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Sunday, February 08, 2015

Notable Today recognizes Carla Moore of Pittsville Maryland

Notable Today recognizes Carla Moore

Pittsville resident recognized as among the more notable persons to have been born in 1989.

Notable Today™ is recognizing Carla Moore with inclusion in the 2015 edition of the prestigious Notables of 1989 List.

Moore, a Pittsville, Maryland resident, is among a number individuals born in 1989 to have demonstrated or achieved notability, as determined by the editors of Notable Today™.

Recognition on a Notables List™ highlights individuals who have become worthy of attention or notice in their local communities though either through career success, demonstration of a high level of personal integrity, worthwhile volunteer contributions or other considerations.

Notables Lists™ are intended to celebrate excellence, achievement, altruism, newsworthiness and, above all, notability. Notables Lists™ are updated annually, with inclusion one year being no guarantee of inclusion in the next. Notability, like fame, is fleeting and somewhat arbitrary.

Moore was nominated in October of 2014 for inclusion in the Notables of 1989 list, and selected by editors in December 2014 for inclusion in the Notables of 1989 List™, 2015 Edition.



  1. so what is she noted for, other than the obvious ?

  2. This chicks gut is trying to pop out more than her fits. Free rides? Shamoo at the park? Who is this chick and why would a pic like this be posted with? What a slore!

  3. Yeah um notable lol, yeah a true joke Ms Freerides.

  4. most notable that she stole tens maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Town of Pittsville in which her father was a signature authority on all checks and nothing to date has been done about it and said father was reelected to the same position and has the same authority--the town taxpayers lost all that money and nothing to date has been done

  5. And for just $29.95, you, too, can have a copy of the Notables of 1989 List(TM), 2015 Edition.
    How many copies have you ordered, Carla?

  6. That pair will be 3 of a kind though!

  7. Keep flipping rolls until you smell poop.....then put one roll back!

    1. Rolls 4:21? I see whole loaves!

  8. Thanks Joe! My wife walked by right when I brought up the post. Now she is pissed thinking I'm looking at trashy porn sites. Lol.Lucy! Looks like I got some splaining to do!

  9. Anon432 - or you just wear the pants

    1. No. I'm lucky to have her.she's a hottie! I don't need to look at them. Sorry about your luck!

    2. She is white trash.

  10. So 9:10, you're basically comparing your wife to it? "I don't need to look at them" sounds like she has the same things as your wife. Sorry for your luck pal!

  11. Notable today is a spam site that automatically pulls data from public records. The people listed are simply people who have been automatically added to the database. It has nothing to do with being notable. It has to do with your information being found online. It's so funny that these people actually think that they were nominated or selected because they are special.


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