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Friday, February 13, 2015

Florida Dad Protests Islam Lessons in Son's H.S. History Class

The father of a Florida high schooler says students were required to recite an Islamic prayer in a 10th grade history class.

"Students were instructed to recite this prayer as the first Pillar of Islam, off of the board at the teacher's instruction," Ron Wagner said.

He said that his son's world history book at Lyman High School has a chapter dedicated to the "Rise of Islam," which includes prayers and scriptures from the Koran.

"For it to be mandatory and part of the curriculum and in the textbooks, didn't seem right," Wagner said, adding that the book doesn't contain similar sections about Judaism and Christianity.

Wagner said he became concerned when he noticed a text message reminder from the teacher to his son about completing a prayer rug assignment and studying an Islam packet.



  1. Get out here...really..Our Kids can't say Christmas // Easter and other holidays and they want them to learn and study ISLAM..Is this telling you all something...WAKE UP before it is too LATE..

  2. This is a clear violation of Church and State. Take note, Christians, YOU argue for this nonsense in schools, then get bent when it's not your brand.

    This is why there is an establishment clause. THIS is why religion should be kept out of the public sector.

  3. People of USA better wake up before Obama destroys this country !!

  4. Thanks u liberal twats where is ur outrage?

  5. Separation of state & church doesn't count if one of the churches is muslin?


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