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Sunday, February 08, 2015

Glock's new commercial


  1. She should have been ready to fire and emptied the clip into him! As soon as the door was kicked in she needed to fire!

  2. ok take it easy, it is a tv commercial

  3. I agree, but as in the state of MD you have better have it on video, he better be trying to kill you all while being on the phone with the police and the magazine better not have more than ten rounds in it. Plus to be sure he is past the threshold of the door. Even with all this I'm sure the state will still try to prosecute you for something. It is sad.

  4. 1:16 What clip? Glocks don't use clips.

  5. Glock hang guns use clips. Please take the time to investigate before spewing your incompetence.

    1. They use magazines, but hey, you are the apparent expert.

  6. OK 1:59 so you know something about guns, that is not the point 1:37 was trying to make.Donkeys don't go to college because there is no market for smart asses

  7. 1:16 , really? What do they use? !

  8. She is one hot chick is all I can say. I would love to cuddle up with her.

    1. Sorry 4:49. She's actually a male actress in playing the role of a female. Yeah I know, the times we're living in really stink.

  9. In reality the perpetrator would have really been a minority and she would have been raped, tortured and murdered.

  10. The message here you guys IS...women are beginning to protect themselves and wise up to the notion of being protected. You love your girl/wife... valentines day is a great day for a useful gift. Perhaps heavier locks on doors than this gal had.

  11. No woman is ever 5 feet from a cell phone. 911 on the way to the gun would be prudent. Scream while you're on there so there is some evidence that you feared for your life if you have to blow him away.


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