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Sunday, March 15, 2015


Pack your bags and get the hell out of Salisbury, there's been yet another shooting near a Playground next to Salisbury Middle School.

Yeah, crime is down in Salisbury. There will be armed guards at the Mayor's State of the City Address. Bring your body armor. 


  1. WHEN is this idiot police chief and mayor going to get called OUT on this.........

  2. JOE it's not Salisbury its Da,bury. I will say its about right. Now this is why i want my kids to stay in the Delmar school system.

    1. Yeah. Keep letting stay there. Delmar is only half thug.

  3. 8:13.. You're right. Nobody wants to be the first to say it but this, just like 99% of every other gun crime in what used to be a halfway decent town is thanks to the hoods in the hood. Keep building those nice new section 8 homes, handing out the welfare checks and letting their kids bounce in and out of choices and they'll keep doing what they do.

  4. Imagine that...in the same area the deputy was patrolling when he ended up shooting a man with a gun...hmmm...where are all the people going on and on about rights being violated and such? Oh I guess they were right he wasn't doing anything wrong at 2am...they can shoot people at 7pm! LOL

    1. No incriminating press releases this time.

  5. 8:22 is absolutely right. It's sad and he/she is makes a good point. No one wants to say it because none of us really want to feel that way but...it is what it is.
    Move law enforcement patrols to what's left of this town where residents actually give a damn about their quality of life and their property they've worked to earn and let these idiots wipe each other out.
    Good riddance.

  6. The Mayor will have to decide if he wants a city full of thugs or families.

  7. yeah then when one of the THUGS get shot they complain that cops dont do there jobs or do it to WELL/ Mayor wake the hell up that goes for the damn police chief also MORE POLICE PATROLS IN THESE CRIME INFESTED AREAS.


    You see, THUGS don't show up at Council Meetings. They don't care what goes on in politics.

    Even Jake Day wants more affordable housing, which brings more THUGS. The THUGS want what YOU and I have worked so hard for, yet they DON'T want to work for it. If they can't have it, well, then they steal it from you. If you don't have what they want to steal, then they shoot you.

    Salisbury will NEVER come around. It will NEVER be safe any more. I tried to warn ALL of you this was coming.

    Salisbury residents would be safer living in JAIL then they would residing in Salisbury. Thanks Jim & Jake!!!

  9. Jim ireton ,Jake day, you two are A//Holes.

  10. Mr Day you had my vote not now you idiot.

  11. Yeah this town has become a product of dumb a$$ liberal thinking. Go to Walmart or Foodlion when food stamps come out 2x a month. You will see everything being bought up around those times. Because our area is saturated with food stamp recipients. Fill in the rest with your imagination.

  12. 8:29 has a point. Pull out of the black neighborhoods with law enforcement and let those people fend for themselves. The race batters scream when a black is shot by a cop, but they never scream when a black shoots a black.

  13. Let's see how much black lives really matter. Bet not a one person protests because black lives do not matter to other blacks UNLESS they can make it a racial thing. Disgusting!

    1. The officer involved shooting wasn't about race. You idiots keep wanting it to be about race. It was about a violation of rights!

  14. Just wait until the artist housing (Haha) is fully stocked.

  15. If my kid gets shipped to wi hi they will never take a state test again. I will opp out every year.

  16. Dont forget their vision of downtown! Allow open containers and it will solve all the problems......except those on Friday or Saturday night's when the thugs show up and slit the throats in an establishment like happened at Eschelon a week or so ago. Crazy.

  17. Don't worry, the ten female recruits that SPD currently has in the academy will take care of business.

  18. The SPD officers can't fill out applications fast enough, they are leaving in droves. Tired of the duncan dictator and her cronyism. Hold on Salisbury it's about to get bad.

  19. As long as we have easy access to guns, we will always have shootings...no matter the town, the mayor, the council, the voters.

    1. Always a moron in the crowd.

    2. Exactly. If we...the tax paying law abiding citizens...had easier access to legally licensed guns any criminal would think twice about approaching a potential victim. It's a shame there isn't something in the constitution about citizens having the right to bear ar......... Oh yeah. I remember now. We're only supposed to pretend this is still a free country.

      Land of the free used to mean just that. Now it means hey, no need to work...everything here for deadbeats is free!!

  20. If my kids are redistricted to Wi Hi they'll not be attending, homeschooled is what they will be. This shooting was not in city limits although it is only a block away from the city line.

  21. First of all,we dont live in a perfect world. We're not ln a perfect city either. Im sure the city,county and state police are doing what they think is best for your protection. Not many will agree to that after reading the other comments. Thats just my opinion and its ok to disagree.
    You gotta keep in mind though that these people dont have any RESPECT for theirselves or anyone else for that matter. No matter how many police officers we have,these shootings,robberies and assaults will still go on. I sure dont have the answer. Most if not all these people come from one parent homes,and that one parent is the mother. Alot ,not all of them had these future criminals so they could collect more welfare money. They didnt care about theirselves or their kids. All they wanted was that check,so that RESPECT is totally non existant. One thing is for sure,this criminal element is not going away no matter what you do.
    Salisbury can still be salvaged,but as long as you have certain people in charge that are only there for their own benifit,nothing will change. We had a good choice at the last Mayor election,but it didnt happen. I personally think Joe Albero could have put a dent in all these problems. He may not have all the right answers. He sure as hell had better ones. No city or county council can fix these problems,it takes The Whole Damn City to stand up to fix this......just my opinion.

  22. There will be armed guards at the Mayor's State of the City Address. Bring your body armor.

    And remember to bring your family!!

  23. Anonymous said...
    8:13.. You're right. Nobody wants to be the first to say it but this, just like 99% of every other gun crime in what used to be a halfway decent town is thanks to the hoods in the hood. Keep building those nice new section 8 homes, handing out the welfare checks and letting their kids bounce in and out of choices and they'll keep doing what they do.

    March 9, 2015 at 8:22 PM

    You are spot on!! Every time Jim Ireton, the city or county allow Section 8 housing it comes with crime. When you her the feel good buzz word "affordable housing" you need to run. Run far away. Get involved, get engaged and call your council members and let them know how you feel about this garbage. Let them know your vote and your families voted depends on their vote. If they don't believe you then they will find out come election day.

    If you don't do anything then don't get on this blog and bitch as anonymous.

  24. Blogger JoeAlbero said...

    You see, THUGS don't show up at Council Meetings. They don't care what goes on in politics.

    Even Jake Day wants more affordable housing, which brings more THUGS. The THUGS want what YOU and I have worked so hard for, yet they DON'T want to work for it. If they can't have it, well, then they steal it from you. If you don't have what they want to steal, then they shoot you.

    Salisbury will NEVER come around. It will NEVER be safe any more. I tried to warn ALL of you this was coming.

    Salisbury residents would be safer living in JAIL then they would residing in Salisbury. Thanks Jim & Jake!!!

    March 9, 2015 at 8:36 PM

    Joe is !00% correct. The thugs are already here.

    Notice that the Firehouse live at the old fire station has a little bit of life going on. Well that won't las and you can bet Gillis Gilkerson is chomping at the bit dying to make it "affordable housing." That means more crime downtown.

  25. Anonymous said...
    Dont forget their vision of downtown! Allow open containers and it will solve all the problems......except those on Friday or Saturday night's when the thugs show up and slit the throats in an establishment like happened at Eschelon a week or so ago. Crazy.

    March 9, 2015 at 9:52 PM

    Huh? Did we miss something here? What happened at the Eschelon?

  26. Anonymous said...
    As long as we have easy access to guns, we will always have shootings...no matter the town, the mayor, the council, the voters.

    March 9, 2015 at 10:26 PM

    Aw, this soft hearted liberal moron is suggesting that we ban all guns. Yep that will work. NOT!!

  27. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The SPD officers can't fill out applications fast enough, they are leaving in droves. Tired of the duncan dictator and her cronyism. Hold on Salisbury it's about to get bad.

    March 9, 2015 at 10:25 PM

    It's time for a city public safety director to run the city police and the city fire department. Someone that know what's going on in both organizations.

  28. Should have combined City and County services years ago and maybe, just maybe this stuff would be under control. But...just another reason to combine them now.

  29. 3 police agencys cover wicomico county period. And the crime is still through the ROOF the cheif mayor and sheriff need to be FIRED.

  30. I was at a meeting with the Mayor several weeks ago and he made a statement about crime was down in Salisbury, and Salisbury was a safe place to live. WOW I don't think so!!

  31. Anonymous said...
    As long as we have easy access to guns, we will always have shootings...no matter the town, the mayor, the council, the voters.

    March 9, 2015 at 10:26 PM

    NO. As long as we have CRIMINALS, we will always have shootings. Guns don't shoot themselves. It takes a person wishing to do harm to pull the trigger. And, if you hear someone say "It just went off", know that they are lying, and have poor trigger discipline. Unreal how some of you neanderthals think.

  32. Joe First off we need to stop calling it affordable housing. It's The Projects-a place where the democrats like Ireton and Day can corral the undesirables of society, toss them a bone in the form of a welfare benefit once in awhile which shuts them up and then they vote for them. These people have not figured out they are still nothing but slaves. They aren't people to the democrats only votes. They want them to keep spitting out babies they can't take care of because it means more democrat voters. Democrats are not honorable people. They are liars. They tell you only what you want to hear.

  33. "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    As long as we have easy access to guns, we will always have shootings...no matter the town, the mayor, the council, the voters.

    March 9, 2015 at 10:26 PM"

    NO 10:26 YOU ARE WRONG. It's as long as we have people like YOU who do nothing more than babble out excuses, we will always have shootings.
    People like YOU are the enablers! Too damn stupid to stop and think-Oh guns just don't shoot themselves.
    Now grow a brain and start using it! It's the lack of respect for anything these people have including life! Oh unless they can attach a racial agenda to it, then they are on it like flies on crap=Too funny! Take your black lives matter and shove it because you are just lying. am so sick and tired of the excuses. The violence will stop when the children start having more of a stable home life. Learning right from wrong. Having to be accountable to their parents and parents that love them enough to be consistently positive role models.
    Parent's who aren't criminals themselves. Parents who aren't using mind altering substances including alcohol.

  34. Glad I left
    Salisbury to South Florida 19 years ago..Salisbury is where I grew up but I could see what was coming after ECI came. Now I am in paradise and loving it. Get rid of the thugs!

  35. I am in total agreement let the county run things and get rid of the entire city administration. None of the city administration have sense enough to come in out of the rain unless it is the drunken sleazy mayor doing his acts in bars. We need to face it he is a drunker. He actually tried to come on to one of my family members who is straight and was in the same bar located in town. He is disgusting and repulsive!

    We don't need or wait more section 8 give aways.

    They want open containers downtown so when people get drunk, it won't matter if they get attacked or killed.

    It certainly doesn't appear that the police chief, Ireton or Day or doing anything to protect the citizens of this city. My heavens there are attacks or shootings everyday here. What are you all doing to protect us??? Get out of the bars and start protecting the citizens.

  36. People need to stop being so closed minded. I was the same way when my son chose to go to WiHi. We live on the Maryland side of Delmar so he could go to either school. He chose WiHi because they offered a program that Delmar is to small to offer. He loves going to WiHi. He knows that no matter what school you go to you have to stay away from the drama. I judged WiHi unfairly. They have some of the best teachers there. I'm proud to say my son goes to WiHi. Those of you that think Delmar is better should really talk to your kids. They have the same problems other schools in the area face.

  37. Do I have time enough to get a few pieces of furniture while I'm getting the heck out? I wouldn't want to move into a crime free neighborhood with only the clothes on my back.

  38. The Mayor is right about crime being down. But that's if only it includes reported crime. If non-reported crimes are added it would probably 3-5 times greater amounts.

  39. 1:26 Yep.

    The thug violated the community's right to be free of armed criminals prowling the streets.

    If he hadn't pulled an (illegal) firearm on the officer, he would still be alive. His decision, his funeral. No big loss.


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