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Friday, February 13, 2015

GOP senator: Obama’s ISIS plan 'utterly stupid'

A Republican senator on Wednesday ripped President Obama for seeking to limit the use of military force against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), calling the proposal “utterly stupid."

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), in a radio interview, noted the recent death of Kayla Mueller, who died while held captive by the terrorist group, to argue the president needs to threaten ISIS with "all the force he can get."

"And here we have the president coming up with this — I think it's utterly stupid — proposal," Hatch told KSL News Radio. "And he's binding the next president also with really stupid language."

"Any president worth his or her salt is going to ask for as much authority as they can get, so at least the ISIS people know that he has the authority to come in on them anyway he wants to.”



  1. NObama coming up with a stupid idea is not breaking news anymore. It is just par for the course.

  2. It is remarkable, however, that high-level people are now openly calling him stupid.
    We all know that, but they don't usually come right out and say it.
    It has gotten to a level where it is undeniable and even world leaders are openly laughing at him.
    The laugh is on us, though.
    We (re)elected him.

  3. Jordan has made Obama look like he really is, a pansy, lying, no count Muslim.

  4. And any American worth a damn will gladly volunteer his son or daughter for military service in this endeavor,or shut the hell up.

  5. You guys are soioooo right. The smart idea would be to throw 100+k us troops in for ten years to fight Arab battles that have raged for centuries


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