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Sunday, February 08, 2015

Report: The Gravy Train Is Over For Welfare Recipients: ‘Earn Your Keep or Go Hungry’

For those who are tired of seeing their hard earned money forcibly seized by the government and redistributed to those who refuse to contribute anything of value to society. Even the staunchest of conservatives and libertarians understands that a civilized society needs to provide some level of support for those who are sick, disabled, or simply going through a rough period like losing a job. Americans are a generous people and for the most part we’re all willing to chip in to make our country a better place.

But we can all probably agree that within the social programs designed to provide for the truly needy there also exist hundreds of thousands of people who have made a career out of taking advantage of our good nature and living off government subsistence. These people are able-bodied and fully capable of performing labor of some kind, but like one woman who recently called in to an Austin radio show, they prefer to sit at home because they know they are “still gonna get paid.”

I get to sit home… I get to go visit my friends all day… I even get to smoke weed…

Me and people that I know that are illegal immigrants that don’t contribute to society, we still gonna get paid.

Our check’s gonna come in the mail every month… and it’s gonna be on time… and we get subsidized housing… we even get presents delivered for our kids on Christmas… Why should I work?

Full interview



  1. I'm getting ready to write a $18,000 check to the IRS so I can help pay for these people.

  2. I know this has been brought up before but why is it ok for me to be drug tested in order to keep my job. (which i have been @ for 12 years) but someone sitting around waiting for a check for doing nothing every month does not. Why can't we make it so you can refuse to take the test but no more benefits.

  3. 3:24 I sure wish I had an answer for that the more we work the more Liberal Scum take from us and give it to their Parasite Scum to buy more votes.

  4. Sure its gonna happen?...more smoke up are arses!@@$...reagan was suposed to clean up the welfare queens!... but since then .the so called safety net has grown exponentially...creating an embedded government blood sucking bureaucracy..that must be fed!

  5. Welfare is out of control.

  6. I agree there's a lot of bums on food stamps, but not everyone on assistance is a bum. I grew up in an active duty military family and we got food stamps, WIC, and Head Start for a while. Lots of military families are on assistance and the politicians should be ashamed for letting that happen.

  7. Pull the benefits from the welfare recipients, those who chose not to work and look down on those who do, and you'll have rioting and looting and murder in the streets, followed by robberies, burglaries and more murders.
    With this liberal view that everyone deserves something for nothing, even if they have the ability to give back to the system, has poisoned our culture and created a monster with so many heads at so many levels that it will be impossible to kill or even tame.

  8. All these FREE breeders on welfare should be forced by law to have DNA done on the children and then have the females tubes tied and males forced to have vasectomies, all this completed before the first deadbeat check is mailed.

  9. I love watching people in front of me get Porterhouse steaks and shrimp, while me and mine get to budget and coupon in order to eat....I think it's totally fair to have 5~6 kids from different men, lay around and smoke dope, get yer nails and hair did....it's fair......SAID NO TAX PAYING AMERICAN CITIZEN EVER!!!

  10. The government keeps you at each others throats so you will be too distracted to see the REAL welfare THEY get.

  11. Cap the benefits at two kids. Drug test recipients. We have a right to demand an end to our working hard so the freeloaders can have more free stuff. They are entitled to work for what they want. We're all entitled to that.

  12. What's a Porterhouse steak?

  13. NO illegal aliens should be allowed benefits. All applicants should be tax paying, working and legal citizens in our country for at least 10 years.

  14. I have no problem with subsistence-level help for people who need it. What kills me is that some people, who know how to work the system, make substantially more in benefits than your average working person. That's crap.


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