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Friday, February 13, 2015

Salisbury City Council Work Session Agenda For TUESDAY, February 17th


  1. I noticed that it says Workday defined as Monday - Friday. Shouldn't it be Weekday defined as Monday - Friday.

    This may be nit picking but often in laws if the language isn't used properly it can just create another legal loop hole to be abused.

  2. "To further protect ones peaceful blah blah blah.."

    Give me a break Holland. Peaceful enjoyment is the entire weekend. Are you at work on Saturdays?? I bet not. Which group of contractors are you working for? Your job is to protect the citizens of this City, not cram bullcrap down their throats, like Saturday is a weekday crap.
    Absolutely not.

  3. Salisbury PD will increase calls at Tri_County Council with homeless a nd transient population.

    Thanks Sheriff's Office

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Salisbury PD will increase calls at Tri_County Council with homeless a nd transient population.

    Thanks Sheriff's Office

    February 13, 2015 at 6:46 PM

    Some lazy ass wannabe police officer from the Salisbury PD who is worried they may have to actually do something during their shift.

    This has nothing to do with the Sheriff's office. If your lazy ass has a beef then complain to the mayor and city council who keeps trying to annex all of Wicomico County. Greed and power is what it is all about.

  5. Chris Jakubiak, LMFAO. I see Jim Ireton is still using this crook from the DingleBarry Tilghman administration. LMAO

  6. The maps do not match each other, and therefore tell us nothing. The bottom line is that through smoke and mirrors, the City (Liarton) wants to annex property into the City when the City can't handle the sewage, water, and other services on the property presently annexed.

    This is nothing but a monetary favor for a friend in the good old boys' network.

    Please don't fall for this rape of your tax money for the profits of Tilghman, Pollitt, Dunn and the rest.


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