  1. And STILL....the police will not ALLOW us (!? --- we need their PERMISSION to use our God given rights??) to carry.
    of course, some of us have NEVER thought we need ANY man, cop or not, to say it was okay to protect ourselves and our family.
    THEY (cops and their family) ALL have guns, bet your life.
    THEY are just never around to protect YOUR family. You have to scream for help and hope someone like, uh, um, ME or some other free man, comes over and does what the police CLAIM they do.
    I would only need a couple of rounds, however.
    No back-up is needed. Or wanted.
    Cheer THAT.

  2. Wow! That description will help.

  3. Another reason to get rid of Police chief if you can call her that--she's beyond help at this point... and her illustriious mayor Idiot Ireton

  4. Don't worry, babs duncan has all her force in the building, making phone calls and writing reports, cause that's how you solve crime, by sitting in the building

  5. They will start searching people in the area tomorrow folks. No fear.

  6. Where is Mills Street?

  7. Was this at the farmers and planters?

  8. Salisbury City to busy sitting in freaking meetings all day. Half the force stays in the building all day. Really ??? Ireton is to busy getting his mani and pedi and Brazilian wax to give a shit.

    Good cops piss poor leadership. Colburne Dykes is somewhere laughing his ass off at the "Bury" This goes way beyond the latest rash of robberies. Babs Duncan is a very smart person. I have to blame this on the Mayor who, so proudly proclaims "I run the police department" Well Slick get to running it then or get the fu** out of the way sugar pants. There is a war out there and you are busy painting cross walks. Get your priorities in order Hug a Thug. Your plan is shit !!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Don't let babs fool you. It is just as much her agenda as iretons.

  10. There is no law against carrying a gun unless you are caught. If you are caught you will pay a fine. If the gun saves your life, you are still alive. So what is the sensible, common sense solution? You have a choice, you have chance to save your life or nothing else matters. PERIOD

    1. Tell that to the cop lovers posting about that boy killed. Already shot in the face once. Hell, I would carry forever after that.

  11. Once again the criminals failed to make an appointment with SPD for the robbery. That's definitely the Mayors fault for not reminding them to do so. The Police chief with reprimand the criminals for failure to notify them of an impending crime.

  12. Was this at Farmers & Planters???

  13. That isn't far from where they found the guy in the dumpster dead. Charming city life.

  14. You do not need permission the carry a gun , it is your right.
    I've been carrying for over 50 years , it has saved me several times . Coming from the D.C. area I'm sure you understand. (Marion Barry taught his people well , NOT!!!)
    I do recommend a small 380 for the pocket with easy access , a 357 mag. back-up.

  15. 5:47... you might want to go on a speaking tour to the brainless masses.
    They are under the brainwashed impression that they need SOMEONE in the government to tell them "its okay".
    99.99% of the "representatives" aren't worth the dirt they walk on and we are supposed to ASK them if its okay to be free? To protect ourselves?
    That's sort of like asking a crackhead if it's okay if to buy a winter coat today....who cares what they think???
    The people who CLAIM to protect you, cannot.
    You are just a revenue target to them.
    Keep cheering.


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